#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; require "./test.pl"; set_up_inc('../lib'); } use Config; my $Is_VMSish = ($^O eq 'VMS'); if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { # under minitest, buildcustomize sets this to 1, which means # nlinks isn't populated properly, allow our tests to pass ${^WIN32_SLOPPY_STAT} = 0; } if (($^O eq 'MSWin32') || ($^O eq 'NetWare')) { $wd = `cd`; } elsif ($^O eq 'VMS') { $wd = `show default`; } elsif ( $^O =~ /android/ || $^O eq 'nto' ) { # On Android and Blackberry 10, pwd is a shell builtin, so plain `pwd` # won't cut it $wd = `sh -c pwd`; } else { $wd = `pwd`; } chomp($wd); die "Can't get current working directory" if(!$wd); my $has_link = $Config{d_link}; my $accurate_timestamps = !($^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'NetWare' || $^O eq 'dos' || $^O eq 'os2' || $^O eq 'cygwin' || $^O eq 'amigaos' || $wd =~ m#$Config{afsroot}/# ); if (defined &Win32::IsWinNT && Win32::IsWinNT()) { if (Win32::FsType() eq 'NTFS') { $has_link = 1; $accurate_timestamps = 1; } else { $has_link = 0; } } my $needs_fh_reopen = $^O eq 'dos' # Not needed on HPFS, but needed on HPFS386 ?! || $^O eq 'os2'; $needs_fh_reopen = 1 if (defined &Win32::IsWin95 && Win32::IsWin95()); my $skip_mode_checks = $^O eq 'cygwin' && $ENV{CYGWIN} !~ /ntsec/; plan tests => 61; my $tmpdir = tempfile(); my $tmpdir1 = tempfile(); if (($^O eq 'MSWin32') || ($^O eq 'NetWare')) { `rmdir /s /q $tmpdir 2>nul`; `mkdir $tmpdir`; } elsif ($^O eq 'VMS') { `if f\$search("[.$tmpdir]*.*") .nes. "" then delete/nolog/noconfirm [.$tmpdir]*.*.*`; `if f\$search("$tmpdir.dir") .nes. "" then set file/prot=o:rwed $tmpdir.dir;`; `if f\$search("$tmpdir.dir") .nes. "" then delete/nolog/noconfirm $tmpdir.dir;`; `create/directory [.$tmpdir]`; } else { `rm -f $tmpdir 2>/dev/null; mkdir $tmpdir 2>/dev/null`; } chdir $tmpdir; `/bin/rm -rf a b c x` if -x '/bin/rm'; umask(022); SKIP: { skip "bogus umask", 1 if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') || ($^O eq 'NetWare'); is((umask(0)&0777), 022, 'umask'), } open(FH,'>x') || die "Can't create x"; close(FH); open(FH,'>a') || die "Can't create a"; close(FH); my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime, $blksize,$blocks,$a_mode); SKIP: { skip("no link", 4) unless $has_link; ok(link('a','b'), "link a b"); ok(link('b','c'), "link b c"); $a_mode = (stat('a'))[2]; ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime, $blksize,$blocks) = stat('c'); SKIP: { skip "no nlink", 1 if $Config{dont_use_nlink}; is($nlink, 3, "link count of triply-linked file"); } SKIP: { skip "hard links not that hard in $^O", 1 if $^O eq 'amigaos'; skip "no mode checks", 1 if $skip_mode_checks; is(sprintf("0%o", $mode & 0777), sprintf("0%o", $a_mode & 0777), "mode of triply-linked file"); } } $newmode = (($^O eq 'MSWin32') || ($^O eq 'NetWare')) ? 