#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; require './test.pl'; set_up_inc('../lib'); } use Config; if ( !$Config{d_alarm} ) { skip_all("alarm() not implemented on this platform"); } plan tests => 5; my $Perl = which_perl(); my ($start_time, $end_time); eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { $end_time = time; die "ALARM!\n" }; $start_time = time; alarm 3; # perlfunc recommends against using sleep in combination with alarm. 1 while (($end_time = time) - $start_time < 6); alarm 0; }; alarm 0; my $diff = $end_time - $start_time; # alarm time might be one second less than you said. is( $@, "ALARM!\n", 'alarm w/$SIG{ALRM} vs inf loop' ); ok( abs($diff - 3) <= 1, " right time (waited $diff secs for 3-sec alarm)" ); eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { $end_time = time; die "ALARM!\n" }; $start_time = time; alarm 3; system(qq{$Perl -e "sleep 6"}); $end_time = time; alarm 0; }; alarm 0; $diff = $end_time - $start_time; # alarm time might be one second less than you said. is( $@, "ALARM!\n", 'alarm w/$SIG{ALRM} vs system()' ); { local $TODO = "Why does system() block alarm() on $^O?" if $^O eq 'VMS'; ok( abs($diff - 3) <= 1, " right time (waited $diff secs for 3-sec alarm)" ); } { local $SIG{"ALRM"} = sub { die }; eval { alarm(1); my $x = qx($Perl -e "sleep 3"); alarm(0); }; chomp (my $foo = "foo\n"); ok($foo eq "foo", '[perl #33928] chomp() fails after alarm(), `sleep`'); }