#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; require './test.pl'; } print "1..107\n"; eval 'print "ok 1\n";'; if ($@ eq '') {print "ok 2\n";} else {print "not ok 2\n";} eval "\$foo\n = # this is a comment\n'ok 3';"; print $foo,"\n"; eval "\$foo\n = # this is a comment\n'ok 4\n';"; print $foo; print eval ' $foo =;'; # this tests for a call through yyerror() if ($@ =~ /line 2/) {print "ok 5\n";} else {print "not ok 5\n";} print eval '$foo = /'; # this tests for a call through fatal() if ($@ =~ /Search/) {print "ok 6\n";} else {print "not ok 6\n";} print eval '"ok 7\n";'; # calculate a factorial with recursive evals $foo = 5; $fact = 'if ($foo <= 1) {1;} else {push(@x,$foo--); (eval $fact) * pop(@x);}'; $ans = eval $fact; if ($ans == 120) {print "ok 8\n";} else {print "not ok 8\n";} $foo = 5; $fact = 'local($foo)=$foo; $foo <= 1 ? 1 : $foo-- * (eval $fact);'; $ans = eval $fact; if ($ans == 120) {print "ok 9\n";} else {print "not ok 9 $ans\n";} my $tempfile = tempfile(); open(try,'>',$tempfile); print try 'print "ok 10\n";',"\n"; close try; do "./$tempfile"; print $@; # Test the singlequoted eval optimizer $i = 11; for (1..3) { eval 'print "ok ", $i++, "\n"'; } eval { print "ok 14\n"; die "ok 16\n"; 1; } || print "ok 15\n$@"; # check whether eval EXPR determines value of EXPR correctly { my @a = qw(a b c d); my @b = eval @a; print "@b" eq '4' ? "ok 17\n" : "not ok 17\n"; print $@ ? "not ok 18\n" : "ok 18\n"; my $a = q[defined(wantarray) ? (wantarray ? ($b='A') : ($b='S')) : ($b='V')]; my $b; @a = eval $a; print "@a" eq 'A' ? "ok 19\n" : "# $b\nnot ok 19\n"; print $b eq 'A' ? "ok 20\n" : "# $b\nnot ok 20\n"; $_ = eval $a; print $b eq 'S' ? "ok 21\n" : "# $b\nnot ok 21\n"; eval $a; print $b eq 'V' ? "ok 22\n" : "# $b\nnot ok 22\n"; $b = 'wrong'; $x = sub { my $b = "right"; print eval('"$b"') eq $b ? "ok 23\n" : "not ok 23\n"; }; &$x(); } my $b = 'wrong'; my $X = sub { my $b = "right"; print eval('"$b"') eq $b ? "ok 24\n" : "not ok 24\n"; }; &$X(); # check navigation of multiple eval boundaries to find lexicals my $x = 25; eval <<'EOT'; die if $@; print "# $x\n"; # clone into eval's pad sub do_eval1 { eval $_[0]; die if $@; } EOT do_eval1('print "ok $x\n"'); $x++; do_eval1('eval q[print "ok $x\n"]'); $x++; do_eval1('sub { print "# $x\n"; eval q[print "ok $x\n"] }->()'); $x++; # calls from within eval'' should clone outer lexicals eval <<'EOT'; die if $@; sub do_eval2 { eval $_[0]; die if $@; } do_eval2('print "ok $x\n"'); $x++; do_eval2('eval q[print "ok $x\n"]'); $x++; do_eval2('sub { print "# $x\n"; eval q[print "ok $x\n"] }->()'); $x++; EOT # calls outside eval'' should NOT clone lexicals from called context $main::ok = 'not ok'; my $ok = 'ok'; eval <<'EOT'; die if $@; # $x unbound here sub do_eval3 { eval $_[0]; die if $@; } EOT { my $ok = 'not ok'; do_eval3('print "$ok ' . $x++ . '\n"'); do_eval3('eval q[print "$ok ' . $x++ . '\n"]'); do_eval3('sub { eval q[print "$ok ' . $x++ . '\n"] }->()'); } # can recursive subroutine-call inside eval'' see its own lexicals? sub recurse { my $l = shift; if ($l < $x) { ++$l; eval 'print "# level $l\n"; recurse($l);'; die if $@; } else { print "ok $l\n"; } } { local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { die "not ok $x\n" if $_[0] =~ /^Deep recurs/ }; recurse($x-5); } $x++; # do