#!./perl # $RCSfile: complex.t,v $ # # Regression tests for the Math::Complex pacakge # -- Raphael Manfredi since Sep 1996 # -- Jarkko Hietaniemi since Mar 1997 # -- Daniel S. Lewart since Sep 1997 BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; } use Math::Complex; $VERSION = sprintf("%s", q$Id: complex.t,v 1.8 1998/02/05 16:03:39 jhi Exp $ =~ /(\d+\.d+)/); my ($args, $op, $target, $test, $test_set, $try, $val, $zvalue, @set, @val); $test = 0; $| = 1; my @script = ( 'my ($res, $s0,$s1,$s2,$s3,$s4,$s5,$s6,$s7,$s8,$s9,$s10, $z0,$z1,$z2);' . "\n\n" ); my $eps = 1e-13; if ($^O eq 'unicos') { # For some reason root() produces very inaccurate $eps = 1e-11; # results in Cray UNICOS, and occasionally also } # cos(), sin(), cosh(), sinh(). The division # of doubles is the current suspect. while () { s/^\s+//; next if $_ eq '' || /^\#/; chomp; $test_set = 0; # Assume not a test over a set of values if (/^&(.+)/) { $op = $1; next; } elsif (/^\{(.+)\}/) { set($1, \@set, \@val); next; } elsif (s/^\|//) { $test_set = 1; # Requests we loop over the set... } my @args = split(/:/); if ($test_set == 1) { my $i; for ($i = 0; $i < @set; $i++) { # complex number $target = $set[$i]; # textual value as found in set definition $zvalue = $val[$i]; test($zvalue, $target, @args); } } else { test($op, undef, @args); } } # sub test_mutators { my $op; $test++; push(@script, <<'EOT'); { my $z = cplx( 1, 1); $z->Re(2); $z->Im(3); print 'not ' unless Re($z) == 2 and Im($z) == 3; EOT push(@script, qq(print "ok $test\\n"}\n)); $test++; push(@script, <<'EOT'); { my $z = cplx( 1, 1); $z->abs(3 * sqrt(2)); print 'not ' unless (abs($z) - 3 * sqrt(2)) < $eps and (arg($z) - pi / 4 ) < $eps and (Re($z) - 3 ) < $eps and (Im($z) - 3 ) < $eps; EOT push(@script, qq(print "ok $test\\n"}\n)); $test++; push(@script, <<'EOT'); { my $z = cplx( 1, 1); $z->arg(-3 / 4 * pi); print 'not ' unless (arg($z) + 3 / 4 * pi) < $eps and (abs($z) - sqrt(2) ) < $eps and (Re($z) + 1 ) < $eps and (Im($z) + 1 ) < $eps; EOT push(@script, qq(print "ok $test\\n"}\n)); } test_mutators(); my $constants = ' my $i = cplx(0, 1); my $pi = cplx(pi, 0); my $pii = cplx(0, pi); my $pip2 = cplx(pi/2, 0); my $zero = cplx(0, 0); '; push(@script, $constants); # test the divbyzeros sub test_dbz { for my $op (@_) { $test++; push(@script, < 2 and $baop) { # binary assignment ops $test++; # check the op= works push @script, <cartesian} : (\$z0, 0)); my (\$z1r, \$z1i) = ref \$z1 ? \@{\$z1->cartesian} : (\$z1, 0); my \$zb = cplx(\$z1r, \$z1i); \$za $op= \$zb; my (\$zbr, \$zbi) = \@{\$zb->cartesian}; check($test, '\$z0 $op= \$z1', \$za, \$z$#args, $args); EOB $test++; # check that the rhs has not changed push @script, qq(print "not " unless (\$zbr == \$z1r and \$zbi == \$z1i);); push @script, qq(print "ok $test\\n";\n); push @script, "}\n"; } } } sub set { my ($set, $setref, $valref) = @_; @{$setref} = (); @{$valref} = (); my @set = split(/;\s*/, $set); my @res; my $i; for ($i = 0; $i < @set; $i++) { push(@{$valref}, $set[$i]); my $val = value($set[$i]); push @script, "\$s$i = $val;\n"; push @{$setref}, "\$s$i"; } } sub value { local ($_) = @_; if (/^\s*\((.*),(.*)\)/) { return "cplx($1,$2)"; } elsif (/^\s*([\-\+]?(?:\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)(?:[e[\-\+]\d+])?)/) { return "cplx($1,0)"; } elsif (/^\s*\[(.*),(.*)\]/) { return "cplxe($1,$2)"; } elsif (/^\s*'(.*)'/) { my $ex = $1; $ex =~ s/\bz\b/$target/g; $ex =~ s/\br\b/abs($target)/g; $ex =~ s/\bt\b/arg($target)/g; $ex =~ s/\ba\b/Re($target)/g; $ex =~ s/\bb\b/Im($target)/g; return $ex; } elsif (/^\s*"(.*)"/) { return "\"$1\""; } return $_; } sub check { my ($test, $try, $got, $expected, @z) = @_; # print "# @_\n"; if ("$got" eq "$expected" || ($expected =~ /^-?\d/ && $got == $expected) || (abs($got - $expected) < $eps) ) { print "ok $test\n"; } else { print "not ok $test\n"; my $args = (@z == 1) ? "z = $z[0]" : "z0 = $z[0], z1 = $z[1]"; print "# '$try' expected: '$expected' got: '$got' for $args\n"; } } sub addsq { my ($z1, $z2) = @_; return ($z1 + i*$z2) * ($z1 - i*$z2); } sub subsq { my ($z1, $z2) = @_; return ($z1 + $z2) * ($z1 - $z2); } __END__ &+;= (3,4):(3,4):(6,8) (-3,4):(3,-4):(0,0) (3,4):-3:(0,4) 1:(4,2):(5,2) [2,0]:[2,pi]:(0,0) &++ (2,1):(3,1) &-;= (2,3):(-2,-3) [2,pi/2]:[2,-(pi)/2] 2:[2,0]:(0,0) [3,0]:2:(1,0) 3:(4,5):(-1,-5) (4,5):3:(1,5) (2,1):(3,5):(-1,-4) &-- (1,2):(0,2) [2,pi]:[3,pi] &*;= (0,1):(0,1):(-1,0) (4,5):(1,0):(4,5) [2,2*pi/3]:(1,0):[2,2*pi/3] 2:(0,1):(0,2) (0,1):3:(0,3) (0,1):(4,1):(-1,4) (2,1):(4,-1):(9,2) &/;= (3,4):(3,4):(1,0) (4,-5):1:(4,-5) 1:(0,1):(0,-1) (0,6):(0,2):(3,0) (9,2):(4,-1):(2,1) [4,pi]:[2,pi/2]:[2,pi/2] [2,pi/2]:[4,pi]:[0.5,-(pi)/2] &**;= (2,0):(3,0):(8,0) (3,0):(2,0):(9,0) (2,3):(4,0):(-119,-120) (0,0):(1,0):(0,0) (0,0):(2,3):(0,0) (1,0):(0,0):(1,0) (1,0):(1,0):(1,0) (1,0):(2,3):(1,0) (2,3):(0,0):(1,0) (2,3):(1,0):(2,3) &Re (3,4):3 (-3,4):-3 [1,pi/2]:0 &Im (3,4):4 (3,-4):-4 [1,pi/2]:1 &abs (3,4):5 (-3,4):5 &arg [2,0]:0 [-2,0]:pi &~ (4,5):(4,-5) (-3,4):(-3,-4) [2,pi/2]:[2,-(pi)/2] &< (3,4):(1,2):0 (3,4):(3,2):0 (3,4):(3,8):1 (4,4):(5,129):1 &== (3,4):(4,5):0 (3,4):(3,5):0 (3,4):(2,4):0 (3,4):(3,4):1 &sqrt -9:(0,3) (-100,0):(0,10) (16,-30):(5,-3) &stringify_cartesian (-100,0):"-100" (0,1):"i" (4,-3):"4-3i" (4,0):"4" (-4,0):"-4" (-2,4):"-2+4i" (-2,-1):"-2-i" &stringify_polar [-1, 0]:"[1,pi]" [1, pi/3]:"[1,pi/3]" [6, -2*pi/3]:"[6,-2pi/3]" [0.5, -9*pi/11]:"[0.5,-9pi/11]" { (4,3); [3,2]; (-3,4); (0,2); [2,1] } |'z + ~z':'2*Re(z)' |'z - ~z':'2*i*Im(z)' |'z * ~z':'abs(z) * abs(z)' { (0.5, 0); (-0.5, 0); (2,3); [3,2]; (-3,2); (0,2); 3; 1.2; (-3, 0); (-2, -1); [2,1] } |'(root(z, 4))[1] ** 4':'z' |'(root(z, 5))[3] ** 5':'z' |'(root(z, 8))[7] ** 8':'z' |'abs(z)':'r' |'acot(z)':'acotan(z)' |'acsc(z)':'acosec(z)' |'acsc(z)':'asin(1 / z)' |'asec(z)':'acos(1 / z)' |'cbrt(z)':'cbrt(r) * exp(i * t/3)' |'cos(acos(z))':'z' |'addsq(cos(z), sin(z))':1 |'cos(z)':'cosh(i*z)' |'subsq(cosh(z), sinh(z))':1 |'cot(acot(z))':'z' |'cot(z)':'1 / tan(z)' |'cot(z)':'cotan(z)' |'csc(acsc(z))':'z' |'csc(z)':'1 / sin(z)' |'csc(z)':'cosec(z)' |'exp(log(z))':'z' |'exp(z)':'exp(a) * exp(i * b)' |'ln(z)':'log(z)' |'log(exp(z))':'z' |'log(z)':'log(r) + i*t' |'log10(z)':'log(z) / log(10)' |'logn(z, 2)':'log(z) / log(2)' |'logn(z, 3)':'log(z) / log(3)' |'sec(asec(z))':'z' |'sec(z)':'1 / cos(z)' |'sin(asin(z))':'z' |'sin(i * z)':'i * sinh(z)' |'sqrt(z) * sqrt(z)':'z' |'sqrt(z)':'sqrt(r) * exp(i * t/2)' |'tan(atan(z))':'z' |'z**z':'exp(z * log(z))' { (1,1); [1,0.5]; (-2, -1); 2; -3; (-1,0.5); (0,0.5); 0.5; (2, 0); (-1, -2) } |'cosh(acosh(z))':'z' |'coth(acoth(z))':'z' |'coth(z)':'1 / tanh(z)' |'coth(z)':'cotanh(z)' |'csch(acsch(z))':'z' |'csch(z)':'1 / sinh(z)' |'csch(z)':'cosech(z)' |'sech(asech(z))':'z' |'sech(z)':'1 / cosh(z)' |'sinh(asinh(z))':'z' |'tanh(atanh(z))':'z' { (0.2,-0.4); [1,0.5]; -1.2; (-1,0.5); 0.5; (1.1, 0) } |'acos(cos(z)) ** 2':'z * z' |'acosh(cosh(z)) ** 2':'z * z' |'acoth(z)':'acotanh(z)' |'acoth(z)':'atanh(1 / z)' |'acsch(z)':'acosech(z)' |'acsch(z)':'asinh(1 / z)' |'asech(z)':'acosh(1 / z)' |'asin(sin(z))':'z' |'asinh(sinh(z))':'z' |'atan(tan(z))':'z' |'atanh(tanh(z))':'z' &log (-2.0,0):( 0.69314718055995, 3.14159265358979) (-1.0,0):( 0 , 3.14159265358979) (-0.5,0):( -0.69314718055995, 3.14159265358979) ( 0.5,0):( -0.69314718055995, 0 ) ( 1.0,0):( 0 , 0 ) ( 2.0,0):( 0.69314718055995, 0 ) &log ( 2, 3):( 1.28247467873077, 0.98279372324733) (-2, 3):( 1.28247467873077, 2.15879893034246) (-2,-3):( 