BEGIN { eval { my $q = pack "q", 0 }; if ($@) { print "1..0\n# no 64-bit types\n"; exit(0); } chdir 't' if -d 't'; unshift @INC, '../lib'; } # This could use a lot of more tests. # # Nota bene: bit operations (&, |, ^, ~, <<, >>) are not 64-bit clean. # See the beginning of pp.c and the explanation next to IBW/UBW. # so that using > 0xfffffff constants and # 32+ bit vector sizes doesn't cause noise no warnings qw(overflow portable); print "1..34\n"; my $q = 12345678901; my $r = 23456789012; my $f = 0xffffffff; my $x; my $y; $x = unpack "q", pack "q", $q; print "not " unless $x == $q && $x > $f; print "ok 1\n"; $x = sprintf("%lld", 12345678901); print "not " unless $x eq $q && $x > $f; print "ok 2\n"; $x = sprintf("%lld", $q); print "not " unless $x == $q && $x eq $q && $x > $f; print "ok 3\n"; $x = sprintf("%Ld", $q); print "not " unless $x == $q && $x eq $q && $x > $f; print "ok 4\n"; $x = sprintf("%qd", $q); print "not " unless $x == $q && $x eq $q && $x > $f; print "ok 5\n"; $x = sprintf("%llx", $q); print "not " unless hex($x) == 0x2dfdc1c35 && hex($x) > $f; print "ok 6\n"; $x = sprintf("%Lx", $q); print "not " unless hex($x) == 0x2dfdc1c35 && hex($x) > $f; print "ok 7\n"; $x = sprintf("%qx", $q); print "not " unless hex($x) == 0x2dfdc1c35 && hex($x) > $f; print "ok 8\n"; $x = sprintf("%llo", $q); print "not " unless oct("0$x") == 0133767016065 && oct($x) > $f; print "ok 9\n"; $x = sprintf("%Lo", $q); print "not " unless oct("0$x") == 0133767016065 && oct($x) > $f; print "ok 10\n"; $x = sprintf("%qo", $q); print "not " unless oct("0$x") == 0133767016065 && oct($x) > $f; print "ok 11\n"; $x = sprintf("%llb", $q); print "not " unless oct("0b$x") == 0b1011011111110111000001110000110101 && oct("0b$x") > $f; print "ok 12\n"; $x = sprintf("%Lb", $q); print "not " unless oct("0b$x") == 0b1011011111110111000001110000110101 && oct("0b$x") > $f; print "ok 13\n"; $x = sprintf("%qb", $q); print "not " unless oct("0b$x") == 0b1011011111110111000001110000110101 && oct("0b$x") > $f; print "ok 14\n"; $x = sprintf("%llu", $q); print "not " unless $x eq $q && $x > $f; print "ok 15\n"; $x = sprintf("%Lu", $q); print "not " unless $x == $q && $x eq $q && $x > $f; print "ok 16\n"; $x = sprintf("%qu", $q); print "not " unless $x == $q && $x eq $q && $x > $f; print "ok 17\n"; $x = sprintf("%D", $q); print "not " unless $x == $q && $x eq $q && $x > $f; print "ok 18\n"; $x = sprintf("%U", $q); print "not " unless $x == $q && $x eq $q && $x > $f; print "ok 19\n"; $x = sprintf("%O", $q); print "not " unless oct($x) == $q && oct($x) > $f; print "ok 20\n"; $x = $q + $r; print "not " unless $x == 35802467913 && $x > $f; print "ok 21\n"; $x = $q - $r; print "not " unless $x == -11111110111 && -$x > $f; print "ok 22\n"; $x = $q * 1234567; print "not " unless $x == 15241567763770867 && $x > $f; print "ok 23\n"; $x /= 1234567; print "not " unless $x == $q && $x > $f; print "ok 24\n"; $x = 98765432109 % 12345678901; print "not " unless $x == 901; print "ok 25\n"; # The following six adapted from op/inc. $a = 9223372036854775807; $c = $a++; print "not " unless $a == 9223372036854775808; print "ok 26\n"; $a = 9223372036854775807; $c = ++$a; print "not " unless $a == 9223372036854775808; print "ok 27\n"; $a = 9223372036854775807; $c = $a + 1; print "not " unless $a == 9223372036854775808; print "ok 28\n"; $a = -9223372036854775808; $c = $a--; print "not " unless $a == -9223372036854775809; print "ok 29\n"; $a = -9223372036854775808; $c = --$a; print "not " unless $a == -9223372036854775809; print "ok 30\n"; $a = -9223372036854775808; $c = $a - 1; print "not " unless $a == -9223372036854775809; print "ok 31\n"; $x = ''; print "not " unless (vec($x, 1, 64) = $q) == $q; print "ok 32\n"; print "not " unless vec($x, 1, 64) == $q && vec($x, 1, 64) > $f; print "ok 33\n"; print "not " unless vec($x, 0, 64) == 0 && vec($x, 2, 64) == 0; print "ok 34\n"; # eof