closures created within eval bind correctly? eval <<'EOT'; sub create_closure { my $self = shift; return sub { print $self; }; } EOT create_closure("ok $x\n")->(); $x++; # does lexical search terminate correctly at subroutine boundary? $main::r = "ok $x\n"; sub terminal { eval 'print $r' } { my $r = "not ok $x\n"; eval 'terminal($r)'; } $x++; # Have we cured panic which occurred with require/eval in die handler ? $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { eval {1}; die shift }; eval { die "ok ".$x++,"\n" }; print $@; # does scalar eval"" pop stack correctly? { my $c = eval "(1,2)x10"; print $c eq '2222222222' ? "ok $x\n" : "# $c\nnot ok $x\n"; $x++; } # return from eval {} should clear $@ correctly { my $status = eval { eval { die }; print "# eval { return } test\n"; return; # removing this changes behavior }; print "not " if $@; print "ok $x\n"; $x++; } # ditto for eval "" { my $status = eval q{ eval q{ die }; print "# eval q{ return } test\n"; return; # removing this changes behavior }; print "not " if $@; print "ok $x\n"; $x++; } # Check that eval catches bad goto calls # (BUG ID 20010305.003) { eval { eval { goto foo; }; print ($@ ? "ok 41\n" : "not ok 41\n"); last; foreach my $i (1) { foo: print "not ok 41\n"; print "# jumped into foreach\n"; } }; print "not ok 41\n" if $@; } # Make sure that "my $$x" is forbidden # 20011224 MJD { eval q{my $$x}; print $@ ? "ok 42\n" : "not ok 42\n"; eval q{my @$x}; print $@ ? "ok 43\n" : "not ok 43\n"; eval q{my %$x}; print $@ ? "ok 44\n" : "not ok 44\n"; eval q{my $$$x}; print $@ ? "ok 45\n" : "not ok 45\n"; } # [ID 20020623.002] eval "" doesn't clear $@ { $@ = 5; eval q{}; print length($@) ? "not ok 46\t# \$\@ = '$@'\n" : "ok 46\n"; } # DAPM Nov-2002. Perl should now capture the full lexical context during # evals. $::zzz = $::zzz = 0; my $zzz = 1; eval q{ sub fred1 { eval q{ print eval '$zzz' == 1 ? 'ok' : 'not ok', " $_[0]\n"} } fred1(47); { my $zzz = 2; fred1(48) } }; eval q{ sub fred2 { print eval('$zzz') == 1 ? 'ok' : 'not ok', " $_[0]\n"; } }; fred2(49); { my $zzz = 2; fred2(50) } # sort() starts a new context stack. Make sure we can still find # the lexically enclosing sub sub do_sort { my $zzz = 2; my @a = sort { print eval('$zzz') == 2 ? 'ok' : 'not ok', " 51\n"; $a <=> $b } 2, 1; } do_sort(); # more recursion and lexical scope leak tests eval q{ my $r = -1; my $yyy = 9; sub fred3 { my $l = shift; my $r = -2; return 1 if $l < 1; return 0 if eval '$zzz' != 1; return 0 if $yyy != 9; return 0 if eval '$yyy' != 9; return 0 if eval '$l' != $l; return $l * fred3($l-1); } my $r = fred3(5); print $r == 120 ? 'ok' : 'not ok', " 52\n"; $r = eval'fred3(5)'; print $r == 120 ? 'ok' : 'not ok', " 53\n"; $r = 0; eval '$r = fred3(5)'; print $r == 120 ? 'ok' : 'not ok', " 54\n"; $r = 0; { my $yyy = 4; my $zzz = 5; my $l = 6; $r = eval 'fred3(5)' }; print $r == 120 ? 'ok' : 'not ok', " 55\n"; }; my $r = fred3(5); print $r == 120 ? 'ok' : 'not ok', " 56\n"; $r = eval'fred3(5)'; print $r == 120 ? 'ok' : 'not ok', " 57\n"; $r = 0; eval'$r = fred3(5)'; print $r == 120 ? 'ok' : 'not ok', " 58\n"; $r = 0; { my $yyy = 4; my $zzz = 5; my $l = 6; $r = eval 'fred3(5)' }; print $r == 120 ? 'ok' : 'not ok', " 59\n"; # check that goto &sub within evals doesn't leak lexical scope my $yyy = 2; my $test = 60; sub fred4 { my $zzz = 3; print +($zzz == 3 && eval '$zzz' == 3) ? 