#!./perl -w BEGIN { unshift @INC, '../lib' if -d '../lib' ; require Config; import Config; if ($Config{'extensions'} !~ /\bDB_File\b/) { print "1..0\n"; exit 0; } } use DB_File; use Fcntl; use strict ; use vars qw($dbh $Dfile $bad_ones $FA) ; # full tied array support started in Perl 5.004_57 # Double check to see if it is available. { sub try::TIEARRAY { bless [], "try" } sub try::FETCHSIZE { $FA = 1 } $FA = 0 ; my @a ; tie @a, 'try' ; my $a = @a ; } sub ok { my $no = shift ; my $result = shift ; print "not " unless $result ; print "ok $no\n" ; return $result ; } sub bad_one { print STDERR <{bval}) ; ok(2, ! defined $dbh->{cachesize}) ; ok(3, ! defined $dbh->{psize}) ; ok(4, ! defined $dbh->{flags}) ; ok(5, ! defined $dbh->{lorder}) ; ok(6, ! defined $dbh->{reclen}) ; ok(7, ! defined $dbh->{bfname}) ; $dbh->{bval} = 3000 ; ok(8, $dbh->{bval} == 3000 ); $dbh->{cachesize} = 9000 ; ok(9, $dbh->{cachesize} == 9000 ); $dbh->{psize} = 400 ; ok(10, $dbh->{psize} == 400 ); $dbh->{flags} = 65 ; ok(11, $dbh->{flags} == 65 ); $dbh->{lorder} = 123 ; ok(12, $dbh->{lorder} == 123 ); $dbh->{reclen} = 1234 ; ok(13, $dbh->{reclen} == 1234 ); $dbh->{bfname} = 1234 ; ok(14, $dbh->{bfname} == 1234 ); # Check that an invalid entry is caught both for store & fetch eval '$dbh->{fred} = 1234' ; ok(15, $@ =~ /^DB_File::RECNOINFO::STORE - Unknown element 'fred' at/ ); eval 'my $q = $dbh->{fred}' ; ok(16, $@ =~ /^DB_File::RECNOINFO::FETCH - Unknown element 'fred' at/ ); # Now check the interface to RECNOINFO my $X ; my @h ; ok(17, $X = tie @h, 'DB_File', $Dfile, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0640, $DB_RECNO ) ; ok(18, ((stat($Dfile))[2] & 0777) == ($^O eq 'os2' ? 0666 : 0640) || $^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'amigaos') ; #my $l = @h ; my $l = $X->length ; ok(19, ($FA ? @h == 0 : !$l) ); my @data = qw( a b c d ever f g h i j k longername m n o p) ; $h[0] = shift @data ; ok(20, $h[0] eq 'a' ); my $ i; foreach (@data) { $h[++$i] = $_ } unshift (@data, 'a') ; ok(21, defined $h[1] ); ok(22, ! defined $h[16] ); ok(23, $FA ? @h == @data : $X->length == @data ); # Overwrite an entry & check fetch it $h[3] = 'replaced' ; $data[3] = 'replaced' ; ok(24, $h[3] eq 'replaced' ); #PUSH my @push_data = qw(added to the end) ; ($FA ? push(@h, @push_data) : $X->push(@push_data)) ; push (@data, @push_data) ; ok(25, $h[++$i] eq 'added' ); ok(26, $h[++$i] eq 'to' ); ok(27, $h[++$i] eq 'the' ); ok(28, $h[++$i] eq 'end' ); # POP my $popped = pop (@data) ; my $value = ($FA ? pop @h : $X->pop) ; ok(29, $value eq $popped) ; # SHIFT $value = ($FA ? shift @h : $X->shift) ; my $shifted = shift @data ; ok(30, $value eq $shifted ); # UNSHIFT # empty list ($FA ? unshift @h : $X->unshift) ; ok(31, ($FA ? @h == @data : $X->length == @data )); my @new_data = qw(add this to the start of the array) ; $FA ? unshift (@h, @new_data) : $X->unshift (@new_data) ; unshift (@data, @new_data) ; ok(32, $FA ? @h == @data : $X->length == @data ); ok(33, $h[0] eq "add") ; ok(34, $h[1] eq "this") ; ok(35, $h[2] eq "to") ; ok(36, $h[3] eq "the") ; ok(37, $h[4] eq "start") ; ok(38, $h[5] eq "of") ; ok(39, $h[6] eq "the") ; ok(40, $h[7] eq "array") ; ok(41, $h[8] eq $data[8]) ; # SPLICE # Now both arrays should be identical my $ok = 1 ; my $j = 0 ; foreach (@data) { $ok = 0, last if $_ ne $h[$j ++] ; } ok(42, $ok ); # Neagtive subscripts # get the last element of the array ok(43, $h[-1] eq $data[-1] ); ok(44, $h[-1] eq $h[ ($FA ? @h : $X->length) -1] ); # get the first element using a negative subscript eval '$h[ - ( $FA ? @h : $X->length)] = "abcd"' ; ok(45, $@ eq "" ); ok(46, $h[0] eq "abcd" ); # now try to read before the start of the array eval '$h[ - (1 + ($FA ? @h : $X->length))] = 1234' ; ok(47, $@ =~ '^Modification of non-creatable array value attempted' ); # IMPORTANT - $X must be undefined before the untie otherwise the # underlying DB close routine will not get called. undef $X ; untie(@h); unlink $Dfile; sub docat { my $file = shift; local $/ = undef; open(CAT,$file) || die "Cannot open $file:$!"; my $result = ; close(CAT); return $result; } { # Check bval defaults to \n my @h = () ; my $dbh = new DB_File::RECNOINFO ; ok(48, tie @h, 'DB_File', $Dfile, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0640, $dbh ) ; $h[0] = "abc" ; $h[1] = "def" ; $h[3] = "ghi" ; untie @h ; my $x = docat($Dfile) ; unlink $Dfile; ok(49, $x eq "abc\ndef\n\nghi\n") ; } { # Change bval my @h = () ; my $dbh = new DB_File::RECNOINFO ; $dbh->{bval} = "-" ; ok(50, tie @h, 'DB_File', $Dfile, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0640, $dbh ) ; $h[0] = "abc" ; $h[1] = "def" ; $h[3] = "ghi" ; untie @h ; my $x = docat($Dfile) ; unlink $Dfile; my $ok = ($x eq "abc-def--ghi-") ; bad_one() unless $ok ; ok(51, $ok) ; } { # Check R_FIXEDLEN with default bval (space) my @h = () ; my $dbh = new DB_File::RECNOINFO ; $dbh->{flags} = R_FIXEDLEN ; $dbh->{reclen} = 5 ; ok(52, tie @h, 'DB_File', $Dfile, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0640, $dbh ) ; $h[0] = "abc" ; $h[1] = "def" ; $h[3] = "ghi" ; untie @h ; my $x = docat($Dfile) ; unlink $Dfile; my $ok = ($x eq "abc def ghi ") ; bad_one() unless $ok ; ok(53, $ok) ; } { # Check R_FIXEDLEN with user-defined bval my @h = () ; my $dbh = new DB_File::RECNOINFO ; $dbh->{flags} = R_FIXEDLEN ; $dbh->{bval} = "-" ; $dbh->{reclen} = 5 ; ok(54, tie @h, 'DB_File', $Dfile, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0640, $dbh ) ; $h[0] = "abc" ; $h[1] = "def" ; $h[3] = "ghi" ; untie @h ; my $x = docat($Dfile) ; unlink $Dfile; my $ok = ($x eq "abc--def-------ghi--") ; bad_one() unless $ok ; ok(55, $ok) ; } { # check that attempting to tie an associative array to a DB_RECNO will fail my $filename = "xyz" ; my %x ; eval { tie %x, 'DB_File', $filename, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0640, $DB_RECNO ; } ; ok(56, $@ =~ /^DB_File can only tie an array to a DB_RECNO database/) ; unlink $filename ; } { # sub-class test package Another ; use strict ; open(FILE, ">SubDB.pm") or die "Cannot open SubDB.pm: $!