1.28247467873077, -2.15879893034246) ( 2,-3):( 1.28247467873077, -0.98279372324733) &sin (-2.0,0):( -0.90929742682568, 0 ) (-1.0,0):( -0.84147098480790, 0 ) (-0.5,0):( -0.47942553860420, 0 ) ( 0.0,0):( 0 , 0 ) ( 0.5,0):( 0.47942553860420, 0 ) ( 1.0,0):( 0.84147098480790, 0 ) ( 2.0,0):( 0.90929742682568, 0 ) &sin ( 2, 3):( 9.15449914691143, -4.16890695996656) (-2, 3):( -9.15449914691143, -4.16890695996656) (-2,-3):( -9.15449914691143, 4.16890695996656) ( 2,-3):( 9.15449914691143, 4.16890695996656) &cos (-2.0,0):( -0.41614683654714, 0 ) (-1.0,0):( 0.54030230586814, 0 ) (-0.5,0):( 0.87758256189037, 0 ) ( 0.0,0):( 1 , 0 ) ( 0.5,0):( 0.87758256189037, 0 ) ( 1.0,0):( 0.54030230586814, 0 ) ( 2.0,0):( -0.41614683654714, 0 ) &cos ( 2, 3):( -4.18962569096881, -9.10922789375534) (-2, 3):( -4.18962569096881, 9.10922789375534) (-2,-3):( -4.18962569096881, -9.10922789375534) ( 2,-3):( -4.18962569096881, 9.10922789375534) &tan (-2.0,0):( 2.18503986326152, 0 ) (-1.0,0):( -1.55740772465490, 0 ) (-0.5,0):( -0.54630248984379, 0 ) ( 0.0,0):( 0 , 0 ) ( 0.5,0):( 0.54630248984379, 0 ) ( 1.0,0):( 1.55740772465490, 0 ) ( 2.0,0):( -2.18503986326152, 0 ) &tan ( 2, 3):( -0.00376402564150, 1.00323862735361) (-2, 3):( 0.00376402564150, 1.00323862735361) (-2,-3):( 0.00376402564150, -1.00323862735361) ( 2,-3):( -0.00376402564150, -1.00323862735361) &sec (-2.0,0):( -2.40299796172238, 0 ) (-1.0,0):( 1.85081571768093, 0 ) (-0.5,0):( 1.13949392732455, 0 ) ( 0.0,0):( 1 , 0 ) ( 0.5,0):( 1.13949392732455, 0 ) ( 1.0,0):( 1.85081571768093, 0 ) ( 2.0,0):( -2.40299796172238, 0 ) &sec ( 2, 3):( -0.04167496441114, 0.09061113719624) (-2, 3):( -0.04167496441114, -0.09061113719624) (-2,-3):( -0.04167496441114, 0.09061113719624) ( 2,-3):( -0.04167496441114, -0.09061113719624) &csc (-2.0,0):( -1.09975017029462, 0 ) (-1.0,0):( -1.18839510577812, 0 ) (-0.5,0):( -2.08582964293349, 0 ) ( 0.5,0):( 2.08582964293349, 0 ) ( 1.0,0):( 1.18839510577812, 0 ) ( 2.0,0):( 1.09975017029462, 0 ) &csc ( 2, 3):( 0.09047320975321, 0.04120098628857) (-2, 3):( -0.09047320975321, 0.04120098628857) (-2,-3):( -0.09047320975321, -0.04120098628857) ( 2,-3):( 0.09047320975321, -0.04120098628857) &cot (-2.0,0):( 0.45765755436029, 0 ) (-1.0,0):( -0.64209261593433, 0 ) (-0.5,0):( -1.83048772171245, 0 ) ( 0.5,0):( 1.83048772171245, 0 ) ( 1.0,0):( 0.64209261593433, 0 ) ( 2.0,0):( -0.45765755436029, 0 ) &cot ( 2, 3):( -0.00373971037634, -0.99675779656936) (-2, 3):( 0.00373971037634, -0.99675779656936) (-2,-3):( 0.00373971037634, 0.99675779656936) ( 