#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; require './test.pl'; set_up_inc('../lib'); } use strict; use warnings; my $truevar = (5 == 5); my $falsevar = (5 == 6); cmp_ok($truevar, '==', 1); cmp_ok($truevar, 'eq', "1"); cmp_ok($falsevar, '==', 0); cmp_ok($falsevar, 'eq', ""); { # Check that boolean COW string buffer is safe to copy into new SVs and # doesn't get corrupted by inplace mutations my $x = $truevar; $x =~ s/1/t/; cmp_ok($x, 'eq', "t"); cmp_ok($truevar, 'eq', "1"); my $y = $truevar; substr($y, 0, 1, "T"); cmp_ok($y, 'eq', "T"); cmp_ok($truevar, 'eq', "1"); } done_testing();