#!./perl # This file tests the results of calling subroutines in the CORE:: # namespace with ampersand syntax. In other words, it tests the bodies of # the subroutines themselves, not the ops that they might inline themselves # as when called as barewords. # Other tests for CORE subs are in coresubs.t BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = qw(. ../lib); require "test.pl"; $^P |= 0x100; } # Since tests inside evals can too easily fail silently, we cannot rely # on done_testing. It’s much easier to count the tests as we go than to # declare the plan up front, so this script ends with a test that makes # sure the right number of tests have happened. sub lis($$;$) { &is(map(@$_ ? "[@{[map $_//'~~u~~', @$_]}]" : 'nought', @_[0,1]), $_[2]); } package hov { use overload '%{}' => sub { +{} } } package sov { use overload '${}' => sub { \my $x } } my %op_desc = ( evalbytes=> 'eval "string"', join => 'join or string', readline => '', readpipe => 'quoted execution (``, qx)', reset => 'symbol reset', ref => 'reference-type operator', ); sub op_desc($) { return $op_desc{$_[0]} || $_[0]; } # This tests that the &{} syntax respects the number of arguments implied # by the prototype, plus some extra tests for the (_) prototype. sub test_proto { my($o) = shift; # Create an alias, for the caller’s convenience. *{"my$o"} = \&{"CORE::$o"}; my $p = prototype "CORE::$o"; $p = '$;$' if $p eq '$_'; if ($p eq '') { $tests ++; eval " &CORE::$o(1) "; like $@, qr/^Too many arguments for $o at /, "&$o with too many args"; } elsif ($p eq '_') { $tests ++; eval " &CORE::$o(1,2) "; my $desc = quotemeta op_desc($o); like $@, qr/^Too many arguments for $desc at /, "&$o with too many args"; if (!@_) { return } $tests += 6; my($in,$out) = @_; # for testing implied $_ # Since we have $in and $out values, we might as well test basic amper- # sand calls, too. is &{"CORE::$o"}($in), $out, "&$o"; lis [&{"CORE::$o"}($in)], [$out], "&$o in list context"; $_ = $in; is &{"CORE::$o"}(), $out, "&$o with no args"; # Since there is special code to deal with lexical $_, make sure it # works in all cases. undef $_; { my $_ = $in; is &{"CORE::$o"}(), $out, "&$o with no args uses lexical \$_"; } # Make sure we get the right pad under recursion my $r; $r = sub { if($_[0]) { my $_ = $in; is &{"CORE::$o"}(), $out, "&$o with no args uses the right lexical \$_ under recursion"; } else { &$r(1) } }; &$r(0); my $_ = $in; eval { is "CORE::$o"->(), $out, "&$o with the right lexical \$_ in an eval" }; } elsif ($p =~ '^;([$*]+)\z') { # ;$ ;* ;$$ etc. my $maxargs = length $1; $tests += 1; eval " &CORE::$o((1)x($maxargs+1)) "; my $desc = quotemeta op_desc($o); like $@, qr/^Too many arguments for $desc at /, "&$o with too many args"; } elsif ($p =~ '^([$*]+);?\z') { # Fixed-length $$$ or *** my $args = length $1; $tests += 2; my $desc = quotemeta op_desc($o); eval " &CORE::$o((1)x($args-1)) "; like $@, qr/^Not enough arguments for $desc at /, "&$o w/too few args"; eval " &CORE::$o((1)x($args+1)) "; like $@, qr/^Too many arguments for $desc at /, "&$o w/too many args"; } elsif ($p =~ '^([$*]+);([$*]+)\z') { # Variable-length $$$ or *** my $minargs = length $1; my $maxargs = $minargs + length $2; $tests += 2; eval " &CORE::$o((1)x($minargs-1)) "; like $@, qr/^Not enough arguments for $o at /, "&$o with too few args"; eval " &CORE::$o((1)x($maxargs+1)) "; like $@, qr/^Too