#!./perl BEGIN { unless(grep /blib/, @INC) { chdir 't' if -d 't'; unshift @INC, '../lib' if -d '../lib'; } } $| = 1; print "1..5\n"; use charnames ':full'; print "not " unless "Here\N{EXCLAMATION MARK}?" eq 'Here!?'; print "ok 1\n"; print "# \$res=$res \$\@='$@'\nnot " if $res = eval <<'EOE' use charnames ":full"; "Here: \N{CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER BE}!"; 1 EOE or $@ !~ /above 0xFF/; print "ok 2\n"; # print "# \$res=$res \$\@='$@'\n"; print "# \$res=$res \$\@='$@'\nnot " if $res = eval <<'EOE' use charnames 'cyrillic'; "Here: \N{Be}!"; 1 EOE or $@ !~ /CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER BE.*above 0xFF/; print "ok 3\n"; # If octal representation of unicode char is \0xyzt, then the utf8 is \3xy\2zt $encoded_be = "\320\261"; $encoded_alpha = "\316\261"; $encoded_bet = "\327\221"; { use charnames ':full'; use utf8; print "not " unless "\N{CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER BE}" eq $encoded_be; print "ok 4\n"; use charnames qw(cyrillic greek :short); print "not " unless "\N{be},\N{alpha},\N{hebrew:bet}" eq "$encoded_be,$encoded_alpha,$encoded_bet"; print "ok 5\n"; }