#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; require './test.pl'; set_up_inc('../lib'); } ##Literal test count since evals below can fail plan tests => 13; $a = 'ab' . 'c'; # compile time $b = 'def'; $c = $a . $b; is( $c, 'abcdef', 'compile time concatenation' ); $c .= 'xyz'; is( $c, 'abcdefxyz', 'concat to self'); $_ = $a; $_ .= $b; is( $_, 'abcdef', 'concat using $_'); # test that when right argument of concat is UTF8, and is the same # variable as the target, and the left argument is not UTF8, it no # longer frees the wrong string. { sub r2 { my $string = ''; $string .= pack("U0a*", 'mnopqrstuvwx'); $string = "abcdefghijkl$string"; } isnt(r2(), '', 'UTF8 concat does not free the wrong string'); isnt(r2(), '', 'second check'); } # test that nul bytes get copied { my ($a, $ab) = ("a", "a\0b"); my ($ua, $uab) = map pack("U0a*", $_), $a, $ab; my $ub = pack("U0a*", 'b'); #aa\0b my $t1 = $a; $t1 .= $ab; like( $t1, qr/b/, 'null bytes do not stop string copy, aa\0b'); #a\0a\0b my $t2 = $a; $t2 .= $uab; ok( eval '$t2 =~ /$ub/', '... a\0a\0b' ); #\0aa\0b my $t3 = $ua; $t3 .= $ab; ok( eval '$t3 =~ /$ub/', '... \0aa\0b' ); my $t4 = $ua; $t4 .= $uab; ok( eval '$t4 =~ /$ub/', '... \0a\0a\0b' ); my $t5 = $a; $t5 = $ab . $t5; like( $t5, qr/$ub/, '... a\0ba' ); my $t6 = $a; $t6 = $uab . $t6; ok( eval '$t6 =~ /$ub/', '... \0a\0ba' ); my $t7 = $ua; $t7 = $ab . $t7; like( $t7, qr/$ub/, '... a\0b\0a' ); my $t8 = $ua; $t8 = $uab . $t8; ok( eval '$t8 =~ /$ub/', '... \0a\0b\0a' ); }