many arguments for $o at /, "&$o with too many args"; } elsif ($p eq '_;$') { $tests += 1; eval " &CORE::$o(1,2,3) "; like $@, qr/^Too many arguments for $o at /, "&$o with too many args"; } elsif ($p eq '@') { # Do nothing, as we cannot test for too few or too many arguments. } elsif ($p =~ '^[$*;]+@\z') { $tests ++; $p =~ ';@'; my $minargs = $-[0]; eval " &CORE::$o((1)x($minargs-1)) "; my $desc = quotemeta op_desc($o); like $@, qr/^Not enough arguments for $desc at /, "&$o with too few args"; } elsif ($p =~ /^\*\\\$\$(;?)\$\z/) { # *\$$$ and *\$$;$ $tests += 5; eval "&CORE::$o(1,1,1,1,1)"; like $@, qr/^Too many arguments for $o at /, "&$o with too many args"; eval " &CORE::$o((1)x(\$1?2:3)) "; like $@, qr/^Not enough arguments for $o at /, "&$o with too few args"; eval " &CORE::$o(1,[],1,1) "; like $@, qr/^Type of arg 2 to &CORE::$o must be scalar reference at /, "&$o with array ref arg"; eval " &CORE::$o(1,1,1,1) "; like $@, qr/^Type of arg 2 to &CORE::$o must be scalar reference at /, "&$o with scalar arg"; eval " &CORE::$o(1,bless([], 'sov'),1,1) "; like $@, qr/^Type of arg 2 to &CORE::$o must be scalar reference at /, "&$o with non-scalar arg w/scalar overload (which does not count)"; } elsif ($p =~ /^\\%\$*\z/) { # \% and \%$$ $tests += 5; eval "&CORE::$o(" . join(",", (1) x length $p) . ")"; like $@, qr/^Too many arguments for $o at /, "&$o with too many args"; eval " &CORE::$o(" . join(",", (1) x (length($p)-2)) . ") "; like $@, qr/^Not enough arguments for $o at /, "&$o with too few args"; my $moreargs = ",1" x (length($p) - 2); eval " &CORE::$o([]$moreargs) "; like $@, qr/^Type of arg 1 to &CORE::$o must be hash reference at /, "&$o with array ref arg"; eval " &CORE::$o(*foo$moreargs) "; like $@, qr/^Type of arg 1 to &CORE::$o must be hash reference at /, "&$o with typeglob arg"; eval " &CORE::$o(bless([], 'hov')$moreargs) "; like $@, qr/^Type of arg 1 to &CORE::$o must be hash reference at /, "&$o with non-hash arg with hash overload (which does not count)"; } elsif ($p =~ /^\\\[(\$\@%&?\*)](\$\@)?\z/) { $tests += 4; unless ($2) { $tests ++; eval " &CORE::$o(1,2) "; like $@, qr/^Too many arguments for $o at /, "&$o with too many args"; } eval { &{"CORE::$o"}($2 ? 1 : ()) }; like $@, qr/^Not enough arguments for $o at /, "&$o with too few args"; my $more_args = $2 ? ',1' : ''; eval " &CORE::$o(2$more_args) "; like $@, qr/^Type of arg 1 to &CORE::$o must be reference to one of(?x: ) \[\Q$1\E] at /, "&$o with non-ref arg"; eval " &CORE::$o(*STDOUT{IO}$more_args) "; like $@, qr/^Type of arg 1 to &CORE::$o must be reference to one of(?x: ) \[\Q$1\E] at /, "&$o with ioref arg"; my $class = ref *DATA{IO}; eval " &CORE::$o(bless(*DATA{IO}, 'hov')$more_args) "; like $@, qr/^Type of arg 1 to &CORE::$o must be reference to one of(?x: ) \[\Q$1\E] at /, "&$o with ioref arg with hash overload (which does not count)"; bless *DATA{IO}, $class; if (do {$1 !