\n" ; print FILE <<'EOM' ; package SubDB ; use strict ; use vars qw( @ISA @EXPORT) ; require Exporter ; use DB_File; @ISA=qw(DB_File); @EXPORT = @DB_File::EXPORT ; sub STORE { my $self = shift ; my $key = shift ; my $value = shift ; $self->SUPER::STORE($key, $value * 2) ; } sub FETCH { my $self = shift ; my $key = shift ; $self->SUPER::FETCH($key) - 1 ; } sub put { my $self = shift ; my $key = shift ; my $value = shift ; $self->SUPER::put($key, $value * 3) ; } sub get { my $self = shift ; $self->SUPER::get($_[0], $_[1]) ; $_[1] -= 2 ; } sub A_new_method { my $self = shift ; my $key = shift ; my $value = $self->FETCH($key) ; return "[[$value]]" ; } 1 ; EOM close FILE ; BEGIN { push @INC, '.'; } eval 'use SubDB ; '; main::ok(57, $@ eq "") ; my @h ; my $X ; eval ' $X = tie(@h, "SubDB","recno.tmp", O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0640, $DB_RECNO ); ' ; main::ok(58, $@ eq "") ; my $ret = eval '$h[3] = 3 ; return $h[3] ' ; main::ok(59, $@ eq "") ; main::ok(60, $ret == 5) ; my $value = 0; $ret = eval '$X->put(1, 4) ; $X->get(1, $value) ; return $value' ; main::ok(61, $@ eq "") ; main::ok(62, $ret == 10) ; $ret = eval ' R_NEXT eq main::R_NEXT ' ; main::ok(63, $@ eq "" ) ; main::ok(64, $ret == 1) ; $ret = eval '$X->A_new_method(1) ' ; main::ok(65, $@ eq "") ; main::ok(66, $ret eq "[[11]]") ; undef $X; untie(@h); unlink "SubDB.pm", "recno.tmp" ; } { # test $# my $self ; unlink $Dfile; ok(67, $self = tie @h, 'DB_File', $Dfile, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0640, $DB_RECNO ) ; $h[0] = "abc" ; $h[1] = "def" ; $h[2] = "ghi" ; $h[3] = "jkl" ; ok(68, $FA ? $#h == 3 : $self->length() == 4) ; undef $self ; untie @h ; my $x = docat($Dfile) ; ok(69, $x eq "abc\ndef\nghi\njkl\n") ; # $# sets array to same length ok(70, $self = tie @h, 'DB_File', $Dfile, O_RDWR, 0640, $DB_RECNO ) ; if ($FA) { $#h = 3 } else { $self->STORESIZE(4) } ok(71, $FA ? $#h == 3 : $self->length() == 4) ; undef $self ; untie @h ; $x = docat($Dfile) ; ok(72, $x eq "abc\ndef\nghi\njkl\n") ; # $# sets array to bigger ok(73, $self = tie @h, 'DB_File', $Dfile, O_RDWR, 0640, $DB_RECNO ) ; if ($FA) { $#h = 6 } else { $self->STORESIZE(7) } ok(74, $FA ? $#h == 6 : $self->length() == 7) ; undef $self ; untie @h ; $x = docat($Dfile) ; ok(75, $x eq "abc\ndef\nghi\njkl\n\n\n\n") ; # $# sets array smaller ok(76, $self = tie @h, 'DB_File', $Dfile, O_RDWR, 0640, $DB_RECNO ) ; if ($FA) { $#h = 2 } else { $self->STORESIZE(3) } ok(77, $FA ? $#h == 2 : $self->length() == 3) ; undef $self ; untie @h ; $x = docat($Dfile) ; ok(78, $x eq "abc\ndef\nghi\n") ; unlink $Dfile; } exit ;