#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = qw(. ../lib); require "test.pl"; } plan( tests => 47 ); $x = 10000; cmp_ok(0 + ++$x - 1,'==',10000,'scalar ++x - 1'); cmp_ok(0 + $x-- - 1,'==',10000,'scalar x-- - 1'); cmp_ok(1 * $x, '==',10000,'scalar 1 * x'); cmp_ok(0 + $x-- - 0,'==',10000,'scalar x-- - 0'); cmp_ok(1 + $x, '==',10000,'scalar 1 + x'); cmp_ok(1 + $x++, '==',10000,'scalar 1 + x++'); cmp_ok(0 + $x, '==',10000,'scalar x'); cmp_ok(0 + --$x + 1,'==',10000,'scalar --x + 1'); cmp_ok(0 + ++$x + 0,'==',10000,'scalar ++x + 0'); cmp_ok($x, '==',10000,'scalar x final'); $x[0] = 10000; cmp_ok(0 + ++$x[0] - 1,'==',10000,'aelem ++x - 1'); cmp_ok(0 + $x[0]-- - 1,'==',10000,'aelem x-- - 1'); cmp_ok(1 * $x[0], '==',10000,'aelem 1 * x'); cmp_ok(0 + $x[0]-- - 0,'==',10000,'aelem x-- - 0'); cmp_ok(1 + $x[0], '==',10000,'aelem 1 + x'); cmp_ok(1 + $x[0]++, '==',10000,'aelem 1 + x++'); cmp_ok(0 + $x[0], '==',10000,'aelem x'); cmp_ok(0 + --$x[0] + 1,'==',10000,'aelem --x + 1'); cmp_ok(0 + ++$x[0] + 0,'==',10000,'aelem ++x + 0'); cmp_ok($x[0], '==',10000,'aelem x final'); $x{0} = 10000; cmp_ok(0 + ++$x{0} - 1,'==',10000,'helem ++x - 1'); cmp_ok(0 + $x{0}-- - 1,'==',10000,'helem x-- - 1'); cmp_ok(1 * $x{0}, '==',10000,'helem 1 * x'); cmp_ok(0 + $x{0}-- - 0,'==',10000,'helem x-- - 0'); cmp_ok(1 + $x{0}, '==',10000,'helem 1 + x'); cmp_ok(1 + $x{0}++, '==',10000,'helem 1 + x++'); cmp_ok(0 + $x{0}, '==',10000,'helem x'); cmp_ok(0 + --$x{0} + 1,'==',10000,'helem --x + 1'); cmp_ok(0 + ++$x{0} + 0,'==',10000,'helem ++x + 0'); cmp_ok($x{0}, '==',10000,'helem x final'); # test magical autoincrement cmp_ok(++($foo = '99'), 'eq','100','99 incr 100'); cmp_ok(++($foo = "99a"), 'eq','100','99a incr 100'); cmp_ok(++($foo = "99\0a"), 'eq','100','99\0a incr 100'); cmp_ok(++($foo = 'a0'), 'eq','a1','a0 incr a1'); cmp_ok(++($foo = 'Az'), 'eq','Ba','Az incr Ba'); cmp_ok(++($foo = 'zz'), 'eq','aaa','zzz incr aaa'); cmp_ok(++($foo = 'A99'),'eq','B00','A99 incr B00'); cmp_ok(++($foo = 'zi'), 'eq','zj','zi incr zj (EBCDIC i,j non-contiguous check)'); cmp_ok(++($foo = 'zr'), 'eq','zs','zr incr zs (EBCDIC r,s non-contiguous check)'); # test with glob copies for(qw '$x++ ++$x $x-- --$x') { my $x = *foo; ok eval "$_; 1", "$_ does not die on a glob copy"; is $x, /-/ ? -1 : 1, "result of $_ on a glob copy"; }