~ /&/}) { $tests++; eval " &CORE::$o(\\&scriggle$more_args) "; like $@, qr/^Type of arg 1 to &CORE::$o must be reference to one (?x: )of \[\Q$1\E] at /, "&$o with coderef arg"; } } else { die "Please add tests for the $p prototype"; } } test_proto '__FILE__'; test_proto '__LINE__'; test_proto '__PACKAGE__'; is file(), 'frob' , '__FILE__ does check its caller' ; ++ $tests; is line(), 5 , '__LINE__ does check its caller' ; ++ $tests; is pakg(), 'stribble', '__PACKAGE__ does check its caller'; ++ $tests; test_proto 'abs', -5, 5; test_proto 'accept'; $tests += 6; eval q{ is &CORE::accept(qw{foo bar}), undef, "&accept"; lis [&{"CORE::accept"}(qw{foo bar})], [undef], "&accept in list context"; &myaccept(my $foo, my $bar); is ref $foo, 'GLOB', 'CORE::accept autovivifies its first argument'; is $bar, undef, 'CORE::accept does not autovivify its second argument'; use strict; undef $foo; eval { 'myaccept'->($foo, $bar) }; like $@, qr/^Can't use an undefined value as a symbol reference at/, 'CORE::accept will not accept undef 2nd arg under strict'; is ref $foo, 'GLOB', 'CORE::accept autovivs its first arg under strict'; }; test_proto 'alarm'; test_proto 'atan2'; test_proto 'bind'; $tests += 3; is &CORE::bind('foo', 'bear'), undef, "&bind"; lis [&CORE::bind('foo', 'bear')], [undef], "&bind in list context"; eval { &mybind(my $foo, "bear") }; like $@, qr/^Bad symbol for filehandle at/, 'CORE::bind dies with undef first arg'; test_proto 'binmode'; $tests += 3; is &CORE::binmode(qw[foo bar]), undef, "&binmode"; lis [&CORE::binmode(qw[foo bar])], [undef], "&binmode in list context"; is &mybinmode(foo), undef, '&binmode with one arg'; test_proto 'bless'; $tests += 3; like &CORE::bless([],'parcel'), qr/^parcel=ARRAY/, "&bless"; like join(" ", &CORE::bless([],'parcel')), qr/^parcel=ARRAY(?!.* )/, "&bless in list context"; like &mybless([]), qr/^main=ARRAY/, '&bless with one arg'; test_proto 'break'; { $tests ++; my $tmp; CORE::given(1) { CORE::when(1) { &mybreak; $tmp = 'bad'; } } is $tmp, undef, '&break'; } test_proto 'caller'; $tests += 4; sub caller_test { is scalar &CORE::caller, 'hadhad', '&caller'; is scalar &CORE::caller(1), 'main', '&caller(1)'; lis [&CORE::caller], [caller], '&caller in list context'; # The last element of caller in list context is a hint hash, which # may be a different hash for caller vs &CORE::caller, so an eq com- # parison (which lis() uses for convenience) won’t work. So just # pop the last element, since the rest are sufficient to prove that # &CORE::caller works. my @ampcaller = &CORE::caller(1); my @caller = caller(1); pop @ampcaller; pop @caller; lis \@ampcaller, \@caller, '&caller(1) in list context'; } sub { package hadhad; ::caller_test(); }->(); test_proto 'chmod'; $tests += 3; is &CORE::chmod(), 0, '&chmod with no args'; is &CORE::chmod(0666), 0, '&chmod'; lis [&CORE::chmod(0666)], [0], '&chmod in list context'; test_proto 'chown'; $tests += 4; is &CORE::chown(), 0, '&chown with no args'; is &CORE::chown(1), 0, '&chown with 1 arg'; is &CORE::chown(1,2), 0, '&chown'; lis [&CORE::chown(1,2)], [0], '&chown in list context'; test_proto 'chr', 5, "\5"; test_proto 'chroot'; test_proto 'close'; { last if is_miniperl; $tests += 3; open my $fh, ">", \my $buffalo; print $fh 'an address in the outskirts of Jersey'; ok &CORE::close($fh), '&CORE::close retval'; print $fh 'lalala'; is $buffalo, 'an address in the outskirts of Jersey', 'effect of &CORE::close'; # This has to be a separate variable from $fh, as re-using the same # variable can cause the tests to pass by accident. That actually hap- # pened during developement, because the second close() was reading # beyond the end of the stack and finding a $fh left over from before. open my $fh2, ">", \($buffalo = ''); select+(select($fh2), do { print "Nasusiro Tokasoni"; &CORE::close(); print "jfd"; is $buffalo, "Nasusiro