#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; } print "1..5\n"; use Text::Wrap qw(wrap $columns); $columns = 30; $text = <<'EOT'; Text::Wrap is a very simple paragraph formatter. It formats a single paragraph at a time by breaking lines at word boundries. Indentation is controlled for the first line ($initial_tab) and all subsquent lines ($subsequent_tab) independently. $Text::Wrap::columns should be set to the full width of your output device. EOT $text =~ s/\n/ /g; $_ = wrap "| ", "|", $text; #print "$_\n"; print "not " unless /^\| Text::Wrap is/; # start is ok print "ok 1\n"; print "not " if /^.{31,}$/m; # no line longer than 30 chars print "ok 2\n"; print "not " unless /^\|\w/m; # other lines start with print "ok 3\n"; print "not " unless /\bsubsquent\b/; # look for a random word print "ok 4\n"; print "not " unless /\bdevice\./; # look for last word print "ok 5\n";