
# $RCSfile: array.t,v $$Revision: 4.1 $$Date: 92/08/07 18:27:37 $

print "1..39\n";

@ary = (1,2,3,4,5);
if (join('',@ary) eq '12345') {print "ok 1\n";} else {print "not ok 1\n";}

$tmp = $ary[$#ary]; --$#ary;
if ($tmp == 5) {print "ok 2\n";} else {print "not ok 2\n";}
if ($#ary == 3) {print "ok 3\n";} else {print "not ok 3\n";}
if (join('',@ary) eq '1234') {print "ok 4\n";} else {print "not ok 4\n";}

$[ = 1;
@ary = (1,2,3,4,5);
if (join('',@ary) eq '12345') {print "ok 5\n";} else {print "not ok 5\n";}

$tmp = $ary[$#ary]; --$#ary;
if ($tmp == 5) {print "ok 6\n";} else {print "not ok 6\n";}
if ($#ary == 4) {print "ok 7\n";} else {print "not ok 7\n";}
if (join('',@ary) eq '1234') {print "ok 8\n";} else {print "not ok 8\n";}

if ($ary[5] eq '') {print "ok 9\n";} else {print "not ok 9\n";}

$#ary += 1;	# see if element 5 gone for good
if ($#ary == 5) {print "ok 10\n";} else {print "not ok 10\n";}
if (defined $ary[5]) {print "not ok 11\n";} else {print "ok 11\n";}

$[ = 0;
@foo = ();
$r = join(',', $#foo, @foo);
if ($r eq "-1") {print "ok 12\n";} else {print "not ok 12 $r\n";}
$foo[0] = '0';
$r = join(',', $#foo, @foo);
if ($r eq "0,0") {print "ok 13\n";} else {print "not ok 13 $r\n";}
$foo[2] = '2';
$r = join(',', $#foo, @foo);
if ($r eq "2,0,,2") {print "ok 14\n";} else {print "not ok 14 $r\n";}
@bar = ();
$bar[0] = '0';
$bar[1] = '1';
$r = join(',', $#bar, @bar);
if ($r eq "1,0,1") {print "ok 15\n";} else {print "not ok 15 $r\n";}
@bar = ();
$r = join(',', $#bar, @bar);
if ($r eq "-1") {print "ok 16\n";} else {print "not ok 16 $r\n";}
$bar[0] = '0';
$r = join(',', $#bar, @bar);
if ($r eq "0,0") {print "ok 17\n";} else {print "not ok 17 $r\n";}
$bar[2] = '2';
$r = join(',', $#bar, @bar);
if ($r eq "2,0,,2") {print "ok 18\n";} else {print "not ok 18 $r\n";}
reset 'b';
@bar = ();
$bar[0] = '0';
$r = join(',', $#bar, @bar);
if ($r eq "0,0") {print "ok 19\n";} else {print "not ok 19 $r\n";}
$bar[2] = '2';
$r = join(',', $#bar, @bar);
if ($r eq "2,0,,2") {print "ok 20\n";} else {print "not ok 20 $r\n";}

$foo = 'now is the time';
if (($F1,$F2,$Etc) = ($foo =~ /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*(.*)/)) {
    if ($F1 eq 'now' && $F2 eq 'is' && $Etc eq 'the time') {
	print "ok 21\n";
    else {
	print "not ok 21\n";
else {
    print "not ok 21\n";

$foo = 'lskjdf';
if ($cnt = (($F1,$F2,$Etc) = ($foo =~ /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*(.*)/))) {
    print "not ok 22 $cnt $F1:$F2:$Etc\n";
else {
    print "ok 22\n";

%foo = ('blurfl','dyick','foo','bar','etc.','etc.');
%bar = %foo;
print $bar{'foo'} eq 'bar' ? "ok 23\n" : "not ok 23\n";
%bar = ();
print $bar{'foo'} eq '' ? "ok 24\n" : "not ok 24\n";
(%bar,$a,$b) = (%foo,'how','now');
print $bar{'foo'} eq 'bar' ? "ok 25\n" : "not ok 25\n";
print $bar{'how'} eq 'now' ? "ok 26\n" : "not ok 26\n";
@bar{keys %foo} = values %foo;
print $bar{'foo'} eq 'bar' ? "ok 27\n" : "not ok 27\n";
print $bar{'how'} eq 'now' ? "ok 28\n" : "not ok 28\n";

@foo = grep(/e/,split(' ','now is the time for all good men to come to'));
print join(' ',@foo) eq 'the time men come' ? "ok 29\n" : "not ok 29\n";

@foo = grep(!/e/,split(' ','now is the time for all good men to come to'));
print join(' ',@foo) eq 'now is for all good to to' ? "ok 30\n" : "not ok 30\n";

$foo = join('',('a','b','c','d','e','f')[0..5]);
print $foo eq 'abcdef' ? "ok 31\n" : "not ok 31\n";

$foo = join('',('a','b','c','d','e','f')[0..1]);
print $foo eq 'ab' ? "ok 32\n" : "not ok 32\n";

$foo = join('',('a','b','c','d','e','f')[6]);
print $foo eq '' ? "ok 33\n" : "not ok 33\n";

@foo = ('a','b','c','d','e','f')[0,2,4];
@bar = ('a','b','c','d','e','f')[1,3,5];
$foo = join('',(@foo,@bar)[0..5]);
print $foo eq 'acebdf' ? "ok 34\n" : "not ok 34\n";

$foo = ('a','b','c','d','e','f')[0,2,4];
print $foo eq 'e' ? "ok 35\n" : "not ok 35\n";

$foo = ('a','b','c','d','e','f')[1];
print $foo eq 'b' ? "ok 36\n" : "not ok 36\n";

# Test pseudo-hashes and %FIELDS. Real programs would "use fields..."
# but we assign to %FIELDS manually since the real module tests come later.

    %Base::WithFields::FIELDS = (foo => 1, bar => 2, baz => 3, __MAX__ => 3);
    %OtherBase::WithFields::FIELDS = (one => 1, two => 2, __MAX__ => 2);
    package Base::WithoutFields;
@ISA = qw(Base::WithoutFields Base::WithFields);
@k = sort keys %FIELDS;
print "not " unless "@k" eq "__MAX__ bar baz foo";
print "ok 37\n";
eval {
    @ISA = 'OtherBase::WithFields';
print "not " unless $@ =~ /Inherited %FIELDS can't override existing %FIELDS/;
print "ok 38\n";
undef %FIELDS;
eval {
    @ISA = qw(Base::WithFields OtherBase::WithFields);
print "not " unless $@ =~ /Can't multiply inherit %FIELDS/;
print "ok 39\n";