Tokasoni", '&CORE::close with no args'; })[0]; } lis [&CORE::close('tototootot')], [''], '&close in list context'; ++$tests; test_proto 'closedir'; $tests += 2; is &CORE::closedir(foo), undef, '&CORE::closedir'; lis [&CORE::closedir(foo)], [undef], '&CORE::closedir in list context'; test_proto 'connect'; $tests += 2; is &CORE::connect('foo','bar'), undef, '&connect'; lis [&myconnect('foo','bar')], [undef], '&connect in list context'; test_proto 'continue'; $tests ++; CORE::given(1) { CORE::when(1) { &mycontinue(); } pass "&continue"; } test_proto 'cos'; test_proto 'crypt'; test_proto 'dbmclose'; test_proto 'dbmopen'; { last unless eval { require AnyDBM_File }; $tests ++; my $filename = tempfile(); &mydbmopen(\my %db, $filename, 0666); $db{1} = 2; $db{3} = 4; &mydbmclose(\%db); is scalar keys %db, 0, '&dbmopen and &dbmclose'; } test_proto 'die'; eval { dier('quinquangle') }; is $@, "quinquangle at frob line 6.\n", '&CORE::die'; $tests ++; test_proto $_ for qw( endgrent endhostent endnetent endprotoent endpwent endservent ); test_proto 'evalbytes'; $tests += 4; { chop(my $upgraded = "use utf8; '\xc4\x80'" . chr 256); is &myevalbytes($upgraded), chr 256, '&evalbytes'; # Test hints require strict; strict->import; &myevalbytes(' is someone, "someone", "run-time hint bits do not leak into &evalbytes" '); use strict; BEGIN { $^H{coreamp} = 42 } $^H{coreamp} = 75; &myevalbytes(' BEGIN { is $^H{coreamp}, 42, "compile-time hh propagates into &evalbytes"; } ${"frobnicate"} '); like $@, qr/strict/, 'compile-time hint bits propagate into &evalbytes'; } test_proto 'exit'; $tests ++; is runperl(prog => '&CORE::exit; END { print qq-ok\n- }'), "ok\n", '&exit with no args'; test_proto 'fork'; test_proto 'formline'; $tests += 3; is &myformline(' @<<< @>>>', 1, 2), 1, '&myformline retval'; is $^A, ' 1 2', 'effect of &myformline'; lis [&myformline('@')], [1], '&myformline in list context'; test_proto 'exp'; test_proto 'fcntl'; test_proto 'fileno'; $tests += 2; is &CORE::fileno(\*STDIN), fileno STDIN, '&CORE::fileno'; lis [&CORE::fileno(\*STDIN)], [fileno STDIN], '&CORE::fileno in list cx'; test_proto 'flock'; test_proto 'fork'; test_proto 'getc'; { last if is_miniperl; $tests += 3; local *STDIN; open my $fh, "<", \(my $buf='falo'); open STDIN, "<", \(my $buf2 = 'bison'); is &mygetc($fh), 'f', '&mygetc'; is &mygetc(), 'b', '&mygetc with no args'; lis [&mygetc($fh)], ['a'], '&mygetc in list context'; } test_proto "get$_" for qw ' grent grgid grnam hostbyaddr hostbyname hostent login netbyaddr netbyname netent peername '; test_proto 'getpgrp'; eval {&mygetpgrp()}; pass '&getpgrp with no args does not crash'; $tests++; test_proto "get$_" for qw ' ppid priority protobyname protobynumber protoent pwent pwnam pwuid servbyname servbyport servent sockname sockopt '; test_proto 'gmtime'; &CORE::gmtime; pass '&gmtime without args does not crash'; ++$tests; test_proto 'hex', ff=>255; test_proto 'index'; $tests += 3; is &myindex("foffooo","o",2),4,'&index'; lis [&myindex("foffooo","o",2)],[4],'&index in list context'; is &myindex("foffooo","o"),1,'&index with 2 args'; test_proto 'int', 1.5=>1; test_proto 'ioctl'; test_proto 'join'; $tests += 2; is &myjoin('a','b','c'), 'bac', '&join'; lis [&myjoin('a','b','c')], ['bac'], '&join in list context'; test_proto 'kill'; # set up mykill alias if ($^O ne 'riscos') { $tests ++; ok( &mykill(0, $$), '&kill' ); } test_proto 