2,-3):( -0.00373971037634, 0.99675779656936) &asin (-2.0,0):( -1.57079632679490, 1.31695789692482) (-1.0,0):( -1.57079632679490, 0 ) (-0.5,0):( -0.52359877559830, 0 ) ( 0.0,0):( 0 , 0 ) ( 0.5,0):( 0.52359877559830, 0 ) ( 1.0,0):( 1.57079632679490, 0 ) ( 2.0,0):( 1.57079632679490, -1.31695789692482) &asin ( 2, 3):( 0.57065278432110, 1.98338702991654) (-2, 3):( -0.57065278432110, 1.98338702991654) (-2,-3):( -0.57065278432110, -1.98338702991654) ( 2,-3):( 0.57065278432110, -1.98338702991654) &acos (-2.0,0):( 3.14159265358979, -1.31695789692482) (-1.0,0):( 3.14159265358979, 0 ) (-0.5,0):( 2.09439510239320, 0 ) ( 0.0,0):( 1.57079632679490, 0 ) ( 0.5,0):( 1.04719755119660, 0 ) ( 1.0,0):( 0 , 0 ) ( 2.0,0):( 0 , 1.31695789692482) &acos ( 2, 3):( 1.00014354247380, -1.98338702991654) (-2, 3):( 2.14144911111600, -1.98338702991654) (-2,-3):( 2.14144911111600, 1.98338702991654) ( 2,-3):( 1.00014354247380, 1.98338702991654) &atan (-2.0,0):( -1.10714871779409, 0 ) (-1.0,0):( -0.78539816339745, 0 ) (-0.5,0):( -0.46364760900081, 0 ) ( 0.0,0):( 0 , 0 ) ( 0.5,0):( 0.46364760900081, 0 ) ( 1.0,0):( 0.78539816339745, 0 ) ( 2.0,0):( 1.10714871779409, 0 ) &atan ( 2, 3):( 1.40992104959658, 0.22907268296854) (-2, 3):( -1.40992104959658, 0.22907268296854) (-2,-3):( -1.40992104959658, -0.22907268296854) ( 2,-3):( 1.40992104959658, -0.22907268296854) &asec (-2.0,0):( 2.09439510239320, 0 ) (-1.0,0):( 3.14159265358979, 0 ) (-0.5,0):( 3.14159265358979, -1.31695789692482) ( 0.5,0):( 0 , 1.31695789692482) ( 1.0,0):( 0 , 0 ) ( 2.0,0):( 1.04719755119660, 0 ) &asec ( 2, 3):( 1.42041072246703, 0.23133469857397) (-2, 3):( 1.72118193112276, 0.23133469857397) (-2,-3):( 1.72118193112276, -0.23133469857397) ( 2,-3):( 1.42041072246703, -0.23133469857397) &acsc (-2.0,0):( -0.52359877559830, 0 ) (-1.0,0):( -1.57079632679490, 0 ) (-0.5,0):( -1.57079632679490, 1.31695789692482) ( 0.5,0):( 1.57079632679490, -1.31695789692482) ( 1.0,0):( 1.57079632679490, 0 ) ( 2.0,0):( 0.52359877559830, 0 ) &acsc ( 2, 3):( 0.15038560432786, -0.23133469857397) (-2, 3):( -0.15038560432786, -0.23133469857397) (-2,-3):( -0.15038560432786, 0.23133469857397) ( 2,-3):( 0.15038560432786, 0.23133469857397) &acot (-2.0,0):( -0.46364760900081, 0 ) (-1.0,0):( -0.78539816339745, 0 ) (-0.5,0):( -1.10714871779409, 0 ) ( 0.5,0):( 1.10714871779409, 0 ) ( 1.0,0):( 0.78539816339745, 0 ) ( 2.0,0):( 0.46364760900081, 0 ) &acot ( 2, 3):( 0.16087527719832, -0.22907268296854) (-2, 3):( -0.16087527719832, -0.22907268296854) (-2,-3):( -0.16087527719832, 