#!./perl -w print "1..26\n"; BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; } use warnings; use strict; use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; use ExtUtils::Constant qw (constant_types C_constant XS_constant autoload); use Config; use File::Spec::Functions; use File::Spec; # Because were are going to be changing directory before running Makefile.PL my $perl = File::Spec->rel2abs( $^X ); # ExtUtils::Constant::C_constant uses $^X inside a comment, and we want to # compare output to ensure that it is the same. We were probably run as ./perl # whereas we will run the child with the full path in $perl. So make $^X for # us the same as our child will see. $^X = $perl; print "# perl=$perl\n"; my $runperl = "$perl -x \"-I../../lib\""; $| = 1; my $dir = "ext-$$"; my @files; print "# $dir being created...\n"; mkdir $dir, 0777 or die "mkdir: $!\n"; END { use File::Path; print "# $dir being removed...\n"; rmtree($dir); } my $package = "ExtTest"; # Test the code that generates 1 and 2 letter name comparisons. my %compass = ( N => 0, NE => 45, E => 90, SE => 135, S => 180, SW => 225, W => 270, NW => 315 ); my $parent_rfc1149 = 'A Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams on Avian Carriers'; my @names = ("FIVE", {name=>"OK6", type=>"PV",}, {name=>"OK7", type=>"PVN", value=>['"not ok 7\\n\\0ok 7\\n"', 15]}, {name => "FARTHING", type=>"NV"}, {name => "NOT_ZERO", type=>"UV", value=>"~(UV)0"}, {name => "OPEN", type=>"PV", value=>'"/*"', macro=>["#if 1\n", "#endif\n"]}, {name => "CLOSE", type=>"PV", value=>'"*/"', macro=>["#if 1\n", "#endif\n"]}, {name => "ANSWER", default=>["UV", 42]}, "NOTDEF", {name => "Yes", type=>"YES"}, {name => "No", type=>"NO"}, {name => "Undef", type=>"UNDEF"}, # OK. It wasn't really designed to allow the creation of dual valued constants. # It was more for INADDR_ANY INADDR_BROADCAST INADDR_LOOPBACK INADDR_NONE {name=>"RFC1149", type=>"SV", value=>"sv_2mortal(temp_sv)", pre=>"SV *temp_sv = newSVpv(RFC1149, 0); " . "(void) SvUPGRADE(temp_sv,SVt_PVIV); SvIOK_on(temp_sv); " . "SvIVX(temp_sv) = 1149;"}, ); push @names, $_ foreach keys %compass; my @names_only = map {(ref $_) ? $_->{name} : $_} @names; my $types = {}; my $constant_types = constant_types(); # macro defs my $C_constant = join "\n", C_constant ($package, undef, "IV", $types, undef, undef, @names); my $XS_constant = XS_constant ($package, $types); # XS for ExtTest::constant ################ Header my $header = catfile($dir, "test.h"); push @files, "test.h"; open FH, ">$header" or die "open >$header: $!\n"; print FH <<"EOT"; #define FIVE 5 #define OK6 "ok 6\\n" #define OK7 1 #define FARTHING 0.25 #define NOT_ZERO 1 #define Yes 0 #define No 1 #define Undef 1 #define RFC1149 "$parent_rfc1149" #undef NOTDEF EOT while (my ($point, $bearing) = each %compass) { print FH "#define $point $bearing\n" } close FH or die "close $header: $!\n"; ################ XS my $xs = catfile($dir, "$package.xs"); push @files, "$package.xs"; open FH, ">$xs" or die "open >$xs: $!\n"; print FH <<'EOT'; #include "EXTERN.h" #include "perl.h" #include "XSUB.h" EOT print FH "#include \"test.h\"\n\n"; print FH $constant_types; print FH $C_constant, "\n"; print FH "MODULE = $package PACKAGE = $package\n"; print FH "PROTOTYPES: ENABLE\n"; print FH $XS_constant; close FH or die "close $xs: $!\n"; ################ PM my $pm = catfile($dir, "$package.pm"); push @files, "$package.pm"; open FH, ">$pm" or die "open >$pm: $!