'lc', 'A', 'a'; test_proto 'lcfirst', 'AA', 'aA'; test_proto 'length', 'aaa', 3; test_proto 'link'; test_proto 'listen'; test_proto 'localtime'; &CORE::localtime; pass '&localtime without args does not crash'; ++$tests; test_proto 'lock'; $tests += 6; is \&mylock(\$foo), \$foo, '&lock retval when passed a scalar ref'; lis [\&mylock(\$foo)], [\$foo], '&lock in list context'; is &mylock(\@foo), \@foo, '&lock retval when passed an array ref'; is &mylock(\%foo), \%foo, '&lock retval when passed a ash ref'; is &mylock(\&foo), \&foo, '&lock retval when passed a code ref'; is \&mylock(\*foo), \*foo, '&lock retval when passed a glob ref'; test_proto 'log'; test_proto 'mkdir'; # mkdir is tested with implicit $_ at the end, to make the test easier test_proto "msg$_" for qw( ctl get rcv snd ); test_proto 'not'; $tests += 2; is &mynot(1), !1, '¬'; lis [&mynot(0)], [!0], '¬ in list context'; test_proto 'oct', '666', 438; test_proto 'open'; $tests += 5; $file = 'test.pl'; ok &myopen('file'), '&open with 1 arg' or warn "1-arg open: $!"; like , qr|^#|, 'result of &open with 1 arg'; close file; { ok &myopen(my $fh, "test.pl"), 'two-arg &open'; ok $fh, '&open autovivifies'; like <$fh>, qr '^#', 'result of &open with 2 args'; last if is_miniperl; $tests +=2; ok &myopen(my $fh2, "<", \"sharummbles"), 'retval of 3-arg &open'; is <$fh2>, 'sharummbles', 'result of three-arg &open'; } test_proto 'opendir'; test_proto 'ord', chr(64), 64; test_proto 'pack'; $tests += 2; is &mypack("H*", '5065726c'), 'Perl', '&pack'; lis [&mypack("H*", '5065726c')], ['Perl'], '&pack in list context'; test_proto 'pipe'; test_proto 'quotemeta', '$', '\$'; test_proto 'rand'; $tests += 3; like &CORE::rand, qr/^0[.\d]*\z/, '&rand'; unlike join(" ", &CORE::rand), qr/ /, '&rand in list context'; &cmp_ok(&CORE::rand(78), qw '< 78', '&rand with 2 args'); test_proto 'read'; { last if is_miniperl; $tests += 5; open my $fh, "<", \(my $buff = 'morays have their mores'); ok &myread($fh, \my $input, 6), '&read with 3 args'; is $input, 'morays', 'value read by 3-arg &read'; ok &myread($fh, \$input, 6, 6), '&read with 4 args'; is $input, 'morays have ', 'value read by 4-arg &read'; is +()=&myread($fh, \$input, 6), 1, '&read in list context'; } test_proto 'readdir'; test_proto 'readline'; { local *ARGV = *DATA; $tests ++; is scalar &myreadline, "I wandered lonely as a cloud\n", '&readline w/no args'; } { last if is_miniperl; $tests += 2; open my $fh, "<", \(my $buff = < 1); my $tmpfilenam = catfile $dir, 'aaa'; open my $fh, ">", $tmpfilenam or die "cannot open $tmpfilenam: $!"; close $fh or die "cannot close $tmpfilenam: $!"; &myrename("$tmpfilenam", $tmpfilenam = catfile $dir,'bbb'); ok open(my $fh, '>', $tmpfilenam), '&rename'; } test_proto 'ref', [], 'ARRAY'; test_proto 'reset'; $tests += 2; my $oncer = sub { "a" =~ m?a? }; &$oncer; &myreset; ok &$oncer, '&reset with one arg'; package resettest { $b = "c"; $banana = "cream"; &::myreset('b'); ::lis [$b,$banana],[(undef)x2], '2-arg &reset'; } test_proto 'reverse'; $tests += 2; is &myreverse('reward'), 'drawer', '&reverse'; lis [&myreverse(qw 'dog bites man')], [qw 'man bites dog'], '&reverse in list context'; test_proto 'rewinddir'; test_proto 'rindex'; $tests += 3; is &myrindex("foffooo","o",2),1,'&rindex'; lis [&myrindex("foffooo","o",2)],[1],'&rindex in list context'; is &myrindex("foffooo","o"),6,'&rindex with 2 