#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; require './test.pl'; } plan tests => 54; $h{'abc'} = 'ABC'; $h{'def'} = 'DEF'; $h{'jkl','mno'} = "JKL\034MNO"; $h{'a',2,3,4,5} = join("\034",'A',2,3,4,5); $h{'a'} = 'A'; $h{'b'} = 'B'; $h{'c'} = 'C'; $h{'d'} = 'D'; $h{'e'} = 'E'; $h{'f'} = 'F'; $h{'g'} = 'G'; $h{'h'} = 'H'; $h{'i'} = 'I'; $h{'j'} = 'J'; $h{'k'} = 'K'; $h{'l'} = 'L'; $h{'m'} = 'M'; $h{'n'} = 'N'; $h{'o'} = 'O'; $h{'p'} = 'P'; $h{'q'} = 'Q'; $h{'r'} = 'R'; $h{'s'} = 'S'; $h{'t'} = 'T'; $h{'u'} = 'U'; $h{'v'} = 'V'; $h{'w'} = 'W'; $h{'x'} = 'X'; $h{'y'} = 'Y'; $h{'z'} = 'Z'; @keys = keys %h; @values = values %h; is ($#keys, 29, "keys"); is ($#values, 29, "values"); $i = 0; # stop -w complaints while (($key,$value) = each(%h)) { if ($key eq $keys[$i] && $value eq $values[$i] && (('a' lt 'A' && $key lt $value) || $key gt $value)) { $key =~ y/a-z/A-Z/; $i++ if $key eq $value; } } is ($i, 30, "each count"); @keys = ('blurfl', keys(%h), 'dyick'); is ($#keys, 31, "added a key"); $size = ((split('/',scalar %h))[1]); keys %h = $size * 5; $newsize = ((split('/',scalar %h))[1]); is ($newsize, $size * 8, "resize"); keys %h = 1; $size = ((split('/',scalar %h))[1]); is ($size, $newsize, "same size"); %h = (1,1); $size = ((split('/',scalar %h))[1]); is ($size, $newsize, "still same size"); undef %h; %h = (1,1); $size = ((split('/',scalar %h))[1]); is ($size, 8, "size 8"); # test scalar each %hash = 1..20; $total = 0; $total += $key while $key = each %hash; is ($total, 100, "test scalar each"); for (1..3) { @foo = each %hash } keys %hash; $total = 0; $total += $key while $key = each %hash; is ($total, 100, "test scalar keys resets iterator"); for (1..3) { @foo = each %hash } $total = 0; $total += $key while $key = each %hash; isnt ($total, 100, "test iterator of each is being maintained"); for (1..3) { @foo = each %hash } values %hash; $total = 0; $total += $key while $key = each %hash; is ($total, 100, "test values keys resets iterator"); $size = (split('/', scalar %hash))[1]; keys(%hash) = $size / 2; is ($size, (split('/', scalar %hash))[1]); keys(%hash) = $size + 100; isnt ($size, (split('/', scalar %hash))[1]); is (keys(%hash), 10, "keys (%hash)"); { no warnings 'deprecated'; is (keys(hash), 10, "keys (hash)"); } $i = 0; %h = (a => A, b => B, c=> C, d => D, abc => ABC); { no warnings 'deprecated'; @keys = keys(h); @values = values(h); while (($key, $value) = each(h)) { if ($key eq $keys[$i] && $value eq $values[$i] && $key eq lc($value)) { $i++; } } } is ($i, 5); @tests = (&next_test, &next_test, &next_test); { package Obj; sub DESTROY { print "ok $::tests[1] # DESTROY called\n"; } { my $h = { A => bless [], __PACKAGE__ }; while (my($k,$v) = each %$h) { print "ok $::tests[0]\n" if $k eq 'A' and ref($v) eq 'Obj'; } } print "ok $::tests[2]\n"; } # Check for Unicode hash keys. %u = ("\x{12}", "f", "\x{123}", "fo", "\x{1234}", "foo"); $u{"\x{12345}"} = "bar"; @u{"\x{10FFFD}"} = "zap"; my %u2; foreach (keys %u) { is (length(), 1, "Check length of " . _qq $_); $u2{$_} = $u{$_}; } ok (eq_hash(\%u, \%u2), "copied unicode hash keys correctly?"); $a = "\xe3\x81\x82"; $A = "\x{3042}"; %b = ( $a => "non-utf8"); %u = ( $A => "utf8"); is (exists $b{$A}, '', "utf8 key in bytes hash"); is (exists $u{$a}, '', "bytes key in utf8 hash"); print "# $b{$_}\n" for keys %b; # Used to core dump before change #8056. pass ("if we got here change 8056 worked"); print "# $u{$_}\n" for keys %u; # Used to core dump before change #8056. pass ("change 8056 is thanks to Inaba Hiroto"); # on EBCDIC chars are mapped differently so pick something that needs encoding # there too. $d = pack("U*", 0xe3, 0x81, 0xAF); { use bytes; $ol = bytes::length($d) } cmp_ok ($ol, '>', 3, "check encoding on EBCDIC"); %u = ($d => "downgrade"); for (keys %u) { is (length, 3, "check length"); is ($_, pack("U*", 0xe3, 0x81, 0xAF), "check value"); } { { use bytes; is (bytes::length($d), $ol) } } { my %u; my $u0 = pack("U0U", 0x00FF); my $b0 = "\xC3\xBF"; # 0xCB 0xBF is U+00FF in UTF-8 my $u1 = pack("U0U", 0x0100); my $b1 = "\xC4\x80"; # 0xC4 0x80 is U+0100 in UTF-8 $u{$u0} = 1; $u{$b0} = 2; $u{$u1} = 3; $u{$b1} = 4; is(scalar keys %u, 4, "four different Unicode keys"); is($u{$u0}, 1, "U+00FF -> 1"); is($u{$b0}, 2, "U+00C3 U+00BF -> 2"); is($u{$u1}, 3, "U+0100 -> 3 "); is($u{$b1}, 4, "U+00C4 U+0080 -> 4"); } # test for syntax errors for my $k (qw(each keys values)) { eval $k; like($@, qr/^Not enough arguments for $k/, "$k demands argument"); } { my %foo=(1..10); my ($k,$v); my $count=keys %foo; my ($k1,$v1)=each(%foo); my $yes = 0; if (%foo) { $yes++ } my ($k2,$v2)=each(%foo); my $rest=0; while (each(%foo)) {$rest++}; is($yes,1,"if(%foo) was true"); isnt($k1,$k2,"if(%foo) didnt mess with each (key)"); isnt($v1,$v2,"if(%foo) didnt mess with each (value)"); is($rest,3,"Got the expect number of keys"); my $hsv=1 && %foo; like($hsv,'/',"Got bucket stats from %foo in scalar assignment context"); my @arr=%foo&&%foo; is(@arr,10,"Got expected number of elements in list context"); } { our %foo=(1..10); my ($k,$v); my $count=keys %foo; my ($k1,$v1)=each(%foo); my $yes = 0; if (%foo) { $yes++ } my ($k2,$v2)=each(%foo); my $rest=0; while (each(%foo)) {$rest++}; is($yes,1,"if(%foo) was true"); isnt($k1,$k2,"if(%foo) didnt mess with each (key)"); isnt($v1,$v2,"if(%foo) didnt mess with each (value)"); is($rest,3,"Got the expect number of keys"); my $hsv=1 && %foo; like($hsv,'/',"Got bucket stats from %foo in scalar assignment context"); my @arr=%foo&&%foo; is(@arr,10,"Got expected number of elements in list context"); }