#!./perl # # various typeglob tests # BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; require './test.pl'; } use warnings; plan( tests => 224 ); # type coersion on assignment $foo = 'foo'; $bar = *main::foo; $bar = $foo; is(ref(\$bar), 'SCALAR'); $foo = *main::bar; # type coersion (not) on misc ops ok($foo); is(ref(\$foo), 'GLOB'); unlike ($foo, qr/abcd/); is(ref(\$foo), 'GLOB'); is($foo, '*main::bar'); is(ref(\$foo), 'GLOB'); { no warnings; ${\*$foo} = undef; is(ref(\$foo), 'GLOB', 'no type coersion when assigning to *{} retval'); $::{phake} = *bar; is( \$::{phake}, \*{"phake"}, 'symbolic *{} returns symtab entry when FAKE' ); ${\*{"phake"}} = undef; is( ref(\$::{phake}), 'GLOB', 'no type coersion when assigning to retval of symbolic *{}' ); $::{phaque} = *bar; eval ' is( \$::{phaque}, \*phaque, "compile-time *{} returns symtab entry when FAKE" ); ${\*phaque} = undef; '; is( ref(\$::{phaque}), 'GLOB', 'no type coersion when assigning to retval of compile-time *{}' ); } # type coersion on substitutions that match $a = *main::foo; $b = $a; $a =~ s/^X//; is(ref(\$a), 'GLOB'); $a =~ s/^\*//; is($a, 'main::foo'); is(ref(\$b), 'GLOB'); # typeglobs as lvalues substr($foo, 0, 1) = "XXX"; is(ref(\$foo), 'SCALAR'); is($foo, 'XXXmain::bar'); # returning glob values sub foo { local($bar) = *main::foo; $foo = *main::bar; return ($foo, $bar); } ($fuu, $baa) = foo(); ok(defined $fuu); is(ref(\$fuu), 'GLOB'); ok(defined $baa); is(ref(\$baa), 'GLOB'); # nested package globs # NOTE: It's probably OK if these semantics change, because the # fact that %X::Y:: is stored in %X:: isn't documented. # (I hope.) { package Foo::Bar; no warnings 'once'; $test=1; } ok(exists $Foo::{'Bar::'}); is($Foo::{'Bar::'}, '*Foo::Bar::'); # test undef operator clearing out entire glob $foo = 'stuff'; @foo = qw(more stuff); %foo = qw(even more random stuff); undef *foo; is ($foo, undef); is (scalar @foo, 0); is (scalar %foo, 0); { # test warnings from assignment of undef to glob my $msg = ''; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $msg = $_[0] }; use warnings; *foo = 'bar'; is($msg, ''); *foo = undef; like($msg, qr/Undefined value assigned to typeglob/); no warnings 'once'; # test warnings for converting globs to other forms my $copy = *PWOMPF; foreach ($copy, *SKREEE) { $msg = ''; my $victim = sprintf "%d", $_; like($msg, qr/Argument "\*main::[A-Z]{6}" isn't numeric in sprintf/, "Warning on conversion to IV"); is($victim, 0); $msg = ''; $victim = sprintf "%u", $_; like($msg, qr/Argument "\*main::[A-Z]{6}" isn't numeric in sprintf/, "Warning on conversion to UV"); is($victim, 0); $msg = ''; $victim = sprintf "%e", $_; like($msg, qr/Argument "\*main::[A-Z]{6}" isn't numeric in sprintf/, "Warning on conversion to NV"); like($victim, qr/^0\.0+E\+?00/i, "Expect floating point zero"); $msg = ''; $victim = sprintf "%s", $_; is($msg, '', "No warning on stringification"); is($victim, '' . $_); } } my $test = curr_test(); # test *glob{THING} syntax $x = "ok $test\n"; ++$test; @x = ("ok $test\n"); ++$test; %x = ("ok $test" => "\n"); ++$test; sub x { "ok $test\n" } print ${*x{SCALAR}}, @{*x{ARRAY}}, %{*x{HASH}}, &{*x{CODE}}; # This needs to go here, after the print, as sub x will return the current # value of test ++$test; format x = XXX This text isn't used. Should it be? . curr_test($test); is (ref *x{FORMAT}, "FORMAT"); *x = *STDOUT; is (*{*x{GLOB}}, "*main::STDOUT"); { my $test = curr_test(); print {*x{IO}} "ok $test\n"; ++$test; my $warn; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warn .