#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; unless (find PerlIO::Layer 'perlio') { print "1..0 # Skip: not perlio\n"; exit 0; } } no utf8; # needed for use utf8 not griping about the raw octets BEGIN { require "./test.pl"; } plan(tests => 55); $| = 1; open(F,"+>:utf8",'a'); print F chr(0x100).'£'; cmp_ok( tell(F), '==', 4, tell(F) ); print F "\n"; cmp_ok( tell(F), '>=', 5, tell(F) ); seek(F,0,0); is( getc(F), chr(0x100) ); is( getc(F), "£" ); is( getc(F), "\n" ); seek(F,0,0); binmode(F,":bytes"); my $chr = chr(0xc4); if (ord('A') == 193) { $chr = chr(0x8c); } # EBCDIC is( getc(F), $chr ); $chr = chr(0x80); if (ord('A') == 193) { $chr = chr(0x41); } # EBCDIC is( getc(F), $chr ); $chr = chr(0xc2); if (ord('A') == 193) { $chr = chr(0x80); } # EBCDIC is( getc(F), $chr ); $chr = chr(0xa3); if (ord('A') == 193) { $chr = chr(0x44); } # EBCDIC is( getc(F), $chr ); is( getc(F), "\n" ); seek(F,0,0); binmode(F,":utf8"); is( scalar(), "\x{100}£\n" ); seek(F,0,0); $buf = chr(0x200); $count = read(F,$buf,2,1); cmp_ok( $count, '==', 2 ); is( $buf, "\x{200}\x{100}£" ); close(F); { $a = chr(300); # This *is* UTF-encoded $b = chr(130); # This is not. open F, ">:utf8", 'a' or die $!; print F $a,"\n"; close F; open F, "<:utf8", 'a' or die $!; $x = ; chomp($x); is( $x, chr(300) ); open F, "a" or die $!; # Not UTF binmode(F, ":bytes"); $x = ; chomp($x); $chr = chr(196).chr(172); if (ord('A') == 193) { $chr = chr(141).chr(83); } # EBCDIC is( $x, $chr ); close F; open F, ">:utf8", 'a' or die $!; binmode(F); # we write a "\n" and then tell() - avoid CRLF issues. binmode(F,":utf8"); # turn UTF-8-ness back on print F $a; my $y; { my $x = tell(F); { use bytes; $y = length($a);} cmp_ok( $x, '==', $y ); } { # Check byte length of $b use bytes; my $y = length($b); cmp_ok( $y, '==', 1 ); } print F $b,"\n"; # Don't upgrades $b { # Check byte length of $b use bytes; my $y = length($b); cmp_ok( $y, '==', 1 ); } { my $x = tell(F); { use bytes; if (ord('A')==193){$y += 2;}else{$y += 3;}} # EBCDIC ASCII cmp_ok( $x, '==', $y ); } close F; open F, "a" or die $!; # Not UTF binmode(F, ":bytes"); $x = ; chomp($x); $chr = v196.172.194.130; if (ord('A') == 193) { $chr = v141.83.130; } # EBCDIC is( $x, $chr, sprintf('(%vd)', $x) ); open F, "<:utf8", "a" or die $!; $x = ; chomp($x); close F; is( $x, chr(300).chr(130), sprintf('(%vd)', $x) ); open F, ">", "a" or die $!; binmode(F, ":bytes:"); # Now let's make it suffer. my $w; { use warnings 'utf8'; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $w = $_[0] }; print F $a; ok( (!$@)); like($w, qr/Wide character in print/i ); } } # Hm. Time to get more evil. open F, ">:utf8", "a" or die $!; print F $a; binmode(F, ":bytes"); print F chr(130)."\n"; close F; open F, "<", "a" or die $!; binmode(F, ":bytes"); $x = ; chomp $x; $chr = v196.172.130; if (ord('A') == 193) { $chr = v141.83.130; } # EBCDIC is( $x, $chr ); # Right. open F, ">:utf8", "a" or die $!; print F $a; close F; open F, ">>", "a" or die $!; binmode(F, ":bytes"); print F chr(130)."