\n"; print FH "package $package;\n"; print FH "use $];\n"; print FH <<'EOT'; use strict; use warnings; use Carp; require Exporter; require DynaLoader; use vars qw ($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT_OK); $VERSION = '0.01'; @ISA = qw(Exporter DynaLoader); @EXPORT_OK = qw( EOT print FH "\t$_\n" foreach (@names_only); print FH ");\n"; print FH autoload ($package, $]); print FH "bootstrap $package \$VERSION;\n1;\n__END__\n"; close FH or die "close $pm: $!\n"; ################ test.pl my $testpl = catfile($dir, "test.pl"); push @files, "test.pl"; open FH, ">$testpl" or die "open >$testpl: $!\n"; print FH "use strict;\n"; print FH "use $package qw(@names_only);\n"; print FH <<'EOT'; # IV my $five = FIVE; if ($five == 5) { print "ok 5\n"; } else { print "not ok 5 # $five\n"; } # PV print OK6; # PVN containing embedded \0s $_ = OK7; s/.*\0//s; print; # NV my $farthing = FARTHING; if ($farthing == 0.25) { print "ok 8\n"; } else { print "not ok 8 # $farthing\n"; } # UV my $not_zero = NOT_ZERO; if ($not_zero > 0 && $not_zero == ~0) { print "ok 9\n"; } else { print "not ok 9 # \$not_zero=$not_zero ~0=" . (~0) . "\n"; } # Value includes a "*/" in an attempt to bust out of a C comment. # Also tests custom cpp #if clauses my $close = CLOSE; if ($close eq '*/') { print "ok 10\n"; } else { print "not ok 10 # \$close='$close'\n"; } # Default values if macro not defined. my $answer = ANSWER; if ($answer == 42) { print "ok 11\n"; } else { print "not ok 11 # What do you get if you multiply six by nine? '$answer'\n"; } # not defined macro my $notdef = eval { NOTDEF; }; if (defined $notdef) { print "not ok 12 # \$notdef='$notdef'\n"; } elsif ($@ !~ /Your vendor has not defined ExtTest macro NOTDEF/) { print "not ok 12 # \$@='$@'\n"; } else { print "ok 12\n"; } # not a macro my $notthere = eval { &ExtTest::NOTTHERE; }; if (defined $notthere) { print "not ok 13 # \$notthere='$notthere'\n"; } elsif ($@ !~ /NOTTHERE is not a valid ExtTest macro/) { chomp $@; print "not ok 13 # \$@='$@'\n"; } else { print "ok 13\n"; } # Truth my $yes = Yes; if ($yes) { print "ok 14\n"; } else { print "not ok 14 # $yes='\$yes'\n"; } # Falsehood my $no = No; if (defined $no and !$no) { print "ok 15\n"; } else { print "not ok 15 # \$no=" . defined ($no) ? "'$no'\n" : "undef\n"; } # Undef my $undef = Undef; unless (defined $undef) { print "ok 16\n"; } else { print "not ok 16 # \$undef='$undef'\n"; } # invalid macro (chosen to look like a mix up between No and SW) $notdef = eval { &ExtTest::So }; if (defined $notdef) { print "not ok 17 # \$notdef='$notdef'\n"; } elsif ($@ !~ /^So is not a valid ExtTest macro/) { print "not ok 17 # \$@='$@'\n"; } else { print "ok 17\n"; } # invalid defined macro $notdef = eval { &ExtTest::EW }; if (defined $notdef) { print "not ok 18 # \$notdef='$notdef'\n"; } elsif ($@ !~ /^EW is not a valid ExtTest macro/) { print "not ok 18 # \$@='$@'\n"; } else { print "ok 18\n"; } my %compass = ( EOT while (my ($point, $bearing) = each %compass) { print FH "$point => $bearing, " } print FH <<'EOT'; ); my $fail; while (my ($point, $bearing) = each %compass) { my $val = eval $point; if ($@) { print "# $point: \$@='$@'\n"; $fail = 1; } elsif (!defined $bearing) { print "# $point: \$val=undef\n"; $fail = 1; } elsif ($val != $bearing) { print "# $point: \$val=$val, not $bearing\n"; $fail = 1; } } if ($fail) { print "not ok 19\n"; } else { print "ok 19\n"; } EOT print FH <<"EOT"; my \$rfc1149 = RFC1149; if (\$rfc1149 ne "$parent_rfc1149") { print "not ok 20 # '\$rfc1149' ne '$parent_rfc1149'\n"; } else { print "ok 20\n"; } if (\$rfc1149 != 1149) { printf "not ok 21 # %d != 1149\n", \$rfc1149; } else { print "ok 21\n"; } EOT close FH or die "close $testpl: $!