0444 : 0777; is(chmod($newmode,'a'), 1, "chmod succeeding"); SKIP: { skip("no link", 7) unless $has_link; ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime, $blksize,$blocks) = stat('c'); SKIP: { skip "no mode checks", 1 if $skip_mode_checks; is($mode & 0777, $newmode, "chmod going through"); } $newmode = 0700; chmod 0444, 'x'; $newmode = 0666; is(chmod($newmode,'c','x'), 2, "chmod two files"); ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime, $blksize,$blocks) = stat('c'); SKIP: { skip "no mode checks", 1 if $skip_mode_checks; is($mode & 0777, $newmode, "chmod going through to c"); } ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime, $blksize,$blocks) = stat('x'); SKIP: { skip "no mode checks", 1 if $skip_mode_checks; is($mode & 0777, $newmode, "chmod going through to x"); } is(unlink('b','x'), 2, "unlink two files"); ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime, $blksize,$blocks) = stat('b'); is($ino, undef, "ino of removed file b should be undef"); ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime, $blksize,$blocks) = stat('x'); is($ino, undef, "ino of removed file x should be undef"); } SKIP: { skip "no fchmod", 7 unless ($Config{d_fchmod} || "") eq "define"; ok(open(my $fh, "<", "a"), "open a"); is(chmod(0, $fh), 1, "fchmod"); $mode = (stat "a")[2]; SKIP: { skip "no mode checks", 1 if $skip_mode_checks; skip "chmod(0, FH) means assume user defaults on VMS", 1 if $^O eq 'VMS'; is($mode & 0777, 0, "perm reset"); } is(chmod($newmode, "a"), 1, "fchmod"); $mode = (stat $fh)[2]; SKIP: { skip "no mode checks", 1 if $skip_mode_checks; is($mode & 0777, $newmode, "perm restored"); } # [perl #122703] close $fh; $! = 0; ok(!chmod(0666, $fh), "chmod through closed handle fails"); isnt($!+0, 0, "and errno was set"); } SKIP: { skip "no fchown", 3 unless ($Config{d_fchown} || "") eq "define"; open(my $fh, "<", "a"); is(chown(-1, -1, $fh), 1, "fchown"); # [perl #122703] # chown() behaved correctly, but there was no test for the chown() # on closed handle case close $fh; $! = 0; ok(!chown(-1, -1, $fh), "chown on closed handle fails"); isnt($!+0, 0, "and errno was set"); } SKIP: { skip "has fchmod", 1 if ($Config{d_fchmod} || "") eq "define"; open(my $fh, "<", "a"); eval { chmod(0777, $fh); }; like($@, qr/^The fchmod function is unimplemented at/, "fchmod is unimplemented"); } SKIP: { skip "has fchown", 1 if ($Config{d_fchown} || "") eq "define"; open(my $fh, "<", "a"); eval { chown(0, 0, $fh); }; like($@, qr/^The f?chown function is unimplemented at/, "fchown is unimplemented"); } is(rename('a','b'), 1, "rename a b"); ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime, $blksize,$blocks) = stat('a'); is($ino, undef, "ino of renamed file a should be undef"); $delta = $accurate_timestamps ? 1 : 2; # Granularity of time on the filesystem chmod 0777, 'b'; $ut = 500000000; note("basic check of atime and mtime"); $foo = (utime $ut,$ut + $delta,'b'); is($foo, 1, "utime"); check_utime_result($ut, $accurate_timestamps, $delta); utime undef, undef, 'b'; ($atime,$mtime) = (stat 'b')[8,9]; note("# utime undef, undef --> $atime, $mtime"); isnt($atime, $ut, 'atime: utime called with two undefs'); isnt($mtime, $ut + $delta, 'mtime: utime called with two undefs'); SKIP: { skip "no futimes", 6 unless ($Config{d_futimes} || "") eq "define"; note("check futimes"); open(my $fh, "<", 'b'); $foo = (utime $ut,$ut + $delta, $fh); is($foo, 1, "futime"); check_utime_result($ut, $accurate_timestamps, $delta); # [perl #122703] close $fh; ok(!utime($ut,$ut + $delta, $fh), "utime fails on a closed file handle"); isnt($!