#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; require './test.pl'; } $| = 1; use warnings; use Config; $Is_MacOS = $^O eq 'MacOS'; plan tests => 108; my $Perl = which_perl(); my $afile = tempfile(); { unlink($afile) if -f $afile; $! = 0; # the -f above will set $! if $afile doesn't exist. ok( open(my $f,"+>$afile"), 'open(my $f, "+>...")' ); binmode $f; ok( -f $afile, ' its a file'); ok( (print $f "SomeData\n"), ' we can print to it'); is( tell($f), 9, ' tell()' ); ok( seek($f,0,0), ' seek set' ); $b = <$f>; is( $b, "SomeData\n", ' readline' ); ok( -f $f, ' still a file' ); eval { die "Message" }; like( $@, qr/<\$f> line 1/, ' die message correct' ); ok( close($f), ' close()' ); ok( unlink($afile), ' unlink()' ); } { ok( open(my $f,'>', $afile), "open(my \$f, '>', $afile)" ); ok( (print $f "a row\n"), ' print'); ok( close($f), ' close' ); ok( -s $afile < 10, ' -s' ); } { ok( open(my $f,'>>', $afile), "open(my \$f, '>>', $afile)" ); ok( (print $f "a row\n"), ' print' ); ok( close($f), ' close' ); ok( -s $afile > 10, ' -s' ); } { ok( open(my $f, '<', $afile), "open(my \$f, '<', $afile)" ); my @rows = <$f>; is( scalar @rows, 2, ' readline, list context' ); is( $rows[0], "a row\n", ' first line read' ); is( $rows[1], "a row\n", ' second line' ); ok( close($f), ' close' ); } { ok( -s $afile < 20, '-s' ); ok( open(my $f, '+<', $afile), 'open +<' ); my @rows = <$f>; is( scalar @rows, 2, ' readline, list context' ); ok( seek($f, 0, 1), ' seek cur' ); ok( (print $f "yet another row\n"), ' print' ); ok( close($f), ' close' ); ok( -s $afile > 20, ' -s' ); unlink($afile); } { ok( open(my $f, '-|', <<EOC), 'open -|' ); $Perl -e "print qq(a row\\n); print qq(another row\\n)" EOC my @rows = <$f>; is( scalar @rows, 2, ' readline, list context' ); ok( close($f), ' close' ); } SKIP: { skip "Output for |- doesn't go to shell on MacOS", 5 if $Is_MacOS; ok( open(my $f, '|-', <<EOC), 'open |-' ); $Perl -pe "s/^not //" EOC my @rows = <$f>; my $test = curr_test; print $f "not ok $test - piped in\n"; next_test; $test = curr_test; print $f "not ok $test - piped in\n"; next_test; ok( close($f), ' close' ); sleep 1; pass('flushing'); } ok( !eval { open my $f, '<&', $afile; 1; }, '<& on a non-filehandle' ); like( $@, qr/Bad filehandle:\s+$afile/, ' right error' ); # local $file tests { unlink($afile) if -f $afile; ok( open(local $f,"+>$afile"), 'open local $f, "+>", ...' ); binmode $f; ok( -f $afile, ' -f' ); ok( (print $f "SomeData\n"), ' print' ); is( tell($f), 9, ' tell' ); ok( seek($f,0,0), ' seek set' ); $b = <$f>; is( $b, "SomeData\n", ' readline' ); ok( -f $f, ' still a file' ); eval { die "Message" }; like( $@, qr/<\$f> line 1/, ' proper die message' ); ok( close($f), ' close' ); unlink($afile); } { ok( open(local $f,'>', $afile), 'open local $f, ">", ...' ); ok( (print $f "a row\n"), ' print'); ok( close($f), ' close'); ok( -s $afile < 10, ' -s' ); } { ok( open(local $f,'>>', $afile), 'open local $f, ">>", ...' ); ok( (print $f "a row\n"), ' print'); ok( close($f), ' close'); ok( -s $afile > 10, ' -s' ); } { ok( open(local $f, '<', $afile), 'open local $f, "<", ...' ); my @rows = <$f>; is( scalar @rows, 2, ' readline list context' ); ok( close($f), ' close' ); } ok( -s $afile < 20, ' -s' ); { ok( open(local $f, '+<', $afile), 'open local $f, "+<", ...' ); my @rows = <$f>; is( scalar @rows, 2, ' readline list context' ); ok( seek($f, 0, 1), ' seek cur' ); ok( (print $f "yet another row\n"), ' print' ); ok( close($f), ' close' ); ok( -s $afile > 20, ' -s' ); unlink($afile); } { ok( open(local $f, '-|', <<EOC), 'open local $f, "-|", ...' ); $Perl -e "print qq(a