0.22907268296854) ( 2,-3):( 0.16087527719832, 0.22907268296854) &sinh (-2.0,0):( -3.62686040784702, 0 ) (-1.0,0):( -1.17520119364380, 0 ) (-0.5,0):( -0.52109530549375, 0 ) ( 0.0,0):( 0 , 0 ) ( 0.5,0):( 0.52109530549375, 0 ) ( 1.0,0):( 1.17520119364380, 0 ) ( 2.0,0):( 3.62686040784702, 0 ) &sinh ( 2, 3):( -3.59056458998578, 0.53092108624852) (-2, 3):( 3.59056458998578, 0.53092108624852) (-2,-3):( 3.59056458998578, -0.53092108624852) ( 2,-3):( -3.59056458998578, -0.53092108624852) &cosh (-2.0,0):( 3.76219569108363, 0 ) (-1.0,0):( 1.54308063481524, 0 ) (-0.5,0):( 1.12762596520638, 0 ) ( 0.0,0):( 1 , 0 ) ( 0.5,0):( 1.12762596520638, 0 ) ( 1.0,0):( 1.54308063481524, 0 ) ( 2.0,0):( 3.76219569108363, 0 ) &cosh ( 2, 3):( -3.72454550491532, 0.51182256998738) (-2, 3):( -3.72454550491532, -0.51182256998738) (-2,-3):( -3.72454550491532, 0.51182256998738) ( 2,-3):( -3.72454550491532, -0.51182256998738) &tanh (-2.0,0):( -0.96402758007582, 0 ) (-1.0,0):( -0.76159415595576, 0 ) (-0.5,0):( -0.46211715726001, 0 ) ( 0.0,0):( 0 , 0 ) ( 0.5,0):( 0.46211715726001, 0 ) ( 1.0,0):( 0.76159415595576, 0 ) ( 2.0,0):( 0.96402758007582, 0 ) &tanh ( 2, 3):( 0.96538587902213, -0.00988437503832) (-2, 3):( -0.96538587902213, -0.00988437503832) (-2,-3):( -0.96538587902213, 0.00988437503832) ( 2,-3):( 0.96538587902213, 0.00988437503832) &sech (-2.0,0):( 0.26580222883408, 0 ) (-1.0,0):( 0.64805427366389, 0 ) (-0.5,0):( 0.88681888397007, 0 ) ( 0.0,0):( 1 , 0 ) ( 0.5,0):( 0.88681888397007, 0 ) ( 1.0,0):( 0.64805427366389, 0 ) ( 2.0,0):( 0.26580222883408, 0 ) &sech ( 2, 3):( -0.26351297515839, -0.03621163655877) (-2, 3):( -0.26351297515839, 0.03621163655877) (-2,-3):( -0.26351297515839, -0.03621163655877) ( 2,-3):( -0.26351297515839, 0.03621163655877) &csch (-2.0,0):( -0.27572056477178, 0 ) (-1.0,0):( -0.85091812823932, 0 ) (-0.5,0):( -1.91903475133494, 0 ) ( 0.5,0):( 1.91903475133494, 0 ) ( 1.0,0):( 0.85091812823932, 0 ) ( 2.0,0):( 0.27572056477178, 0 ) &csch ( 2, 3):( -0.27254866146294, -0.04030057885689) (-2, 3):( 0.27254866146294, -0.04030057885689) (-2,-3):( 0.27254866146294, 0.04030057885689) ( 2,-3):( -0.27254866146294, 0.04030057885689) &coth (-2.0,0):( -1.03731472072755, 0 ) (-1.0,0):( -1.31303528549933, 0 ) (-0.5,0):( -2.16395341373865, 0 ) ( 0.5,0):( 2.16395341373865, 0 ) ( 1.0,0):( 1.31303528549933, 0 ) ( 2.0,0):( 1.03731472072755, 0 ) &coth ( 2, 3):( 1.03574663776500, 0.01060478347034) (-2, 3):( -1.03574663776500, 