#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; require './test.pl'; eval { require AnyDBM_File }; # not all places have dbm* functions skip_all("No dbm functions") if $@; } plan tests => 5; # This is [20020104.007] "coredump on dbmclose" my $filename = tempfile(); my $prog = <<'EOC'; package Foo; $filename = '@@@@'; sub new { my $proto = shift; my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; my $self = {}; bless($self,$class); my %LT; dbmopen(%LT, $filename, 0666) || die "Can't open $filename because of $!\n"; $self->{'LT'} = \%LT; return $self; } sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; dbmclose(%{$self->{'LT'}}); 1 while unlink $filename; 1 while unlink glob "$filename.*"; print "ok\n"; } package main; $test = Foo->new(); # must be package var EOC $prog =~ s/\@\@\@\@/$filename/; fresh_perl_is("require AnyDBM_File;\n$prog", 'ok', {}, 'explicit require'); fresh_perl_is($prog, 'ok', {}, 'implicit require'); $prog = <<'EOC'; @INC = (); dbmopen(%LT, $filename, 0666); 1 while unlink $filename; 1 while unlink glob "$filename.*"; die "Failed to fail!"; EOC fresh_perl_like($prog, qr/No dbm on this machine/, {}, 'implicit require fails'); fresh_perl_like('delete $::{"AnyDBM_File::"}; ' . $prog, qr/No dbm on this machine/, {}, 'implicit require and no stash fails'); { # undef 3rd arg local $^W = 1; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { ++$w }; dbmopen(%truffe, 'pleaseletthisfilenotexist', undef); is $w, 1, '1 warning from dbmopen with undef third arg'; }