+0, 0, "and errno was set"); } SKIP: { skip "has futimes", 1 if ($Config{d_futimes} || "") eq "define"; open(my $fh, "<", "b") || die; eval { utime(undef, undef, $fh); }; like($@, qr/^The futimes function is unimplemented at/, "futimes is unimplemented"); } is(unlink('b'), 1, "unlink b"); ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime, $blksize,$blocks) = stat('b'); is($ino, undef, "ino of unlinked file b should be undef"); unlink 'c'; chdir $wd || die "Can't cd back to '$wd' ($!)"; # Yet another way to look for links (perhaps those that cannot be # created by perl?). Hopefully there is an ls utility in your # %PATH%. N.B. that $^O is 'cygwin' on Cygwin. SKIP: { skip "Win32/Netware specific test", 2 unless ($^O eq 'MSWin32') || ($^O eq 'NetWare'); skip "No symbolic links found to test with", 2 unless `ls -l perl 2>nul` =~ /^l.*->/; system("cp TEST TEST$$"); # we have to copy because e.g. GNU grep gets huffy if we have # a symlink forest to another disk (it complains about too many # levels of symbolic links, even if we have only two) is(symlink("TEST$$","c"), 1, "symlink"); $foo = `grep perl c 2>&1`; ok($foo, "found perl in c"); unlink 'c'; unlink("TEST$$"); } my $tmpfile = tempfile(); open IOFSCOM, ">$tmpfile" or die "Could not write IOfs.tmp: $!"; print IOFSCOM 'helloworld'; close(IOFSCOM); # TODO: pp_truncate needs to be taught about F_CHSIZE and F_FREESP, # as per UNIX FAQ. SKIP: { # Check truncating a closed file. eval { truncate $tmpfile, 5; }; skip("no truncate - $@", 8) if $@; is(-s $tmpfile, 5, "truncation to five bytes"); truncate $tmpfile, 0; ok(-z $tmpfile, "truncation to zero bytes"); #these steps are necessary to check if file is really truncated #On Win95, FH is updated, but file properties aren't open(FH, ">$tmpfile") or die "Can't create $tmpfile"; print FH "x\n" x 200; close FH; # Check truncating an open file. open(FH, ">>$tmpfile") or die "Can't open $tmpfile for appending"; binmode FH; select FH; $| = 1; select STDOUT; { use strict; print FH "x\n" x 200; ok(truncate(FH, 200), "fh resize to 200"); } if ($needs_fh_reopen) { close (FH); open (FH, ">>$tmpfile") or die "Can't reopen $tmpfile"; } is(-s $tmpfile, 200, "fh resize to 200 working (filename check)"); ok(truncate(FH, 0), "fh resize to zero"); if ($needs_fh_reopen) { close (FH); open (FH, ">>$tmpfile") or die "Can't reopen $tmpfile"; } ok(-z $tmpfile, "fh resize to zero working (filename check)"); close FH; open(FH, ">>$tmpfile") or die "Can't open $tmpfile for appending"; binmode FH; select FH; $| = 1; select STDOUT; { use strict; print FH "x\n" x 200; ok(truncate(*FH{IO}, 100), "fh resize by IO slot"); } if ($needs_fh_reopen) { close (FH); open (FH, ">>$tmpfile") or die "Can't reopen $tmpfile"; } is(-s $tmpfile, 100, "fh resize by IO slot working"); close FH; my $n = "for_fs_dot_t$$"; open FH, ">$n" or die "open $n: $!"; print FH "bloh blah bla\n"; close FH or die "close $n: $!"; eval "truncate $n, 0; 1" or die; ok !-z $n, 'truncate(word) does not fall back to file name'; unlink $n; } # check if rename() can be used to just change case of filename SKIP: { skip "Works in Cygwin only if check_case is set to relaxed", 1 if ($ENV{'CYGWIN'} && ($ENV{'CYGWIN'} =~ /check_case:(?:adjust|strict)/)); chdir "./$tmpdir"; open(FH,'>x') || die "Can't create x"; close(FH); rename('x', 'X'); # this works on win32 only, because fs isn't casesensitive ok(-e 'X', "rename working"); unlink_all 'X'; chdir $wd || die "Can't cd back to $wd"; } SKIP: { $Config{d_rename} or skip "Cannot rename directories with link()", 2; # check if rename() works on directories if ($^O eq 'VMS') { # must have delete access to rename a directory `set file $tmpdir.dir/protection=o:d`; ok(rename("$tmpdir.dir", "$tmpdir1.dir"), "rename on directories") || print "# errno: $!