#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; } BEGIN { our $haspe; eval { my @n = getprotobyname "tcp" }; $haspe = 1 unless $@ && $@ =~ /unimplemented/; unless ($haspe) { print "1..0 # Skip: no getprotobyname\n"; exit 0 } use Config; $haspe = 0 unless $Config{'i_netdb'} eq 'define'; unless ($haspe) { print "1..0 # Skip: no netdb.h\n"; exit 0 } } BEGIN { our @protoent = getprotobyname "tcp"; # This is the function getprotobyname. unless (@protoent) { print "1..0 # Skip: no tcp protocol\n"; exit 0 } } print "1..3\n"; use Net::protoent; print "ok 1\n"; my $protoent = getprotobyname "tcp"; # This is the OO getprotobyname. print "not " unless $protoent->name eq $protoent[0]; print "ok 2\n"; print "not " unless $protoent->proto == $protoent[2]; print "ok 3\n"; # Testing pretty much anything else is unportable.