= $_[0]; }; my $val = *x{FILEHANDLE}; print {*x{IO}} ($warn =~ /is deprecated/ ? "ok $test\n" : "not ok $test\n"); curr_test(++$test); } { # test if defined() doesn't create any new symbols my $a = "SYM000"; ok(!defined *{$a}); ok(!defined @{$a}); ok(!defined *{$a}); { no warnings 'deprecated'; ok(!defined %{$a}); } ok(!defined *{$a}); ok(!defined ${$a}); ok(!defined *{$a}); ok(!defined &{$a}); ok(!defined *{$a}); my $state = "not"; *{$a} = sub { $state = "ok" }; ok(defined &{$a}); ok(defined *{$a}); &{$a}; is ($state, 'ok'); } { # although it *should* if you're talking about magicals my $a = "]"; ok(defined ${$a}); ok(defined *{$a}); $a = "1"; "o" =~ /(o)/; ok(${$a}); ok(defined *{$a}); $a = "2"; ok(!${$a}); ok(defined *{$a}); $a = "1x"; ok(!defined ${$a}); ok(!defined *{$a}); $a = "11"; "o" =~ /(((((((((((o)))))))))))/; ok(${$a}); ok(defined *{$a}); } # [ID 20010526.001] localized glob loses value when assigned to $j=1; %j=(a=>1); @j=(1); local *j=*j; *j = sub{}; is($j, 1); is($j{a}, 1); is($j[0], 1); { # does pp_readline() handle glob-ness correctly? my $g = *foo; $g = ; is ($g, "Perl\n"); } { my $w = ''; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $w = $_[0] }; sub abc1 (); local *abc1 = sub { }; is ($w, ''); sub abc2 (); local *abc2; *abc2 = sub { }; is ($w, ''); sub abc3 (); *abc3 = sub { }; like ($w, qr/Prototype mismatch/); } { # [17375] rcatline to formerly-defined undef was broken. Fixed in # do_readline by checking SvOK. AMS, 20020918 my $x = "not "; $x = undef; $x .= ; is ($x, "Rules\n"); } { # test the assignment of a GLOB to an LVALUE my $e = ''; local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { $e = $_[0] }; my %v; sub f { $_[0] = 0; $_[0] = "a"; $_[0] = *DATA } f($v{v}); is ($v{v}, '*main::DATA'); is (ref\$v{v}, 'GLOB', 'lvalue assignment preserves globs'); my $x = readline $v{v}; is ($x, "perl\n"); } { $e = ''; # GLOB assignment to tied element local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { $e = $_[0] }; sub T::TIEARRAY { bless [] => "T" } sub T::STORE { $_[0]->[ $_[1] ] = $_[2] } sub T::FETCH { $_[0]->[ $_[1] ] } sub T::FETCHSIZE { @{$_[0]} } tie my @ary => "T"; $ary[0] = *DATA; is ($ary[0], '*main::DATA'); is ( ref\tied(@ary)->[0], 'GLOB', 'tied elem assignment preserves globs' ); is ($e, ''); my $x = readline $ary[0]; is($x, "rocks\n"); } { # Need some sort of die or warn to get the global destruction text if the # bug is still present my $output = runperl(prog => <<'EOPROG'); package M; $| = 1; sub DESTROY {eval {die qq{Farewell $_[0]}}; print $@} package main; bless \$A::B, q{M}; *A:: = \*B::; EOPROG like($output, qr/^Farewell M=SCALAR/, "DESTROY was called"); unlike($output, qr/global destruction/, "unreferenced symbol tables should be cleaned up immediately"); } # Possibly not the correct test file for these tests. # There are certain space optimisations implemented via promotion rules to # GVs foreach (qw (oonk ga_shloip)) { ok(!exists $::{$_}, "no symbols of any sort to start with for $_"); } # A string in place of the typeglob is promoted to the function prototype $::{oonk} = "pie"; my $proto = eval 'prototype \&oonk'; die if $@; is ($proto, "pie", "String is promoted to prototype"); # A reference to a value is used to generate a constant subroutine foreach my $value (3, "Perl rules", \42, qr/whatever/, [1,2,3], {1=>2}, \*STDIN, \&ok, \undef, *STDOUT) { delete $::{oonk}; $::{oonk} = \$value; $proto = eval 'prototype \&oonk'; die if $@; is ($proto, '', "Prototype for a constant subroutine is empty"); my $got = eval 'oonk'; die if $@; is (ref $got, ref $value, "Correct type of value (" . ref($value) . ")"); is ($got, $value, "Value is correctly set"); } delete $::{oonk}; $::{oonk} = \"Value"; *{"ga_shloip"} = \&{"oonk"}; is (ref $::{ga_shloip}, 'SCALAR', "Export of proxy constant as is"); is (ref $::{oonk}, 'SCALAR', "Export doesn't affect original"); is (eval 'ga_shloip', "Value", "Constant has correct value"); is (ref $::{ga_shloip}, 'SCALAR', "Inlining of constant doesn't change represenatation"); delete $::{ga_shloip}; eval 'sub ga_shloip (); 1' or die $@; is ($::{ga_shloip}, '', "Prototype is stored as an empty string"); # Check that a prototype expands. *{"ga_shloip"} = \&{"oonk"}; is (ref $::{oonk}, 'SCALAR', "Export doesn't affect original"); is (eval 'ga_shloip', "Value", "Constant has correct value"); is (ref \$::{ga_shloip}, 'GLOB', "Symbol table has full typeglob"); @::zwot = ('Zwot!'); # Check that assignment to an existing typeglob works { my $w = ''; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $w = $_[0] }; *{"zwot"} = \&{"oonk"}; is($w, '', "Should be no warning"); } is (ref $::{oonk}, 'SCALAR', "Export doesn't affect original"); is (eval 'zwot', "Value", "Constant has correct value"); is (ref \$::{zwot}, 'GLOB', "Symbol table has full typeglob"); is (join ('!', @::zwot), 'Zwot!', "Existing array still in typeglob"); sub spritsits () { "Traditional"; } # Check that assignment to an existing subroutine works { my $w = ''; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $w = $_[0] }; *{"spritsits"} = \&{"oonk"}; like($w, qr/^Constant subroutine main::spritsits redefined/, "Redefining a constant sub should warn"); } is (ref $::{oonk}, 'SCALAR', "Export doesn't affect original"); is (eval 'spritsits', "Value", "Constant has correct value"); is (ref \$::{spritsits}, 'GLOB', "Symbol table has full typeglob"); # Check that assignment to an existing typeglob works { my $w = ''; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $w = $_[0] }; *{"plunk"} = []; *{"plunk"} = \&{"oonk"}; is($w, '', "Should be no warning"); } is (ref $::{oonk}, 'SCALAR', "Export doesn't affect original"); is (eval 'plunk', "Value", "Constant has correct value"); is (ref \$::{plunk}, 'GLOB', "Symbol table has full typeglob"); my $gr = eval '\*plunk' or die; { my $w = ''; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $w = $_[0] }; *{$gr} = \&{"oonk"}; is($w, '', "Redefining a constant sub to another constant sub with the same underlying value should not warn (It's just re-exporting, and that was always legal)"); } is (ref $::{oonk}, 'SCALAR', "Export doesn't affect original"); is (eval 'plunk', "Value", "Constant has correct value"); is (ref \$::{plunk}, 'GLOB', "Symbol table has full typeglob"); # Non-void context should defeat the optimisation, and will cause the original # to be promoted (what change 26482 intended) my $result; { my $w = ''; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $w = $_[0] }; $result = *{"awkkkkkk"} = \&{"oonk"}; is($w, '', "Should be no warning"); } is (ref \$result, 'GLOB', "Non void assignment should still return a typeglob"); is (ref \$::{oonk}, 'GLOB', "This export does affect original"); is (eval 'plunk', "Value", "Constant has correct value"); is (ref \$::{plunk}, 'GLOB', "Symbol table has full typeglob"); delete $::{oonk}; $::{oonk} = \"Value"; sub non_dangling { my $w = ''; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $w = $_[0] }; *{"zap"} = \&{"oonk"}; is($w, '', "Should be no warning"); } non_dangling(); is (ref $::{oonk}, 'SCALAR', "Export doesn't affect original"); is (eval 'zap', "Value", "Constant has correct value"); is (ref $::{zap}, 'SCALAR', "Exported target is also a PCS"); sub dangling { local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { die $_[0] }; *{"biff"} = \&{"oonk"}; } dangling(); is (ref \$::{oonk}, 'GLOB', "This export does affect original"); is (eval 'biff', "Value", "Constant has correct value"); is (ref \$::{biff}, 'GLOB', "Symbol table has full typeglob"); { use vars qw($glook $smek $foof); # Check reference assignment isn't affected by the SV type (bug #38439) $glook = 3; $smek = 4; $foof = "halt and cool down"; my $rv = \*smek; is($glook, 3); *glook = $rv; is($glook, 4); my $pv = ""; $pv = \*smek; is($foof, "halt and cool down"); *foof = $pv; is($foof, 4); } format = . foreach my $value ([1,2,3], {1=>2}, *STDOUT{IO}, \&ok, *STDOUT{FORMAT}) { # *STDOUT{IO} returns a reference to a PVIO. As it's blessed, ref returns # IO::Handle, which isn't what we want. my $type = $value; $type =~ s/.*=//; $type =~ s/\(.*//; delete $::{oonk}; $::{oonk} = $value; $proto = eval 'prototype \&oonk'; like ($@, qr/^Cannot convert a reference to $type to typeglob/, "Cannot upgrade ref-to-$type to typeglob"); } { no warnings qw(once uninitialized); my $g = \*clatter; my $r = eval {no strict; ${*{$g}{SCALAR}}}; is ($@, '', "PERL_DONT_CREATE_GVSV shouldn't affect thingy syntax"); $g = \*vowm; $r = eval {use strict; ${*{$g}{SCALAR}}}; is ($@, '', "PERL_DONT_CREATE_GVSV shouldn't affect thingy syntax under strict"); } { # Bug reported by broquaint on IRC *slosh::{HASH}->{ISA}=[]; slosh->import; pass("gv_fetchmeth coped with the unexpected"); # An audit found these: { package slosh; sub rip { my $s = shift; $s->SUPER::rip; } } eval {slosh->rip;}; like ($@, qr/^Can't locate object method "rip"/, "Even with SUPER"); is(slosh->isa('swoosh'), ''); $CORE::GLOBAL::{"lock"}=[]; eval "no warnings; lock"; like($@, qr/^Not enough arguments for lock/, "Can't trip up general keyword overloading"); $CORE::GLOBAL::{"readline"}=[]; eval " if 0"; is($@, '', "Can't trip up readline overloading"); $CORE::GLOBAL::{"readpipe"}=[]; eval "`` if 0"; is($@, '', "Can't trip up readpipe overloading"); } { die if exists $::{BONK}; $::{BONK} = \"powie"; *{"BONK"} = \&{"BONK"}; eval 'is(BONK(), "powie", "Assigment works when glob created midway (bug 45607)"); 1' or die $@; } # For now these tests are here, but they would probably be better in a file for # tests for croaks. (And in turn, that probably deserves to be in a different # directory. Gerard Goossen has a point about the layout being unclear sub coerce_integer { no warnings 'numeric'; $_[0] |= 0; } sub coerce_number { no warnings 'numeric'; $_[0] += 0; } sub coerce_string { $_[0] .