'ok' : 'not ok', " $test\n"; $test++; print eval '$yyy' == 2 ? 'ok' : 'not ok', " $test\n"; $test++; } eval q{ fred4(); sub fred5 { my $zzz = 4; print +($zzz == 4 && eval '$zzz' == 4) ? 'ok' : 'not ok', " $test\n"; $test++; print eval '$yyy' == 2 ? 'ok' : 'not ok', " $test\n"; $test++; goto &fred4; } fred5(); }; fred5(); { my $yyy = 88; my $zzz = 99; fred5(); } eval q{ my $yyy = 888; my $zzz = 999; fred5(); }; # [perl #9728] used to dump core { $eval = eval 'sub { eval "sub { %S }" }'; $eval->({}); print "ok $test\n"; $test++; } # evals that appear in the DB package should see the lexical scope of the # thing outside DB that called them (usually the debugged code), rather # than the usual surrounding scope $test=79; our $x = 1; { my $x=2; sub db1 { $x; eval '$x' } sub DB::db2 { $x; eval '$x' } package DB; sub db3 { eval '$x' } sub DB::db4 { eval '$x' } sub db5 { my $x=4; eval '$x' } package main; sub db6 { my $x=4; eval '$x' } } { my $x = 3; print db1() == 2 ? 'ok' : 'not ok', " $test\n"; $test++; print DB::db2() == 2 ? 'ok' : 'not ok', " $test\n"; $test++; print DB::db3() == 3 ? 'ok' : 'not ok', " $test\n"; $test++; print DB::db4() == 3 ? 'ok' : 'not ok', " $test\n"; $test++; print DB::db5() == 3 ? 'ok' : 'not ok', " $test\n"; $test++; print db6() == 4 ? 'ok' : 'not ok', " $test\n"; $test++; } require './test.pl'; $NO_ENDING = 1; # [perl #19022] used to end up with shared hash warnings # The program should generate no output, so anything we see is on stderr my $got = runperl (prog => '$h{a}=1; foreach my $k (keys %h) {eval qq{\$k}}', stderr => 1); if ($got eq '') { print "ok $test\n"; } else { print "not ok $test\n"; _diag ("# Got '$got'\n"); } $test++; # And a buggy way of fixing #19022 made this fail - $k became undef after the # eval for a build with copy on write { my %h; $h{a}=1; foreach my $k (keys %h) { if (defined $k and $k eq 'a') { print "ok $test\n"; } else { print "not $test # got ", _q ($k), "\n"; } $test++; eval "\$k"; if (defined $k and $k eq 'a') { print "ok $test\n"; } else { print "not $test # got ", _q ($k), "\n"; } $test++; } } sub Foo {} print Foo(eval {}); print "ok ",$test++," - #20798 (used to dump core)\n"; # check for context in string eval { my(@r,$r,$c); sub context { defined(wantarray) ? (wantarray ? ($c='A') : ($c='S')) : ($c='V') } my $code = q{ context() }; @r = qw( a b ); $r = 'ab'; @r = eval $code; print "@r$c" eq 'AA' ? "ok " : "# '@r$c' ne 'AA'\nnot ok ", $test++, "\n"; $r = eval $code; print "$r$c" eq 'SS' ? "ok " : "# '$r$c' ne 'SS'\nnot ok ", $test++, "\n"; eval $code; print $c eq 'V' ? "ok " : "# '$c' ne 'V'\nnot ok ", $test++, "\n"; } # [perl #34682] escaping an eval with last could coredump or dup output $got = runperl ( prog => 'sub A::TIEARRAY { L: { eval { last L } } } tie @a, A; warn qq(ok\n)', stderr => 1); print "not " unless $got eq "ok\n"; print "ok $test - eval and last\n"; $test++; # eval undef should be the same as eval "" barring any warnings { local $@ = "foo"; eval undef; print "not " unless $@ eq ""; print "ok $test # eval undef \n"; $test++; } { no warnings; eval "/ /a;"; print "not " unless $@ =~ /^syntax error/; print "ok $test # eval syntax error, no warnings \n"; $test++; } # a syntax error in an eval called