#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = qw(. ../lib); } require 'test.pl'; plan( tests => 13 ); @oops = @ops = ; if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { map { $files{lc($_)}++ } ; map { delete $files{"op/$_"} } split /[\s\n]/, `dir /b /l op & dir /b /l /ah op 2>nul`, } elsif ($^O eq 'VMS') { map { $files{lc($_)}++ } <[.op]*>; map { s/;.*$//; delete $files{lc($_)}; } split /[\n]/, `directory/noheading/notrailing/versions=1 [.op]`, } else { map { $files{$_}++ } ; map { delete $files{$_} } split /[\s\n]/, `echo op/*`; } ok( !(keys(%files)),'leftover op/* files' ) or diag(join(' ',sort keys %files)); cmp_ok($/,'eq',"\n",'sane input record separator'); $not = ''; while () { $not = "not " unless $_ eq shift @ops; $not = "not at all " if $/ eq "\0"; } ok(!$not,"glob amid garbage [$not]"); cmp_ok($/,'eq',"\n",'input record separator still sane'); $_ = "op/*"; @glops = glob $_; cmp_ok("@glops",'eq',"@oops",'glob operator 1'); @glops = glob; cmp_ok("@glops",'eq',"@oops",'glob operator 2'); # glob should still work even after the File::Glob stash has gone away # (this used to dump core) my $i = 0; for (1..2) { eval "<.>"; ok(!length($@),"eval'ed a glob $_"); undef %File::Glob::; ++$i; } cmp_ok($i,'==',2,'remove File::Glob stash'); # a more sinister version of the same test (crashes from 5.8 to 5.13.1) { undef %File::Glob::; local %CORE::GLOBAL::; eval "<.>"; ok(!length($@),"remove File::Glob stash *and* CORE::GLOBAL::glob"); } # ... while ($var = glob(...)) should test definedness not truth SKIP: { skip('no File::Glob to emulate Unix-ism', 1) unless $INC{'File/Glob.pm'}; my $ok = 0; $ok = 1 while my $var = glob("0"); ok($ok,'define versus truth'); } # The formerly-broken test for the situation above would accidentally # test definedness for an assignment with a LOGOP on the right: { my $f = 0; my $ok = 1; $ok = 0, undef $f while $x = $f||$f; ok($ok,'test definedness with LOGOP'); } cmp_ok(scalar(@oops),'>',0,'glob globbed something');