= ''; } foreach my $type (qw(integer number string)) { my $prog = "coerce_$type(*STDERR)"; is (scalar eval "$prog; 1", undef, "$prog failed..."); like ($@, qr/Can't coerce GLOB to $type in/, "with the correct error message"); } # RT #60954 anonymous glob should be defined, and not coredump when # stringified. The behaviours are: # # defined($glob) "$glob" # 5.8.8 false "" with uninit warning # 5.10.0 true (coredump) # 5.12.0 true "" { my $io_ref = *STDOUT{IO}; my $glob = *$io_ref; ok(defined $glob, "RT #60954 anon glob should be defined"); my $warn = ''; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warn = $_[0] }; use warnings; my $str = "$glob"; is($warn, '', "RT #60954 anon glob stringification shouln't warn"); is($str, '', "RT #60954 anon glob stringification should be empty"); } # [perl #71254] - Assigning a glob to a variable that has a current # match position. (We are testing that Perl_magic_setmglob respects globs' # special used of SvSCREAM.) { $m = 2; $m=~s/./0/gems; $m= *STDERR; is( "$m", "*main::STDERR", '[perl #71254] assignment of globs to vars with pos' ); } # [perl #72740] - indirect object syntax, heuristically imputed due to # the non-existence of a function, should not cause a stash entry to be # created for the non-existent function. { package RT72740a; my $f = bless({}, RT72740b); sub s1 { s2 $f; } our $s4; sub s3 { s4 $f; } } { package RT72740b; sub s2 { "RT72740b::s2" } sub s4 { "RT72740b::s4" } } ok(exists($RT72740a::{s1}), "RT72740a::s1 exists"); ok(!exists($RT72740a::{s2}), "RT72740a::s2 does not exist"); ok(exists($RT72740a::{s3}), "RT72740a::s3 exists"); ok(exists($RT72740a::{s4}), "RT72740a::s4 exists"); is(RT72740a::s1(), "RT72740b::s2", "RT72740::s1 parsed correctly"); is(RT72740a::s3(), "RT72740b::s4", "RT72740::s3 parsed correctly"); # [perl #71686] Globs that are in symbol table can be un-globbed $sym = undef; $::{fake} = *sym; is (eval 'local *::fake = \"chuck"; $fake', 'chuck', "Localized glob didn't coerce into a RV"); is ($@, '', "Can localize FAKE glob that's present in stash"); is (scalar $::{fake}, "*main::sym", "Localized FAKE glob's value was correctly restored"); # [perl #1804] *$x assignment when $x is a copy of another glob { no warnings 'once'; my $x = *_random::glob_that_is_not_used_elsewhere; *$x = sub{}; is( "$x", '*_random::glob_that_is_not_used_elsewhere', '[perl #1804] *$x assignment when $x is FAKE', ); } # [perl #76540] # this caused panics or 'Attempt to free unreferenced scalar' # (its a compile-time issue, so the die lets us skip the prints) { my @warnings; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warnings, @_ }; eval <<'EOF'; BEGIN { $::{FOO} = \'bar' } die "made it"; print FOO, "\n"; print FOO, "\n"; EOF like($@, qr/made it/, "#76540 - no panic"); ok(!