magically 9eg vie tie or overload) # resulted in an assertion failure in S_docatch, since doeval had already # poppedthe EVAL context due to the failure, but S_docatch expected the # context to still be there. { my $ok = 0; package Eval1; sub STORE { eval '('; $ok = 1 } sub TIESCALAR { bless [] } my $x; tie $x, bless []; $x = 1; print "not " unless $ok; print "ok $test # eval docatch \n"; $test++; } # [perl #51370] eval { die "\x{a10d}" } followed by eval { 1 } did not reset # length $@ $@ = ""; eval { die "\x{a10d}"; }; $_ = length $@; eval { 1 }; print "not " if ($@ ne ""); print "ok $test # length of \$@ after eval\n"; $test++; print "not " if (length $@ != 0); print "ok $test # length of \$@ after eval\n"; $test++; # Check if eval { 1 }; compeltly resets $@ if (eval "use Devel::Peek; 1;") { $tempfile = tempfile(); $outfile = tempfile(); open PROG, ">", $tempfile or die "Can't create test file"; my $prog = <<'END_EVAL_TEST'; use Devel::Peek; $! = 0; $@ = $!; my $ok = 0; open(SAVERR, ">&STDERR") or die "Can't dup STDERR: $!"; if (open(OUT, '>', '@@@@')) { open(STDERR, ">&OUT") or die "Can't dup OUT: $!"; Dump($@); print STDERR "******\n"; eval { die "\x{a10d}"; }; $_ = length $@; eval { 1 }; Dump($@); open(STDERR, ">&SAVERR") or die "Can't restore STDERR: $!"; close(OUT); if (open(IN, '<', '@@@@')) { local $/; my $in = ; my ($first, $second) = split (/\*\*\*\*\*\*\n/, $in, 2); $first =~ s/,pNOK//; s/ PV = 0x[0-9a-f]+/ PV = 0x/ foreach $first, $second; s/ LEN = [0-9]+/ LEN = / foreach $first, $second; $ok = 1 if ($first eq $second); } } print $ok; END_EVAL_TEST $prog =~ s/\@\@\@\@/$outfile/g; print PROG $prog; close PROG; my $ok = runperl(progfile => $tempfile); print "not " unless $ok; print "ok $test # eval { 1 } completly resets \$@\n"; } else { print "ok $test # skipped - eval { 1 } completly resets \$@\n"; } $test++; # Test that "use feature" and other hint transmission in evals and s///ee # don't leak memory { use feature qw(:5.10); my $count_expected = ($^H & 0x20000) ? 2 : 1; my $t; my $s = "a"; $s =~ s/a/$t = \%^H; qq( qq() );/ee; print "not " if Internals::SvREFCNT(%$t) != $count_expected; print "ok $test - RT 63110\n"; $test++; } curr_test($test); { # test that the CV compiled for the eval is freed by checking that no additional # reference to outside lexicals are made. my $x; is(Internals::SvREFCNT($x), 1, "originally only 1 referece"); eval '$x'; is(Internals::SvREFCNT($x), 1, "execution eval doesn't create new references"); } fresh_perl_is(<<'EOP', "ok\n", undef, 'RT #70862'); $::{'@'}=''; eval {}; print "ok\n"; EOP fresh_perl_is(<<'EOP', "ok\n", undef, 'variant of RT #70862'); eval { $::{'@'}=''; }; print "ok\n"; EOP fresh_perl_is(<<'EOP', "ok\n", undef, 'related to RT #70862'); $::{'@'}=\3; eval {}; print "ok\n"; EOP fresh_perl_is(<<'EOP', "ok\n", undef, 'related to RT #70862'); eval { $::{'@'}=\3; }; print "ok\n"; EOP fresh_perl_is(<<'EOP', "ok\n", undef, 'segfault on syntax errors in block evals'); # localize the hits hash so the eval ends up with the pad offset of a copy of it in its targ BEGIN { $^H |= 0x00020000 } eval q{ eval { + } }; print "ok\n"; EOP fresh_perl_is(<<'EOP', "ok\n", undef, 'assert fail on non-string in Perl_lex_start'); use overload '""' => sub { '1;' }; my $ov = bless []; eval $ov; print "ok\n"; EOP