args'; test_proto 'rmdir'; test_proto 'seek'; { last if is_miniperl; $tests += 1; open my $fh, "<", \"misled" or die $!; &myseek($fh, 2, 0); is <$fh>, 'sled', '&seek in action'; } test_proto 'seekdir'; # Can’t test_proto, as it has none $tests += 8; *myselect = \&CORE::select; is defined prototype &myselect, defined prototype "CORE::select", 'prototype of &select (or lack thereof)'; is &myselect, select, '&select with no args'; { my $prev = select; is &myselect(my $fh), $prev, '&select($arg) retval'; is lc ref $fh, 'glob', '&select autovivifies'; is select=~s/\*//rug, (*$fh."")=~s/\*//rug, '&select selects'; select $prev; } eval { &myselect(1,2) }; like $@, qr/^Not enough arguments for select system call at /, ,'&myselect($two,$args)'; eval { &myselect(1,2,3) }; like $@, qr/^Not enough arguments for select system call at /, ,'&myselect($with,$three,$args)'; eval { &myselect(1,2,3,4,5) }; like $@, qr/^Too many arguments for select system call at /, ,'&myselect($a,$total,$of,$five,$args)'; &myselect((undef)x3,.25); # Just have to assume that worked. :-) If we get here, at least it didn’t # crash or anything. test_proto "sem$_" for qw "ctl get op"; test_proto 'send'; test_proto "set$_" for qw ' grent hostent netent '; test_proto 'setpgrp'; $tests +=2; eval { &mysetpgrp( 0) }; pass "&setpgrp with one argument"; eval { &mysetpgrp }; pass "&setpgrp with no arguments"; test_proto "set$_" for qw ' priority protoent pwent servent sockopt '; test_proto "shm$_" for qw "ctl get read write"; test_proto 'shutdown'; test_proto 'sin'; test_proto 'sleep'; test_proto "socket$_" for "", "pair"; test_proto 'sprintf'; $tests += 2; is &mysprintf("%x", 65), '41', '&sprintf'; lis [&mysprintf("%x", '65')], ['41'], '&sprintf in list context'; test_proto 'sqrt', 4, 2; test_proto 'srand'; $tests ++; &CORE::srand; pass '&srand with no args does not crash'; test_proto 'substr'; $tests += 5; $_ = "abc"; is &mysubstr($_, 1, 1, "d"), 'b', '4-arg &substr'; is $_, 'adc', 'what 4-arg &substr does'; is &mysubstr("abc", 1, 1), 'b', '3-arg &substr'; is &mysubstr("abc", 1), 'bc', '2-arg &substr'; &mysubstr($_, 1) = 'long'; is $_, 'along', 'lvalue &substr'; test_proto 'symlink'; test_proto 'syscall'; test_proto 'sysopen'; $tests +=2; { &mysysopen(my $fh, 'test.pl', 0); pass '&sysopen does not crash with 3 args'; ok $fh, 'sysopen autovivifies'; } test_proto 'sysread'; test_proto 'sysseek'; test_proto 'syswrite'; test_proto 'tell'; { $tests += 2; open my $fh, "test.pl" or die "Cannot open test.pl"; <$fh>; is &mytell(), tell($fh), '&tell with no args'; is &mytell($fh), tell($fh), '&tell with an arg'; } test_proto 'telldir'; test_proto 'tie'; test_proto 'tied'; $tests += 3; { my $fetches; package tier { sub TIESCALAR { bless[] } sub FETCH { ++$fetches } } my $tied; my $obj = &mytie(\$tied, 'tier'); is &mytied(\$tied), $obj, '&tie and &tied retvals'; () = "$tied"; is $fetches, 1, '&tie actually ties'; &CORE::untie(\$tied); () = "$tied"; is $fetches, 1, '&untie unties'; } test_proto 'time'; $tests += 2; like &mytime, '^\d+\z', '&time in scalar context'; like join('-', &mytime), '^\d+\z', '&time in list context'; test_proto 'times'; $tests += 2; like &mytimes, '^[\d.]+\z', '× in scalar context'; like join('-',&mytimes), '^[\d.]+-[\d.]+-[\d.]+-[\d.]