\n"; close F; open F, "<", "a" or die $!; binmode(F, ":bytes"); $x = ; chomp $x; SKIP: { skip("Defaulting to UTF-8 output means that we can't generate a mangled file") if $UTF8_OUTPUT; is( $x, $chr ); } # Now we have a deformed file. SKIP: { if (ord('A') == 193) { skip("EBCDIC doesn't complain", 2); } else { my @warnings; open F, "<:utf8", "a" or die $!; $x = ; chomp $x; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warnings, $_[0]; }; eval { sprintf "%vd\n", $x }; is (scalar @warnings, 1); like ($warnings[0], qr/Malformed UTF-8 character \(unexpected continuation byte 0x82, with no preceding start byte/); } } close F; unlink('a'); open F, ">:utf8", "a"; @a = map { chr(1 << ($_ << 2)) } 0..5; # 0x1, 0x10, .., 0x100000 unshift @a, chr(0); # ... and a null byte in front just for fun print F @a; close F; my $c; # read() should work on characters, not bytes open F, "<:utf8", "a"; $a = 0; my $failed; for (@a) { unless (($c = read(F, $b, 1) == 1) && length($b) == 1 && ord($b) == ord($_) && tell(F) == ($a += bytes::length($b))) { print '# ord($_) == ', ord($_), "\n"; print '# ord($b) == ', ord($b), "\n"; print '# length($b) == ', length($b), "\n"; print '# bytes::length($b) == ', bytes::length($b), "\n"; print '# tell(F) == ', tell(F), "\n"; print '# $a == ', $a, "\n"; print '# $c == ', $c, "\n"; $failed++; last; } } close F; is($failed, undef); { # Check that warnings are on on I/O, and that they can be muffled. local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $@ = shift }; undef $@; open F, ">a"; binmode(F, ":bytes"); print F chr(0x100); close(F); like( $@, 'Wide character in print' ); undef $@; open F, ">:utf8", "a"; print F chr(0x100); close(F); isnt( defined $@, !0 ); undef $@; open F, ">a"; binmode(F, ":utf8"); print F chr(0x100); close(F); isnt( defined $@, !0 ); no warnings 'utf8'; undef $@; open F, ">a"; print F chr(0x100); close(F); isnt( defined $@, !0 ); use warnings 'utf8'; undef $@; open F, ">a"; binmode(F, ":bytes"); print F chr(0x100); close(F); like( $@, 'Wide character in print' ); } { open F, ">:bytes","a"; print F "\xde"; close F; open F, "<:bytes", "a"; my $b = chr 0x100; $b .= ; is( $b, chr(0x100).chr(0xde), "21395 '.= <>' utf8 vs. bytes" ); close F; } { open F, ">:utf8","a"; print F chr 0x100; close F; open F, "<:utf8", "a"; my $b = "\xde"; $b .= ; is( $b, chr(0xde).chr(0x100), "21395 '.= <>' bytes vs. utf8" ); close F; } { my @a = ( [ 0x007F, "bytes" ], [ 0x0080, "bytes" ], [ 0x0080, "utf8" ], [ 0x0100, "utf8" ] ); my $t = 34; for my $u (@a) { for my $v (@a) { # print "# @$u - @$v\n"; open F, ">a"; binmode(F, ":" . $u->[1]); print F chr($u->[0]); close F; open F, "[1]); my $s = chr($v->[0]); utf8::upgrade($s) if $v->[1] eq "utf8"; $s .= ; is( $s, chr($v->[0]) . chr($u->[0]), 'rcatline utf8' ); close F; $t++; } } # last test here 49 } { # [perl #23428] Somethings rotten in unicode semantics open F, ">a"; binmode F, ":utf8"; syswrite(F, $a = chr(0x100)); close F; is( ord($a), 0x100, '23428 syswrite should not downgrade scalar' ); like( $a, qr/^\w+/, '23428 syswrite should not downgrade scalar' ); } # sysread() and syswrite() tested in lib/open.t since Fcntl is used { # on a :utf8 stream should complain immediately with -w # if it finds bad UTF-8 (:encoding(utf8) works this way) use warnings 'utf8'; undef $@; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $@ = shift }; open F, ">a"; binmode F; my ($chrE4, $chrF6) = (chr(0xE4), chr(0xF6)); if (ord('A') == 193) # EBCDIC { ($chrE4, $chrF6) = (chr(0x43), chr(0xEC)); } print F "foo", $chrE4, "\n"; print F "foo", $chrF6, "\n"; close F; open F, "<:utf8", "a"; undef $@; my $line = ; my ($chrE4, $chrF6) = ("E4", "F6"); if (ord('A') == 193) { ($chrE4, $chrF6) = ("43", "EC"); } # EBCDIC like( $@, qr/utf8 "\\x$chrE4" does not map to Unicode .+ line 1/, "<:utf8 readline must warn about bad utf8"); undef $@; $line .= ; like( $@, qr/utf8 "\\x$chrF6" does not map to Unicode .+ line 2/, "<:utf8 rcatline must warn about bad utf8"); close F; } END { 1 while unlink "a"; 1 while unlink "b"; }