#!./perl use strict; use warnings; BEGIN { unless (-d 'blib') { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; } } require q(./test.pl); plan(tests => 7); { package BaseTest; use strict; use warnings; use mro 'c3'; package OverloadingTest; use strict; use warnings; use mro 'c3'; use base 'BaseTest'; use overload '""' => sub { ref(shift) . " stringified" }, fallback => 1; sub new { bless {} => shift } package InheritingFromOverloadedTest; use strict; use warnings; use base 'OverloadingTest'; use mro 'c3'; } my $x = InheritingFromOverloadedTest->new(); isa_ok($x, 'InheritingFromOverloadedTest'); my $y = OverloadingTest->new(); isa_ok($y, 'OverloadingTest'); is("$x", 'InheritingFromOverloadedTest stringified', '... got the right value when stringifing'); is("$y", 'OverloadingTest stringified', '... got the right value when stringifing'); ok(($y eq 'OverloadingTest stringified'), '... eq was handled correctly'); my $result; eval { $result = $x eq 'InheritingFromOverloadedTest stringified' }; ok(!$@, '... this should not throw an exception'); ok($result, '... and we should get the true value');