#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; require './test.pl'; } plan tests => 8; # symbolic filehandles should only result in glob entries with FH constructors $|=1; my $a = "SYM000"; ok(!defined(fileno($a)), 'initial file handle is undefined'); ok(!defined *{$a}, 'initial typeglob of file handle is undefined'); select select $a; ok(defined *{$a}, 'typeglob of file handle defined after select'); $a++; ok(!close $a, 'close does not succeed with incremented file handle'); ok(!defined *{$a}, 'typeglob of file handle not defined after increment'); ok(open($a, ">&STDOUT"), 'file handle used with open of standard output'); ok(defined *{$a}, 'typeglob of file handle defined after opening standard output'); ok(close $a, 'close standard output via file handle;');