\n"; } else { ok(rename($tmpdir, $tmpdir1), "rename on directories"); } ok(-d $tmpdir1, "rename on directories working"); } { # Change 26011: Re: A surprising segfault # to make sure only that these obfuscated sentences will not crash. map chmod(+()), ('')x68; ok(1, "extend sp in pp_chmod"); map chown(+()), ('')x68; ok(1, "extend sp in pp_chown"); } # Calling unlink on a directory without -U and privileges will always fail, but # it should set errno to EISDIR even though unlink(2) is never called. SKIP: { if (is_miniperl && !eval 'require Errno') { skip "Errno not built yet", 3; } require Errno; my $tmpdir = tempfile(); if (($^O eq 'MSWin32') || ($^O eq 'NetWare')) { `mkdir $tmpdir`; } elsif ($^O eq 'VMS') { `create/directory [.$tmpdir]`; } else { `mkdir $tmpdir 2>/dev/null`; } # errno should be set even though unlink(2) is not called local $!; is(unlink($tmpdir), 0, "can't unlink directory without -U and privileges"); is(0+$!, Errno::EISDIR(), "unlink directory without -U sets errno"); rmdir $tmpdir; # errno should be set by failed lstat(2) call $! = 0; unlink($tmpdir); is(0+$!, Errno::ENOENT(), "unlink non-existent directory without -U sets ENOENT"); } # need to remove $tmpdir if rename() in test 28 failed! END { rmdir $tmpdir1; rmdir $tmpdir; } sub check_utime_result { ($ut, $accurate_timestamps, $delta) = @_; ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime, $blksize,$blocks) = stat('b'); SKIP: { skip "bogus inode num", 1 if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') || ($^O eq 'NetWare'); ok($ino, 'non-zero inode num'); } SKIP: { skip "filesystem atime/mtime granularity too low", 2 unless $accurate_timestamps; if ($^O eq 'vos') { skip ("# TODO - hit VOS bug posix-2055 - access time does not follow POSIX rules for an open file.", 2); } note("# atime - $atime mtime - $mtime delta - $delta"); if($atime == $ut && $mtime == $ut + $delta) { pass('atime: granularity test'); pass('mtime: granularity test'); } else { # Operating systems whose filesystems may be mounted with the noatime option # RT 132663 my %noatime_oses = map { $_ => 1 } ( qw| haiku netbsd | ); if ($^O =~ /\blinux\b/i) { note("# Maybe stat() cannot get the correct atime, ". "as happens via NFS on linux?"); $foo = (utime 400000000,$ut + 2*$delta,'b'); my ($new_atime, $new_mtime) = (stat('b'))[8,9]; note("# newatime - $new_atime nemtime - $new_mtime"); if ($new_atime == $atime && $new_mtime - $mtime == $delta) { pass("atime - accounted for possible NFS/glibc2.2 bug on linux"); pass("mtime - accounted for possible NFS/glibc2.2 bug on linux"); } else { fail("atime - $atime/$new_atime $mtime/$new_mtime"); fail("mtime - $atime/$new_atime $mtime/$new_mtime"); } } elsif ($^O eq 'VMS') { # why is this 1 second off? is( $atime, $ut + 1, 'atime: VMS' ); is( $mtime, $ut + $delta, 'mtime: VMS' ); } elsif ($noatime_oses{$^O}) { pass("atime not updated"); is($mtime, 500000001, 'mtime'); } else { fail("atime: default case"); fail("mtime: default case"); } } # END failed atime mtime 'else' block } # END granularity SKIP block }