#!./perl # # grep() and map() tests # BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = qw(. ../lib); require "./test.pl"; } plan( tests => 66 ); { my @lol = ([qw(a b c)], [], [qw(1 2 3)]); my @mapped = map {scalar @$_} @lol; cmp_ok("@mapped", 'eq', "3 0 3", 'map scalar list of list'); my @grepped = grep {scalar @$_} @lol; cmp_ok("@grepped", 'eq', "$lol[0] $lol[2]", 'grep scalar list of list'); $test++; @grepped = grep { $_ } @mapped; cmp_ok( "@grepped", 'eq', "3 3", 'grep basic'); } { my @res; @res = map({$_} ("geronimo")); cmp_ok( scalar(@res), '==', 1, 'basic map nr'); cmp_ok( $res[0], 'eq', 'geronimo', 'basic map is'); @res = map ({$_} ("yoyodyne")); cmp_ok( scalar(@res), '==', 1, 'linefeed map nr'); cmp_ok( $res[0], 'eq', 'yoyodyne', 'linefeed map is'); @res = (map( {a =>$_}, ("chobb")))[0]->{a}; cmp_ok( scalar(@res), '==', 1, 'deref map nr'); cmp_ok( $res[0], 'eq', 'chobb', 'deref map is'); @res = map {$_} ("geronimo"); cmp_ok( scalar(@res), '==', 1, 'no paren basic map nr'); cmp_ok( $res[0], 'eq', 'geronimo', 'no paren basic map is'); @res = map {$_} ("yoyodyne"); cmp_ok( scalar(@res), '==', 1, 'no paren linefeed map nr'); cmp_ok( $res[0], 'eq', 'yoyodyne', 'no paren linefeed map is'); @res = (map {a =>$_}, ("chobb"))[0]->{a}; cmp_ok( scalar(@res), '==', 1, 'no paren deref map nr'); cmp_ok( $res[0], 'eq', 'chobb', 'no paren deref map is'); my $x = "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\n"; @res = map($_&$x,("sferics\n")); cmp_ok( scalar(@res), '==', 1, 'binand map nr 1'); cmp_ok( $res[0], 'eq', "sferics\n", 'binand map is 1'); @res = map ($_ & $x, ("sferics\n")); cmp_ok( scalar(@res), '==', 1, 'binand map nr 2'); cmp_ok( $res[0], 'eq', "sferics\n", 'binand map is 2'); @res = map { $_ & $x } ("sferics\n"); cmp_ok( scalar(@res), '==', 1, 'binand map nr 3'); cmp_ok( $res[0], 'eq', "sferics\n", 'binand map is 3'); @res = map { $_&$x } ("sferics\n"); cmp_ok( scalar(@res), '==', 1, 'binand map nr 4'); cmp_ok( $res[0], 'eq', "sferics\n", 'binand map is 4'); @res = grep({$_} ("geronimo")); cmp_ok( scalar(@res), '==', 1, 'basic grep nr'); cmp_ok( $res[0], 'eq', 'geronimo', 'basic grep is'); @res = grep ({$_} ("yoyodyne")); cmp_ok( scalar(@res), '==', 1, 'linefeed grep nr'); cmp_ok( $res[0], 'eq', 'yoyodyne', 'linefeed grep is'); @res = grep ({a=>$_}->{a}, ("chobb")); cmp_ok( scalar(@res), '==', 1, 'deref grep nr'); cmp_ok( $res[0], 'eq', 'chobb', 'deref grep is'); @res = grep {$_} ("geronimo"); cmp_ok( scalar(@res), '==', 1, 'no paren basic grep nr'); cmp_ok( $res[0], 'eq', 'geronimo', 'no paren basic grep is'); @res = grep {$_} ("yoyodyne"); cmp_ok( scalar(@res), '==', 1, 'no paren linefeed grep nr'); cmp_ok( $res[0], 'eq', 'yoyodyne', 'no paren linefeed grep is'); @res = grep {a=>$_}->{a}, ("chobb"); cmp_ok( scalar(@res), '==', 1, 'no paren deref grep nr'); cmp_ok( $res[0], 'eq', 'chobb', 'no paren deref grep is'); @res = grep {a=>$_}->{a}, ("chobb"); cmp_ok( scalar(@res), '==', 1, 'no paren deref linefeed nr'); cmp_ok( $res[0], 'eq', 'chobb', 'no