0.01060478347034) (-2,-3):( -1.03574663776500, -0.01060478347034) ( 2,-3):( 1.03574663776500, -0.01060478347034) &asinh (-2.0,0):( -1.44363547517881, 0 ) (-1.0,0):( -0.88137358701954, 0 ) (-0.5,0):( -0.48121182505960, 0 ) ( 0.0,0):( 0 , 0 ) ( 0.5,0):( 0.48121182505960, 0 ) ( 1.0,0):( 0.88137358701954, 0 ) ( 2.0,0):( 1.44363547517881, 0 ) &asinh ( 2, 3):( 1.96863792579310, 0.96465850440760) (-2, 3):( -1.96863792579310, 0.96465850440761) (-2,-3):( -1.96863792579310, -0.96465850440761) ( 2,-3):( 1.96863792579310, -0.96465850440760) &acosh (-2.0,0):( -1.31695789692482, 3.14159265358979) (-1.0,0):( 0, 3.14159265358979) (-0.5,0):( 0, 2.09439510239320) ( 0.0,0):( 0, 1.57079632679490) ( 0.5,0):( 0, 1.04719755119660) ( 1.0,0):( 0 , 0 ) ( 2.0,0):( 1.31695789692482, 0 ) &acosh ( 2, 3):( 1.98338702991654, 1.00014354247380) (-2, 3):( -1.98338702991653, -2.14144911111600) (-2,-3):( -1.98338702991653, 2.14144911111600) ( 2,-3):( 1.98338702991654, -1.00014354247380) &atanh (-2.0,0):( -0.54930614433405, 1.57079632679490) (-0.5,0):( -0.54930614433405, 0 ) ( 0.0,0):( 0 , 0 ) ( 0.5,0):( 0.54930614433405, 0 ) ( 2.0,0):( 0.54930614433405, 1.57079632679490) &atanh ( 2, 3):( 0.14694666622553, 1.33897252229449) (-2, 3):( -0.14694666622553, 1.33897252229449) (-2,-3):( -0.14694666622553, -1.33897252229449) ( 2,-3):( 0.14694666622553, -1.33897252229449) &asech (-2.0,0):( 0 , 2.09439510239320) (-1.0,0):( 0 , 3.14159265358979) (-0.5,0):( -1.31695789692482, 3.14159265358979) ( 0.5,0):( 1.31695789692482, 0 ) ( 1.0,0):( 0 , 0 ) ( 2.0,0):( 0 , 1.04719755119660) &asech ( 2, 3):( 0.23133469857397, -1.42041072246703) (-2, 3):( -0.23133469857397, 1.72118193112276) (-2,-3):( -0.23133469857397, -1.72118193112276) ( 2,-3):( 0.23133469857397, 1.42041072246703) &acsch (-2.0,0):( -0.48121182505960, 0 ) (-1.0,0):( -0.88137358701954, 0 ) (-0.5,0):( -1.44363547517881, 0 ) ( 0.5,0):( 1.44363547517881, 0 ) ( 1.0,0):( 0.88137358701954, 0 ) ( 2.0,0):( 0.48121182505960, 0 ) &acsch ( 2, 3):( 0.15735549884499, -0.22996290237721) (-2, 3):( -0.15735549884499, -0.22996290237721) (-2,-3):( -0.15735549884499, 0.22996290237721) ( 2,-3):( 0.15735549884499, 0.22996290237721) &acoth (-2.0,0):( -0.54930614433405, 0 ) (-0.5,0):( -0.54930614433405, 1.57079632679490) ( 0.5,0):( 0.54930614433405, 1.57079632679490) ( 2.0,0):( 0.54930614433405, 0 ) &acoth ( 2, 3):( 0.14694666622553, -0.23182380450040) (-2, 3):( -0.14694666622553, -0.23182380450040) (-2,-3):( -0.14694666622553, 0.23182380450040) ( 2,-3):( 0.14694666622553, 0.23182380450040) # eof