#!./perl # "This IS structured code. It's just randomly structured." print "1..22\n"; while ($?) { $foo = 1; label1: $foo = 2; goto label2; } continue { $foo = 0; goto label4; label3: $foo = 4; goto label4; } goto label1; $foo = 3; label2: print "#1\t:$foo: == 2\n"; if ($foo == 2) {print "ok 1\n";} else {print "not ok 1\n";} goto label3; label4: print "#2\t:$foo: == 4\n"; if ($foo == 4) {print "ok 2\n";} else {print "not ok 2\n";} $PERL = ($^O eq 'MSWin32') ? '.\perl' : ($^O eq 'MacOS') ? $^X : ($^O eq 'NetWare') ? 'perl' : './perl'; $CMD = qq[$PERL -e "goto foo;" 2>&1 ]; $x = `$CMD`; if ($x =~ /label/) {print "ok 3\n";} else {print "not ok 3\n";} sub foo { goto bar; print "not ok 4\n"; return; bar: print "ok 4\n"; } &foo; sub bar { $x = 'bypass'; eval "goto $x"; } &bar; exit; FINALE: print "ok 13\n"; # does goto LABEL handle block contexts correctly? my $cond = 1; for (1) { if ($cond == 1) { $cond = 0; goto OTHER; } elsif ($cond == 0) { OTHER: $cond = 2; print "ok 14\n"; goto THIRD; } else { THIRD: print "ok 15\n"; } } print "ok 16\n"; # Does goto work correctly within a for(;;) loop? # (BUG ID 20010309.004) for(my $i=0;!$i++;) { my $x=1; goto label; label: print (defined $x?"ok ": "not ok ", "17\n") } # Does goto work correctly going *to* a for(;;) loop? # (make sure it doesn't skip the initializer) my ($z, $y) = (0); FORL1: for($y="ok 18\n"; $z;) {print $y; goto TEST19} ($y,$z) = ("not ok 18\n", 1); goto FORL1; # Even from within the loop? TEST19: $z = 0; FORL2: for($y="ok 19\n"; 1;) { if ($z) { print $y; last; } ($y, $z) = ("not ok 19\n", 1); goto FORL2; } # Does goto work correctly within a try block? # (BUG ID 20000313.004) my $ok = 0; eval { my $variable = 1; goto LABEL20; LABEL20: $ok = 1 if $variable; }; print ($ok&&!$@ ? "ok 20\n" : "not ok 20\n"); # And within an eval-string? $ok = 0; eval q{ my $variable = 1; goto LABEL21; LABEL21: $ok = 1 if $variable; }; print ($ok&&!$@ ? "ok 21\n" : "not ok 21\n"); # Test that goto works in nested eval-string $ok = 0; {eval q{ eval q{ goto LABEL22; }; $ok = 0; last; LABEL22: $ok = 1; }; $ok = 0 if $@; } print ($ok ? "ok 22\n" : "not ok 22\n"); exit; bypass: print "ok 5\n"; # Test autoloading mechanism. sub two { ($pack, $file, $line) = caller; # Should indicate original call stats. print "@_ $pack $file $line" eq "1 2 3 main $FILE $LINE" ? "ok 7\n" : "not ok 7\n"; } sub one { eval <<'END'; sub one { print "ok 6\n"; goto &two; print "not ok 6\n"; } END goto &one; } $FILE = __FILE__; $LINE = __LINE__ + 1; &one(1,2,3); $wherever = NOWHERE; eval { goto $wherever }; print $@ =~ /Can't find label NOWHERE/ ? "ok 8\n" : "not ok 8\n"; # see if a modified @_ propagates { package Foo; sub DESTROY { my $s = shift; print "ok $s->[0]\n"; } sub show { print "# @_\nnot ok $_[0][0]\n" if @_ != 5; } sub start { push @_, 1, "foo", {}; goto &show; } for (9..11) { start(bless([$_]), 'bar'); } } sub auto { goto &loadit; } sub AUTOLOAD { print @_ } auto("ok 12\n"); $wherever = FINALE; goto $wherever;