paren deref linefeed is'); @res = grep($_&"X", ("bodine")); cmp_ok( scalar(@res), '==', 1, 'binand X grep nr'); cmp_ok( $res[0], 'eq', 'bodine', 'binand X grep is'); @res = grep ($_&"X", ("bodine")); cmp_ok( scalar(@res), '==', 1, 'binand X linefeed grep nr'); cmp_ok( $res[0], 'eq', 'bodine', 'binand X linefeed grep is'); @res = grep {$_&"X"} ("bodine"); cmp_ok( scalar(@res), '==', 1, 'no paren binand X grep nr'); cmp_ok( $res[0], 'eq', 'bodine', 'no paren binand X grep is'); @res = grep {$_&"X"} ("bodine"); cmp_ok( scalar(@res), '==', 1, 'no paren binand X linefeed grep nr'); cmp_ok( $res[0], 'eq', 'bodine', 'no paren binand X linefeed grep is'); } { # Tests for "for" in "map" and "grep" # Used to dump core, bug [perl #17771] my @x; my $y = ''; @x = map { $y .= $_ for 1..2; 1 } 3..4; cmp_ok( "@x,$y",'eq',"1 1,1212", '[perl #17771] for in map 1'); $y = ''; @x = map { $y .= $_ for 1..2; $y .= $_ } 3..4; cmp_ok( "@x,$y",'eq',"123 123124,123124", '[perl #17771] for in map 2'); $y = ''; @x = map { for (1..2) { $y .= $_ } $y .= $_ } 3..4; cmp_ok( "@x,$y",'eq',"123 123124,123124", '[perl #17771] for in map 3'); $y = ''; @x = grep { $y .= $_ for 1..2; 1 } 3..4; cmp_ok( "@x,$y",'eq',"3 4,1212", '[perl #17771] for in grep 1'); $y = ''; @x = grep { for (1..2) { $y .= $_ } 1 } 3..4; cmp_ok( "@x,$y",'eq',"3 4,1212", '[perl #17771] for in grep 2'); # Add also a sample test from [perl #18153]. (The same bug). $a = 1; map {if ($a){}} (2); pass( '[perl #18153] (not dead yet)' ); # no core dump is all we need } { sub add_an_x(@){ map {"${_}x"} @_; }; cmp_ok( join("-",add_an_x(1,2,3,4)), 'eq', "1x-2x-3x-4x", 'add-an-x'); } { my $gimme; sub gimme { my $want = wantarray(); if (defined $want) { $gimme = $want ? 'list' : 'scalar'; } else { $gimme = 'void'; } } my @list = 0..9; undef $gimme; gimme for @list; cmp_ok($gimme, 'eq', 'void', 'gimme a V!'); undef $gimme; grep { gimme } @list; cmp_ok($gimme, 'eq', 'scalar', 'gimme an S!'); undef $gimme; map { gimme } @list; cmp_ok($gimme, 'eq', 'list', 'gimme an L!'); } { # test scalar context return my @list = (7, 14, 21); my $x = map {$_ *= 2} @list; cmp_ok("@list", 'eq', "14 28 42", 'map scalar return'); cmp_ok($x, '==', 3, 'map scalar count'); @list = (9, 16, 25, 36); $x = grep {$_ % 2} @list; cmp_ok($x, '==', 2, 'grep scalar count'); my @res = grep {$_ % 2} @list; cmp_ok("@res", 'eq', "9 25", 'grep extract'); } { # This shouldn't loop indefinitely. my @empty = map { while (1) {} } (); cmp_ok("@empty", 'eq', '', 'staying alive'); } { my $x; eval 'grep $x (1,2,3);'; like($@, qr/Missing comma after first argument to grep function/, "proper error on variable as block. [perl #37314]"); } # [perl #78194] grep/map aliasing op return values grep is(\$_, \$_, '[perl #78194] \$_ == \$_ inside grep ..., "$x"'), "${\''}", "${\''}"; map is(\$_, \$_, '[perl #78194] \$_ == \$_ inside map ..., "$x"'), "${\''}", "${\''}"; # [perl #92254] freeing $_ in gremap block { my $y; grep { undef *_ } $y; map { undef *_ } $y; } pass 'no double frees with grep/map { undef *_ }';