#!./perl ##################################################################### # # Test for process id return value from open # Ronald Schmidt (The Software Path) RonaldWS@software-path.com # ##################################################################### BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; unshift @INC, '../lib'; if ($^O eq 'dos') { print "1..0 # Skip: no multitasking\n"; exit 0; } } use FileHandle; use Config; autoflush STDOUT 1; $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; print "1..10\n"; $perl = qq[$^X "-I../lib"]; # # commands run 4 perl programs. Two of these programs write a # short message to STDOUT and exit. Two of these programs # read from STDIN. One reader never exits and must be killed. # the other reader reads one line, waits a few seconds and then # exits to test the waitpid function. # $cmd1 = qq/$perl -e "use FileHandle; autoflush STDOUT 1; / . qq/print qq[first process\\n]; sleep 30;"/; $cmd2 = qq/$perl -e "use FileHandle; autoflush STDOUT 1; / . qq/print qq[second process\\n]; sleep 30;"/; $cmd3 = qq/$perl -e "print <>;"/; # hangs waiting for end of STDIN $cmd4 = qq/$perl -e "print scalar <>;"/; #warn "#$cmd1\n#$cmd2\n#$cmd3\n#$cmd4\n"; # start the processes $pid1 = open(FH1, "$cmd1 |") or print "not "; print "ok 1\n"; $pid2 = open(FH2, "$cmd2 |") or print "not "; print "ok 2\n"; $pid3 = open(FH3, "| $cmd3") or print "not "; print "ok 3\n"; $pid4 = open(FH4, "| $cmd4") or print "not "; print "ok 4\n"; print "# pids were $pid1, $pid2, $pid3, $pid4\n"; my $killsig = 'HUP'; $killsig = 1 unless $Config{sig_name} =~ /\bHUP\b/; # get message from first process and kill it chomp($from_pid1 = scalar()); print "# child1 returned [$from_pid1]\nnot " unless $from_pid1 eq 'first process'; print "ok 5\n"; $kill_cnt = kill $killsig, $pid1; print "not " unless $kill_cnt == 1; print "ok 6\n"; # get message from second process and kill second process and reader process chomp($from_pid2 = scalar()); print "# child2 returned [$from_pid2]\nnot " unless $from_pid2 eq 'second process'; print "ok 7\n"; $kill_cnt = kill $killsig, $pid2, $pid3; print "not " unless $kill_cnt == 2; print "ok 8\n"; # send one expected line of text to child process and then wait for it autoflush FH4 1; print FH4 "ok 9\n"; print "# waiting for process $pid4 to exit\n"; #VMS: Send an EOF to convince the subprocess to exit as well if ($^O eq 'VMS') { require VMS::Stdio; VMS::Stdio::writeof(FH4); } $reap_pid = waitpid $pid4, 0; print "# reaped pid $reap_pid != $pid4\nnot " unless $reap_pid == $pid4; print "ok 10\n";