@warnings, "#76540 - no 'Attempt to free unreferenced scalar'"); } # [perl #77362] various bugs related to globs as PVLVs { no warnings qw 'once void'; my %h; # We pass a key of this hash to the subroutine to get a PVLV. sub { for(shift) { # Set up our glob-as-PVLV $_ = *hon; # Bad symbol for array ok eval{ @$_; 1 }, 'PVLV glob slots can be autovivified' or diag $@; # This should call TIEHANDLE, not TIESCALAR *thext::TIEHANDLE = sub{}; ok eval{ tie *$_, 'thext'; 1 }, 'PVLV globs can be tied as handles' or diag $@; # Assigning undef to the glob should not overwrite it... { my $w; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $w = shift }; *$_ = undef; is $_, "*main::hon", 'PVLV: assigning undef to the glob does nothing'; like $w, qr\Undefined value assigned to typeglob\, 'PVLV: assigning undef to the glob warns'; } # Neither should reference assignment. *$_ = []; is $_, "*main::hon", "PVLV: arrayref assignment assigns to the AV slot"; # Concatenation should still work. ok eval { $_ .= 'thlew' }, 'PVLV concatenation does not die' or diag $@; is $_, '*main::honthlew', 'PVLV concatenation works'; # And we should be able to overwrite it with a string, number, or refer- # ence, too, if we omit the *. $_ = *hon; $_ = 'tzor'; is $_, 'tzor', 'PVLV: assigning a string over a glob'; $_ = *hon; $_ = 23; is $_, 23, 'PVLV: assigning an integer over a glob'; $_ = *hon; $_ = 23.23; is $_, 23.23, 'PVLV: assigning a float over a glob'; $_ = *hon; $_ = \my $sthat; is $_, \$sthat, 'PVLV: assigning a reference over a glob'; # This bug was found by code inspection. Could this ever happen in # real life? :-) # This duplicates a file handle, accessing it through a PVLV glob, the # glob having been removed from the symbol table, so a stringified form # of it does not work. This checks that sv_2io does not stringify a PVLV. $_ = *quin; open *quin, "test.pl"; # test.pl is as good a file as any delete $::{quin}; ok eval { open my $zow, "<&", $_ }, 'PVLV: sv_2io stringifieth not' or diag $@; # Similar tests to make sure sv_2cv etc. do not stringify. *$_ = sub { 1 }; ok eval { &$_ }, "PVLV glob can be called as a sub" or diag $@; *flelp = sub { 2 }; $_ = 'flelp'; is eval { &$_ }, 2, 'PVLV holding a string can be called as a sub' or diag $@; # Coderef-to-glob assignment when the glob is no longer accessible # under its name: These tests are to make sure the OPpASSIGN_CV_TO_GV # optimisation takes PVLVs into account, which is why the RHSs have to be # named subs. use constant gheen => 'quare'; $_ = *ming; delete $::{ming}; *$_ = \&gheen; is eval { &$_ }, 'quare', 'PVLV: constant assignment when the glob is detached from the symtab' or diag $@; $_ = *bength; delete $::{bength}; *gheck = sub { 'lon' }; *$_ = \&gheck; is eval { &$_ }, 'lon', 'PVLV: coderef assignment when the glob is detached from the symtab' or diag $@; # open should accept a PVLV as its first argument $_ = *hon; ok eval { open $_,'<', \my $thlext }, 'PVLV can be the first arg to open' or diag $@; # -t should not stringify $_ = *thlit; delete $::{thlit}; *$_ = *STDOUT{IO}; ok defined -t $_, 'PVLV: -t does not stringify'; # neither should -T # but some systems don’t support this on file handles my $pass; ok eval { open my $quile, "<", 'test.pl'; $_ = *$quile; $pass = -T $_; 1 } ? $pass : $@ =~ /not implemented on filehandles/, "PVLV: -T does not stringify"; # Unopened file handle { my $w; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $w .= shift }; $_ = *vor; close $_; like $w, qr\unopened filehandle vor\, 'PVLV globs get their names reported in unopened error messages'; } }}->($h{k}); } *aieee = 4; pass('Can assign integers to typeglobs'); *aieee = 3.14; pass('Can assign floats to typeglobs'); *aieee = 'pi'; pass('Can assign strings to typeglobs'); __END__ Perl Rules perl rocks