row\\n); print qq(another row\\n)" EOC my @rows = <$f>; is( scalar @rows, 2, ' readline list context' ); ok( close($f), ' close' ); } SKIP: { skip "Output for |- doesn't go to shell on MacOS", 5 if $Is_MacOS; ok( open(local $f, '|-', <<EOC), 'open local $f, "|-", ...' ); $Perl -pe "s/^not //" EOC my @rows = <$f>; my $test = curr_test; print $f "not ok $test - piping\n"; next_test; $test = curr_test; print $f "not ok $test - piping\n"; next_test; ok( close($f), ' close' ); sleep 1; pass("Flush"); } ok( !eval { open local $f, '<&', $afile; 1 }, 'local <& on non-filehandle'); like( $@, qr/Bad filehandle:\s+$afile/, ' right error' ); { local *F; for (1..2) { ok( open(F, qq{$Perl -le "print 'ok'"|}), 'open to pipe' ); is(scalar <F>, "ok\n", ' readline'); ok( close F, ' close' ); } for (1..2) { ok( open(F, "-|", qq{$Perl -le "print 'ok'"}), 'open -|'); is( scalar <F>, "ok\n", ' readline'); ok( close F, ' close' ); } } # other dupping techniques { ok( open(my $stdout, ">&", \*STDOUT), 'dup \*STDOUT into lexical fh'); ok( open(STDOUT, ">&", $stdout), 'restore dupped STDOUT from lexical fh'); { use strict; # the below should not warn ok( open(my $stdout, ">&", STDOUT), 'dup STDOUT into lexical fh'); } # used to try to open a file [perl #17830] ok( open(my $stdin, "<&", fileno STDIN), 'dup fileno(STDIN) into lexical fh') or _diag $!; } SKIP: { skip "This perl uses perlio", 1 if $Config{useperlio}; skip "miniperl cannot be relied on to load %Errno" if $ENV{PERL_CORE_MINITEST}; # Force the reference to %! to be run time by writing ! as {"!"} skip "This system doesn't understand EINVAL", 1 unless exists ${"!"}{EINVAL}; no warnings 'io'; ok(!open(F,'>',\my $s) && ${"!"}{EINVAL}, 'open(reference) raises EINVAL'); } { ok( !eval { open F, "BAR", "QUUX" }, 'Unknown open() mode' ); like( $@, qr/\QUnknown open() mode 'BAR'/, ' right error' ); } { local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $@ = shift }; sub gimme { my $tmphandle = shift; my $line = scalar <$tmphandle>; warn "gimme"; return $line; } open($fh0[0], "TEST"); gimme($fh0[0]); like($@, qr/<\$fh0\[...\]> line 1\./, "autoviv fh package aelem"); open($fh1{k}, "TEST"); gimme($fh1{k}); like($@, qr/<\$fh1{...}> line 1\./, "autoviv fh package helem"); my @fh2; open($fh2[0], "TEST"); gimme($fh2[0]); like($@, qr/<\$fh2\[...\]> line 1\./, "autoviv fh lexical aelem"); my %fh3; open($fh3{k}, "TEST"); gimme($fh3{k}); like($@, qr/<\$fh3{...}> line 1\./, "autoviv fh lexical helem"); } SKIP: { skip("These tests use perlio", 5) unless $Config{useperlio}; my $w; use warnings 'layer'; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $w = shift }; eval { open(F, ">>>", $afile) }; like($w, qr/Invalid separator character '>' in PerlIO layer spec/, "bad open (>>>) warning"); like($@, qr/Unknown open\(\) mode '>>>'/, "bad open (>>>) failure"); eval { open(F, ">:u", $afile ) }; like($w, qr/Unknown PerlIO layer "u"/, 'bad layer ">:u" warning'); eval { open(F, "<:u", $afile ) }; like($w, qr/Unknown PerlIO layer "u"/, 'bad layer "<:u" warning'); eval { open(F, ":c", $afile ) }; like($@, qr/Unknown open\(\) mode ':c'/, 'bad layer ":c" failure'); } # [perl #28986] "open m" crashes Perl fresh_perl_like('open m', qr/^Search pattern not terminated at/, { stderr => 1 }, 'open m test'); fresh_perl_is( 'sub f { open(my $fh, "xxx"); $fh = "f"; } f; f;print "ok"', 'ok', { stderr => 1 }, '#29102: Crash on assignment to lexical filehandle'); # [perl #31767] Using $1 as a filehandle via open $1, "file" doesn't raise # an exception eval { open $99, "foo" }; like($@, qr/Modification of a read-only value attempted/, "readonly fh");