+\z', '× in list context'; test_proto 'uc', 'aa', 'AA'; test_proto 'ucfirst', 'aa', "Aa"; test_proto 'umask'; $tests ++; is &myumask, umask, '&umask with no args'; test_proto 'unpack'; $tests += 2; $_ = 'abcd'; is &myunpack("H*"), '61626364', '&unpack with one arg'; is &myunpack("H*", "bcde"), '62636465', '&unpack with two arg'; test_proto 'untie'; # behaviour already tested along with tie(d) test_proto 'utime'; $tests += 2; is &myutime(undef,undef), 0, '&utime'; lis [&myutime(undef,undef)], [0], '&utime in list context'; test_proto 'vec'; $tests += 3; is &myvec("foo", 0, 4), 6, '&vec'; lis [&myvec("foo", 0, 4)], [6], '&vec in list context'; $tmp = "foo"; ++&myvec($tmp,0,4); is $tmp, "goo", 'lvalue &vec'; test_proto 'wait'; test_proto 'waitpid'; test_proto 'wantarray'; $tests += 4; my $context; my $cx_sub = sub { $context = qw[void scalar list][&mywantarray + defined mywantarray()] }; () = &$cx_sub; is $context, 'list', '&wantarray with caller in list context'; scalar &$cx_sub; is($context, 'scalar', '&wantarray with caller in scalar context'); &$cx_sub; is($context, 'void', '&wantarray with caller in void context'); lis [&mywantarray],[wantarray], '&wantarray itself in list context'; test_proto 'warn'; { $tests += 3; my $w; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $w = shift }; is &mywarn('a'), 1, '&warn retval'; is $w, "a at " . __FILE__ . " line " . (__LINE__-1) . ".\n", 'warning'; lis [&mywarn()], [1], '&warn retval in list context'; } test_proto 'write'; $tests ++; eval {&mywrite}; like $@, qr'^Undefined format "STDOUT" called', "&write without arguments can handle the null"; # This is just a check to make sure we have tested everything. If we # haven’t, then either the sub needs to be tested or the list in # gv.c is wrong. { last if is_miniperl; require File::Spec::Functions; my $keywords_file = File::Spec::Functions::catfile( File::Spec::Functions::updir,'regen','keywords.pl' ); open my $kh, $keywords_file or die "$0 cannot open $keywords_file: $!"; while(<$kh>) { if (m?__END__?..${\0} and /^[-](.*)/) { my $word = $1; next if $word =~ /^(?:CORE|and|cmp|dump|eq|ge|gt|le|lt|ne|or|x|xor)\z/; $tests ++; ok exists &{"my$word"} || (eval{&{"CORE::$word"}}, $@ =~ /cannot be called directly/), "$word either has been tested or is not ampable"; } } } # Add new tests above this line. # This test must come last (before the test count test): { last if is_miniperl; require Cwd; import Cwd; $tests += 3; require File::Temp ; my $dir = File::Temp::tempdir(uc cleanup => 1); my $cwd = cwd(); chdir($dir); # Make sure that implicit $_ is not applied to mkdir’s second argument. local $^W = 1; my $warnings; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { ++$warnings }; my $_ = 'Phoo'; ok &mymkdir(), '&mkdir'; like <*>, qr/^phoo(.DIR)?\z/i, 'mkdir works with implicit $_'; is $warnings, undef, 'no implicit $_ for second argument to mkdir'; chdir($cwd); # so auto-cleanup can remove $dir } # ------------ END TESTING ----------- # is curr_test, $tests+1, 'right number of tests'; done_testing; #line 3 frob sub file { &CORE::__FILE__ } sub line { &CORE::__LINE__ } # 5 sub dier { &CORE::die(@_) } # 6 package stribble; sub main::pakg { &CORE::__PACKAGE__ } # Please do not add new tests here. package main; CORE::__DATA__ I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o’er vales and hills, And all at once I saw a crowd, A host of golden daffodils! Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering, dancing, in the breeze. -- Wordsworth