#!./perl # # various typeglob tests # BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; } use warnings; require './test.pl'; plan( tests => 68 ); # type coersion on assignment $foo = 'foo'; $bar = *main::foo; $bar = $foo; is(ref(\$bar), 'SCALAR'); $foo = *main::bar; # type coersion (not) on misc ops ok($foo); is(ref(\$foo), 'GLOB'); unlike ($foo, qr/abcd/); is(ref(\$foo), 'GLOB'); is($foo, '*main::bar'); is(ref(\$foo), 'GLOB'); # type coersion on substitutions that match $a = *main::foo; $b = $a; $a =~ s/^X//; is(ref(\$a), 'GLOB'); $a =~ s/^\*//; is($a, 'main::foo'); is(ref(\$b), 'GLOB'); # typeglobs as lvalues substr($foo, 0, 1) = "XXX"; is(ref(\$foo), 'SCALAR'); is($foo, 'XXXmain::bar'); # returning glob values sub foo { local($bar) = *main::foo; $foo = *main::bar; return ($foo, $bar); } ($fuu, $baa) = foo(); ok(defined $fuu); is(ref(\$fuu), 'GLOB'); ok(defined $baa); is(ref(\$baa), 'GLOB'); # nested package globs # NOTE: It's probably OK if these semantics change, because the # fact that %X::Y:: is stored in %X:: isn't documented. # (I hope.) { package Foo::Bar; no warnings 'once'; $test=1; } ok(exists $Foo::{'Bar::'}); is($Foo::{'Bar::'}, '*Foo::Bar::'); # test undef operator clearing out entire glob $foo = 'stuff'; @foo = qw(more stuff); %foo = qw(even more random stuff); undef *foo; is ($foo, undef); is (scalar @foo, 0); is (scalar %foo, 0); { # test warnings from assignment of undef to glob my $msg = ''; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $msg = $_[0] }; use warnings; *foo = 'bar'; is($msg, ''); *foo = undef; like($msg, qr/Undefined value assigned to typeglob/); } my $test = curr_test(); # test *glob{THING} syntax $x = "ok $test\n"; ++$test; @x = ("ok $test\n"); ++$test; %x = ("ok $test" => "\n"); ++$test; sub x { "ok $test\n" } print ${*x{SCALAR}}, @{*x{ARRAY}}, %{*x{HASH}}, &{*x{CODE}}; # This needs to go here, after the print, as sub x will return the current # value of test ++$test; format x = XXX This text isn't used. Should it be? . curr_test($test); is (ref *x{FORMAT}, "FORMAT"); *x = *STDOUT; is (*{*x{GLOB}}, "*main::STDOUT"); { my $test = curr_test(); print {*x{IO}} "ok $test\n"; ++$test; my $warn; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warn .= $_[0]; }; my $val = *x{FILEHANDLE}; print {*x{IO}} ($warn =~ /is deprecated/ ? "ok $test\n" : "not ok $test\n"); curr_test(++$test); } { # test if defined() doesn't create any new symbols my $a = "SYM000"; ok(!defined *{$a}); ok(!defined @{$a}); ok(!defined *{$a}); ok(!defined %{$a}); ok(!defined *{$a}); ok(!defined ${$a}); ok(!defined *{$a}); ok(!defined &{$a}); ok(!defined *{$a}); my $state = "not"; *{$a} = sub { $state = "ok" }; ok(defined &{$a}); ok(defined *{$a}); &{$a}; is ($state, 'ok'); } { # although it *should* if you're talking about magicals my $a = "]"; ok(defined ${$a}); ok(defined *{$a}); $a = "1"; "o" =~ /(o)/; ok(${$a}); ok(defined *{$a}); $a = "2"; ok(!${$a}); ok(defined *{$a}); $a = "1x"; ok(!defined ${$a}); ok(!defined *{$a}); $a = "11"; "o" =~ /(((((((((((o)))))))))))/; ok(${$a}); ok(defined *{$a}); } # [ID 20010526.001] localized glob loses value when assigned to $j=1; %j=(a=>1); @j=(1); local *j=*j; *j = sub{}; is($j, 1); is($j{a}, 1); is($j[0], 1); { # does pp_readline() handle glob-ness correctly? my $g = *foo; $g = ; is ($g, "Perl\n"); } { my $w = ''; $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $w = $_[0] }; sub abc1 (); local *abc1 = sub { }; is ($w, ''); sub abc2 (); local *abc2; *abc2 = sub { }; is ($w, ''); sub abc3 (); *abc3 = sub { }; like ($w, qr/Prototype mismatch/); } { # [17375] rcatline to formerly-defined undef was broken. Fixed in # do_readline by checking SvOK. AMS, 20020918 my $x = "not "; $x = undef; $x .= ; is ($x, "Rules\n"); } { # test the assignment of a GLOB to an LVALUE my $e = ''; local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { $e = $_[0] }; my $v; sub f { $_[0] = 0; $_[0] = "a"; $_[0] = *DATA } f($v); is ($v, '*main::DATA'); my $x = <$v>; is ($x, "perl\n"); } { $e = ''; # GLOB assignment to tied element local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { $e = $_[0] }; sub T::TIEARRAY { bless [] => "T" } sub T::STORE { $_[0]->[ $_[1] ] = $_[2] } sub T::FETCH { $_[0]->[ $_[1] ] } sub T::FETCHSIZE { @{$_[0]} } tie my @ary => "T"; $ary[0] = *DATA; is ($ary[0], '*main::DATA'); is ($e, ''); my $x = readline $ary[0]; is($x, "rocks\n"); } { # Need some sort of die or warn to get the global destruction text if the # bug is still present my $output = runperl(prog => <<'EOPROG'); package M; $| = 1; sub DESTROY {eval {die qq{Farewell $_[0]}}; print $@} package main; bless \$A::B, 'M'; *A:: = \*B::; EOPROG like($output, qr/^Farewell M=SCALAR/, "DESTROY was called"); unlike($output, qr/global destruction/, "unreferenced symbol tables should be cleaned up immediately"); } __END__ Perl Rules perl rocks