\n"; ################ Makefile.PL # We really need a Makefile.PL because make test for a no dynamic linking perl # will run Makefile.PL again as part of the "make perl" target. my $makefilePL = catfile($dir, "Makefile.PL"); push @files, "Makefile.PL"; open FH, ">$makefilePL" or die "open >$makefilePL: $!\n"; print FH <<"EOT"; #!$perl -w use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; WriteMakefile( 'NAME' => "$package", 'VERSION_FROM' => "$package.pm", # finds \$VERSION (\$] >= 5.005 ? (#ABSTRACT_FROM => "$package.pm", # XXX add this AUTHOR => "$0") : ()) ); EOT close FH or die "close $makefilePL: $!\n"; chdir $dir or die $!; push @INC, '../../lib'; END {chdir ".." or warn $!}; my @perlout = `$runperl Makefile.PL`; if ($?) { print "not ok 1 # $runperl Makefile.PL failed: $?\n"; print "# $_" foreach @perlout; exit($?); } else { print "ok 1\n"; } my $makefile = ($^O eq 'VMS' ? 'descrip' : 'Makefile'); my $makefile_ext = ($^O eq 'VMS' ? '.mms' : ''); if (-f "$makefile$makefile_ext") { print "ok 2\n"; } else { print "not ok 2\n"; } my $makefile_rename = ($^O eq 'VMS' ? '.mms' : '.old'); push @files, "$makefile$makefile_rename"; # Renamed by make clean my $make = $Config{make}; $make = $ENV{MAKE} if exists $ENV{MAKE}; my $makeout; print "# make = '$make'\n"; $makeout = `$make`; if ($?) { print "not ok 3 # $make failed: $?\n"; exit($?); } else { print "ok 3\n"; } if ($Config{usedl}) { print "ok 4\n"; } else { push @files, "perl$Config{exe_ext}"; my $makeperl = "$make perl"; print "# make = '$makeperl'\n"; $makeout = `$makeperl`; if ($?) { print "not ok 4 # $makeperl failed: $?\n"; exit($?); } else { print "ok 4\n"; } } my $test = 22; my $maketest = "$make test"; print "# make = '$maketest'\n"; $makeout = `$maketest`; # echo of running the test script $makeout =~ s/^\s*PERL_DL_NONLAZY=.+?\n//m; $makeout =~ s/^MCR.+test.pl\n//mig if $^O eq 'VMS'; # GNU make babblings $makeout =~ s/^\w*?make.+?(?:entering|leaving) directory.+?\n//mig; # Hopefully gets most make's babblings # make -f Makefile.aperl perl $makeout =~ s/^\w*?make.+\sperl[^A-Za-z0-9]*\n//mig; # make[1]: `perl' is up to date. $makeout =~ s/^\w*?make.+perl.+?is up to date.*?\n//mig; print $makeout; if ($?) { print "not ok $test # $maketest failed: $?\n"; } else { print "ok $test\n"; } $test++; my $regen = `$runperl $package.xs`; if ($?) { print "not ok $test # $runperl $package.xs failed: $?\n"; } else { print "ok $test\n"; } $test++; my $expect = $constant_types . $C_constant . "\n#### XS Section:\n" . $XS_constant; if ($expect eq $regen) { print "ok $test\n"; } else { print "not ok $test\n"; # open FOO, ">expect"; print FOO $expect; # open FOO, ">regen"; print FOO $regen; close FOO; } $test++; my $makeclean = "$make clean"; print "# make = '$makeclean'\n"; $makeout = `$makeclean`; if ($?) { print "not ok $test # $make failed: $?\n"; } else { print "ok $test\n"; } $test++; foreach (@files) { unlink $_ or warn "unlink $_: $!"; } my $fail; opendir DIR, "." or die "opendir '.': $!"; while (defined (my $entry = readdir DIR)) { next if $entry =~ /^\.\.?$/; print "# Extra file '$entry'\n"; $fail = 1; } closedir DIR or warn "closedir '.': $!"; if ($fail) { print "not ok $test\n"; } else { print "ok $test\n"; }