#!./perl BEGIN: { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = ('../lib'); require './test.pl'; } # supress VMS whinging about bad execs. use vmsish qw(hushed); $| = 1; # flush stdout $ENV{LC_ALL} = 'C'; # Forge English error messages. $ENV{LANGUAGE} = 'C'; # Ditto in GNU. my $Is_VMS = $^O eq 'VMS'; my $Is_Win32 = $^O eq 'MSWin32'; skip_all("Tests mostly usesless on MacOS") if $^O eq 'MacOS'; plan(tests => 21); my $Perl = which_perl(); my $exit; SKIP: { skip("bug/feature of pdksh", 2) if $^O eq 'os2'; my $tnum = curr_test(); $exit = system qq{$Perl -le "print q{ok $tnum - interp system(EXPR)"}}; next_test(); is( $exit, 0, ' exited 0' ); } my $tnum = curr_test(); $exit = system qq{$Perl -le "print q{ok $tnum - split & direct system(EXPR)"}}; next_test(); is( $exit, 0, ' exited 0' ); # On VMS and Win32 you need the quotes around the program or it won't work. # On Unix its the opposite. my $quote = $Is_VMS || $Is_Win32 ? '"' : ''; $tnum = curr_test(); $exit = system $Perl, '-le', "${quote}print q{ok $tnum - system(PROG, LIST)}${quote}"; next_test(); is( $exit, 0, ' exited 0' ); # Some basic piped commands. Some OS's have trouble with "helpfully" # putting newlines on the end of piped output. So we split this into # newline insensitive and newline sensitive tests. my $echo_out = `$Perl -e "print 'ok'" | $Perl -le "print <STDIN>"`; $echo_out =~ s/\n\n/\n/g; is( $echo_out, "ok\n", 'piped echo emulation'); { # here we check if extra newlines are going to be slapped on # piped output. local $TODO = 'VMS sticks newlines on everything' if $Is_VMS; is( scalar `$Perl -e "print 'ok'"`, "ok", 'no extra newlines on ``' ); is( scalar `$Perl -e "print 'ok'" | $Perl -e "print <STDIN>"`, "ok", 'no extra newlines on pipes'); is( scalar `$Perl -le "print 'ok'" | $Perl -le "print <STDIN>"`, "ok\n\n", 'doubled up newlines'); is( scalar `$Perl -e "print 'ok'" | $Perl -le "print <STDIN>"`, "ok\n", 'extra newlines on inside pipes'); is( scalar `$Perl -le "print 'ok'" | $Perl -e "print <STDIN>"`, "ok\n", 'extra newlines on outgoing pipes'); { local($/) = \2; $out = runperl(prog => 'print q{1234}'); is($out, "1234", 'ignore $/ when capturing output in scalar context'); } } is( system(qq{$Perl -e "exit 0"}), 0, 'Explicit exit of 0' ); my $exit_one = $Is_VMS ? 4 << 8 : 1 << 8; is( system(qq{$Perl "-I../lib" -e "use vmsish qw(hushed); exit 1"}), $exit_one, 'Explicit exit of 1' ); $rc = system { "lskdfj" } "lskdfj"; unless( ok($rc == 255 << 8 or $rc == -1 or $rc == 256 or $rc == 512) ) { print "# \$rc == $rc\n"; } unless ( ok( $! == 2 or $! =~ /\bno\b.*\bfile/i or $! == 13 or $! =~ /permission denied/i or $! == 22 or $! =~ /invalid argument/ ) ) { printf "# \$! eq %d, '%s'\n", $!, $!; } is( `$Perl -le "print 'ok'"`, "ok\n", 'basic ``' ); is( <<`END`, "ok\n", '<<`HEREDOC`' ); $Perl -le "print 'ok'" END TODO: { my $tnum = curr_test(); if( $^O =~ /Win32/ ) { print "not ok $tnum - exec failure doesn't terminate process " . "# TODO Win32 exec failure waits for user input\n"; next_test(); last TODO; } ok( !exec("lskdjfalksdjfdjfkls"), "exec failure doesn't terminate process"); } my $test = curr_test(); exec $Perl, '-le', qq{${quote}print 'ok $test - exec PROG, LIST'${quote}}; fail("This should never be reached if the exec() worked");