#!./perl -w # Regression tests for attributes.pm and the C< : attrs> syntax. BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; } sub NTESTS () ; my ($test, $ntests); BEGIN {$ntests=0} $test=0; my $failed = 0; print "1..".NTESTS."\n"; $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { die @_ }; sub mytest { my $bad = ''; if (!$@ ne !$_[0] || $_[0] && $@ !~ $_[0]) { if ($@) { my $x = $@; $x =~ s/\n.*\z//s; print "# Got: $x\n" } else { print "# Got unexpected success\n"; } if ($_[0]) { print "# Expected: $_[0]\n"; } else { print "# Expected success\n"; } $failed = 1; $bad = 'not '; } elsif (@_ == 3 && $_[1] ne $_[2]) { print "# Got: $_[1]\n"; print "# Expected: $_[2]\n"; $failed = 1; $bad = 'not '; } print $bad."ok ".++$test."\n"; } eval 'sub t1 ($) : locked { $_[0]++ }'; mytest; BEGIN {++$ntests} eval 'sub t2 : locked { $_[0]++ }'; mytest; BEGIN {++$ntests} eval 'sub t3 ($) : locked ;'; mytest; BEGIN {++$ntests} eval 'sub t4 : locked ;'; mytest; BEGIN {++$ntests} my $anon1; eval '$anon1 = sub ($) : locked:method { $_[0]++ }'; mytest; BEGIN {++$ntests} my $anon2; eval '$anon2 = sub : locked : method { $_[0]++ }'; mytest; BEGIN {++$ntests} my $anon3; eval '$anon3 = sub : method { $_[0]->[1] }'; mytest; BEGIN {++$ntests} eval 'sub e1 ($) : plugh ;'; mytest qr/^Invalid CODE attributes?: ["']?plugh["']? at/; BEGIN {++$ntests} eval 'sub e2 ($) : plugh(0,0) xyzzy ;'; mytest qr/^Invalid CODE attributes: ["']?plugh\(0,0\)["']? /; BEGIN {++$ntests} eval 'sub e3 ($) : plugh(0,0 xyzzy ;'; mytest qr/Unterminated attribute parameter in attribute list at/; BEGIN {++$ntests} eval 'sub e4 ($) : plugh + xyzzy ;'; mytest qr/Invalid separator character '[+]' in attribute list at/; BEGIN {++$ntests} eval 'my main $x : = 0;'; mytest; BEGIN {++$ntests} eval 'my $x : = 0;'; mytest; BEGIN {++$ntests} eval 'my $x ;'; mytest; BEGIN {++$ntests} eval 'my ($x) : = 0;'; mytest; BEGIN {++$ntests} eval 'my ($x) ;'; mytest; BEGIN {++$ntests} eval 'my ($x) : ;'; mytest; BEGIN {++$ntests} eval 'my ($x,$y) : = 0;'; mytest; BEGIN {++$ntests} eval 'my ($x,$y) ;'; mytest; BEGIN {++$ntests} eval 'my ($x,$y) : ;'; mytest; BEGIN {++$ntests} eval 'my ($x,$y) : plugh;'; mytest qr/^Invalid SCALAR attribute: ["']?plugh["']? at/; BEGIN {++$ntests} sub A::MODIFY_SCALAR_ATTRIBUTES { return } eval 'my A $x : plugh;'; mytest qr/^SCALAR package attribute may clash with future reserved word: ["']?plugh["']? at/; BEGIN {++$ntests} eval 'my A $x : plugh plover;'; mytest qr/^SCALAR package attributes may clash with future reserved words: ["']?plugh["']? /; BEGIN {++$ntests} eval 'package Cat; my Cat @socks;'; mytest qr/^Can't declare class for non-scalar \@socks in "my"/; BEGIN {++$ntests} sub X::MODIFY_CODE_ATTRIBUTES { die "$_[0]" } sub X::foo { 1 } *Y::bar = \&X::foo; *Y::bar = \&X::foo; # second time for -w eval 'package Z; sub Y::bar : foo'; mytest qr/^X at /; BEGIN {++$ntests} eval 'package Z; sub Y::baz : locked {}'; my @attrs = eval 'attributes::get \&Y::baz'; mytest '', "@attrs", "locked"; BEGIN {++$ntests} @attrs = eval 'attributes::get $anon1'; mytest '', "@attrs", "locked method"; BEGIN {++$ntests} sub Z::DESTROY { } sub Z::FETCH_CODE_ATTRIBUTES { return 'Z' } my $thunk = eval 'bless +sub : method locked { 1 }, "Z"'; mytest '', ref($thunk), "Z"; BEGIN {++$ntests} @attrs = eval 'attributes::get $thunk'; mytest '', "@attrs", "locked method Z"; BEGIN {++$ntests} # Begin testing attributes that tie { package Ttie; sub DESTROY {} sub TIESCALAR { my $x = $_[1]; bless \$x, $_[0]; } sub FETCH { ${$_[0]} } sub STORE { #print "# In Ttie::STORE\n"; ::mytest ''; ${$_[0]} = $_[1]*2; } package Tloop; sub MODIFY_SCALAR_ATTRIBUTES { tie ${$_[1]}, 'Ttie', -1; (); } } eval ' package Tloop; for my $i (0..2) { my $x : TieLoop = $i; $x != $i*2 and ::mytest "", $x, $i*2; } '; mytest; BEGIN {$ntests += 4} # Other tests should be added above this line sub NTESTS () { $ntests } exit $failed;