#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; require './test.pl'; set_up_inc('../lib'); } plan tests => 34; # because of ebcdic.c these should be the same on asciiish # and ebcdic machines. # Peter Prymmer . my $c = "\c@"; is (ord($c), 0, '\c@'); $c = "\cA"; is (ord($c), 1, '\cA'); $c = "\cB"; is (ord($c), 2, '\cB'); $c = "\cC"; is (ord($c), 3, '\cC'); $c = "\cD"; is (ord($c), 4, '\cD'); $c = "\cE"; is (ord($c), 5, '\cE'); $c = "\cF"; is (ord($c), 6, '\cF'); $c = "\cG"; is (ord($c), 7, '\cG'); $c = "\cH"; is (ord($c), 8, '\cH'); $c = "\cI"; is (ord($c), 9, '\cI'); $c = "\cJ"; is (ord($c), 10, '\cJ'); $c = "\cK"; is (ord($c), 11, '\cK'); $c = "\cL"; is (ord($c), 12, '\cL'); $c = "\cM"; is (ord($c), 13, '\cM'); $c = "\cN"; is (ord($c), 14, '\cN'); $c = "\cO"; is (ord($c), 15, '\cO'); $c = "\cP"; is (ord($c), 16, '\cP'); $c = "\cQ"; is (ord($c), 17, '\cQ'); $c = "\cR"; is (ord($c), 18, '\cR'); $c = "\cS"; is (ord($c), 19, '\cS'); $c = "\cT"; is (ord($c), 20, '\cT'); $c = "\cU"; is (ord($c), 21, '\cU'); $c = "\cV"; is (ord($c), 22, '\cV'); $c = "\cW"; is (ord($c), 23, '\cW'); $c = "\cX"; is (ord($c), 24, '\cX'); $c = "\cY"; is (ord($c), 25, '\cY'); $c = "\cZ"; is (ord($c), 26, '\cZ'); $c = "\c["; is (ord($c), 27, '\c['); $c = "\c\\"; is (ord($c), 28, '\c\\'); $c = "\c]"; is (ord($c), 29, '\c]'); $c = "\c^"; is (ord($c), 30, '\c^'); $c = "\c_"; is (ord($c), 31, '\c_'); # '\c?' is an outlier, and is treated differently on each platform. # It's DEL on ASCII, and APC on EBCDIC $c = "\c?"; is (ord($c), ($::IS_ASCII) ? 127 : utf8::unicode_to_native(0x9F), '\c?'); $c = ''; is (ord($c), 0, 'ord("") is 0');