#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; require './test.pl'; eval 'use Errno'; die $@ if $@ and !is_miniperl(); } use strict 'vars'; print "1..21\n"; my $foo = 'STDOUT'; print $foo "ok 1\n"; print "ok 2\n","ok 3\n","ok 4\n"; print STDOUT "ok 5\n"; open(foo,">-"); print foo "ok 6\n"; printf "ok %d\n",7; printf("ok %d\n",8); my @a = ("ok %d%c",9,ord("\n")); printf @a; $a[1] = 10; printf STDOUT @a; $, = ' '; $\ = "\n"; print "ok","11"; my @x = ("ok","12\nok","13\nok"); my @y = ("15\nok","16"); print @x,"14\nok",@y; { local $\ = "ok 17\n# null =>[\000]\nok 18\n"; print ""; } $\ = ''; if (!exists &Errno::EBADF) { print "ok 19 # skipped: no EBADF\n"; } else { $! = 0; no warnings 'unopened'; print NONEXISTENT "foo"; print "not " if ($! != &Errno::EBADF); print "ok 19\n"; } { # Change 26009: pp_print didn't extend the stack # before pushing its return value # to make sure only that these obfuscated sentences will not crash. map print(reverse), ('')x68; print "ok 20\n"; map print(+()), ('')x68; print "ok 21\n"; }