#!./perl # Test // and friends. BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; } package main; require './test.pl'; plan( tests => 41 ); my($x); $x=1; is($x // 0, 1, ' // : left-hand operand defined'); $x = undef; is($x // 1, 1, ' // : left-hand operand undef'); $x=''; is($x // 0, '', ' // : left-hand operand defined but empty'); like([] // 0, qr/^ARRAY/, ' // : left-hand operand a referece'); $x=1; is(($x err 0), 1, ' err: left-hand operand defined'); $x = undef; is(($x err 1), 1, ' err: left-hand operand undef'); $x=''; is(($x err 0), '', ' err: left-hand operand defined but empty'); like(([] err 0), qr/^ARRAY/, ' err: left-hand operand a referece'); $x=undef; $x //= 1; is($x, 1, ' //=: left-hand operand undefined'); $x //= 0; is($x, 1, '//=: left-hand operand defined'); $x = ''; $x //= 0; is($x, '', '//=: left-hand operand defined but empty'); @ARGV = (undef, 0, 3); is(shift // 7, 7, 'shift // ... works'); is(shift() // 7, 0, 'shift() // ... works'); is(shift @ARGV // 7, 3, 'shift @array // ... works'); @ARGV = (3, 0, undef); is(pop // 7, 7, 'pop // ... works'); is(pop() // 7, 0, 'pop() // ... works'); is(pop @ARGV // 7, 3, 'pop @array // ... works'); # Test that various syntaxes are allowed for (qw(getc pos readline readlink undef umask <> <$foo> -f)) { eval "sub { $_ // 0 }"; is($@, '', "$_ // ... compiles"); } # Test for some ambiguous syntaxes eval q# sub f ($) { } f $x / 2; #; is( $@, '' ); eval q# sub f ($):lvalue { $y } f $x /= 2; #; is( $@, '' ); eval q# sub f ($) { } f $x /2; #; like( $@, qr/^Search pattern not terminated/ ); eval q# sub { print $fh / 2 } #; is( $@, '' ); eval q# sub { print $fh /2 } #; like( $@, qr/^Search pattern not terminated/ ); # [perl #28123] Perl optimizes // away incorrectly is(0 // 2, 0, ' // : left-hand operand not optimized away'); is('' // 2, '', ' // : left-hand operand not optimized away'); is(undef // 2, 2, ' // : left-hand operand optimized away'); # [perl #32347] err should be a weak keyword package weakerr; sub err { "<@_>" } ::is( (shift() err 42), 42, 'err as an operator' ); ::is( (shift err 42), 42, 'err as an operator, with ambiguity' ); ::is( (err 2), "<2>", 'err as a function without parens' ); ::is( err(2, 3), "<2 3>", 'err as a function with parens' ); ::is( err(), "<>", 'err as a function without arguments' ); ::is( err, "<>", 'err as a function without parens' );