#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; require './test.pl'; set_up_inc('../lib'); } use strict; use Config; plan(tests => 109); # Test hexfloat literals. is(0x0p0, 0); is(0x0.p0, 0); is(0x.0p0, 0); is(0x0.0p0, 0); is(0x0.00p0, 0); is(0x1p0, 1); is(0x1.p0, 1); is(0x1.0p0, 1); is(0x1.00p0, 1); is(0x2p0, 2); is(0x2.p0, 2); is(0x2.0p0, 2); is(0x2.00p0, 2); is(0x1p1, 2); is(0x1.p1, 2); is(0x1.0p1, 2); is(0x1.00p1, 2); is(0x.1p0, 0.0625); is(0x0.1p0, 0.0625); is(0x0.10p0, 0.0625); is(0x0.100p0, 0.0625); is(0x.1p0, 0.0625); is(0x1.1p0, 1.0625); is(0x1.11p0, 1.06640625); is(0x1.111p0, 1.066650390625); # Positive exponents. is(0x1p2, 4); is(0x1p+2, 4); is(0x0p+0, 0); # Negative exponents. is(0x1p-1, 0.5); is(0x1.p-1, 0.5); is(0x1.0p-1, 0.5); is(0x0p-0, 0); is(0x1p+2, 4); is(0x1p-2, 0.25); is(0x3p+2, 12); is(0x3p-2, 0.75); # Shifting left. is(0x1p2, 1 << 2); is(0x1p3, 1 << 3); is(0x3p4, 3 << 4); is(0x3p5, 3 << 5); is(0x12p23, 0x12 << 23); # Shifting right. is(0x1p-2, 1 / (1 << 2)); is(0x1p-3, 1 / (1 << 3)); is(0x3p-4, 3 / (1 << 4)); is(0x3p-5, 3 / (1 << 5)); is(0x12p-23, 0x12 / (1 << 23)); # Negative sign. is(-0x1p+2, -4); is(-0x1p-2, -0.25); is(-0x0p+0, 0); is(-0x0p-0, 0); is(0x0.10p0, 0.0625); is(0x0.1p0, 0.0625); is(0x.1p0, 0.0625); is(0x12p+3, 144); is(0x12p-3, 2.25); # Hexdigits (lowercase). is(0x9p+0, 9); is(0xap+0, 10); is(0xfp+0, 15); is(0x10p+0, 16); is(0x11p+0, 17); is(0xabp+0, 171); is(0xab.cdp+0, 171.80078125); # Uppercase hexdigits and exponent prefix. is(0xAp+0, 10); is(0xFp+0, 15); is(0xABP+0, 171); is(0xAB.CDP+0, 171.80078125); # Underbars. is(0xa_b.c_dp+1_2, 703696); # Note that the hexfloat representation is not unique since the # exponent can be shifted, and the hexdigits with it: this is no # different from 3e4 cf 30e3 cf 30000. The shifting of the hexdigits # makes it look stranger, though: 0xap1 == 0x5p2. # [perl #127183], try some non-canonical forms. SKIP: { skip("nv_preserves_uv_bits is $Config{nv_preserves_uv_bits} not 53", 3) unless ($Config{nv_preserves_uv_bits} == 53); is(0x0.b17217f7d1cf78p0, 0x1.62e42fefa39efp-1); is(0x0.58b90bfbe8e7bcp1, 0x1.62e42fefa39efp-1); is(0x0.2c5c85fdf473dep2, 0x1.62e42fefa39efp-1); } # Needs to use within() instead of is() because of long doubles. within(0x1.99999999999ap-4, 0.1, 1e-9); within(0x3.333333333333p-5, 0.1, 1e-9); within(0xc.cccccccccccdp-7, 0.1, 1e-9); my $warn; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warn = shift }; sub get_warn() { my $save = $warn; undef $warn; return $save; } { # Test certain things that are not hexfloats and should stay that way. eval '0xp3'; like(get_warn(), qr/Missing operator before p3/); eval '5p3'; like(get_warn(), qr/Missing operator before p3/); my @a; eval '@a = 0x3..5'; is("@a", "3 4 5"); undef $a; eval '$a = eval "0x.3"'; is($a, '03'); undef $a; eval '$a = eval "0xc.3"'; is($a, '123'); undef $a; eval '$a = eval "0x.p3"'; is($a, undef); } # Test warnings. SKIP: { if ($Config{nv_preserves_uv_bits} == 53) { local $^W = 1; eval '0x1_0000_0000_0000_0p0'; is(get_warn(), undef); eval '0x2_0000_0000_0000_0p0'; like(get_warn(), qr/^Hexadecimal float: mantissa overflow/); eval '0x1.0000_0000_0000_0p0'; is(get_warn(), undef); eval '0x2.0000_0000_0000_0p0'; like(get_warn(), qr/^Hexadecimal float: mantissa overflow/); eval '0x.1p-1021'; is(get_warn(), undef); eval '0x.1p-1023'; like(get_warn(), qr/^Hexadecimal float: exponent underflow/); eval '0x1.fffffffffffffp+1023'; is(get_warn(), undef); eval '0x1.fffffffffffffp+1024'; like(get_warn(), qr/^Hexadecimal float: exponent overflow/); undef $a; eval '$a = 0x111.0000000000000p+0'; # 12 zeros. like(get_warn(), qr/^Hexadecimal float: mantissa overflow/); is($a, 273); # The 13 zeros would be enough to push the hi-order digits # off the high-end. undef $a; eval '$a = 0x111.0000000000000p+0'; # 13 zeros. like(get_warn(), qr/^Hexadecimal float: mantissa overflow/); is($a, 273); undef $a; eval '$a = 0x111.00000000000000p+0'; # 14 zeros. like(get_warn(), qr/^Hexadecimal float: mantissa overflow/); is($a, 273); undef $a; eval '$a = 0xfffffffffffffp0'; # 52 bits. is(get_warn(), undef); is($a, 4.5035996273705e+15); undef $a; eval '$a = 0xfffffffffffff.8p0'; # 53 bits. is(get_warn(), undef); is($a, 4.5035996273705e+15); undef $a; eval '$a = 0xfffffffffffff.cp0'; # 54 bits. like(get_warn(), qr/^Hexadecimal float: mantissa overflow/); is($a, 4.5035996273705e+15); undef $a; eval '$a = 0xf.ffffffffffffp0'; # 52 bits. is(get_warn(), undef); is($a, 16); undef $a; eval '$a = 0xf.ffffffffffff8p0'; # 53 bits. is(get_warn(), undef); is($a, 16); undef $a; eval '$a = 0xf.ffffffffffffcp0'; # 54 bits. like(get_warn(), qr/^Hexadecimal float: mantissa overflow/); is($a, 16); } else { print "# skipping warning tests\n"; skip "nv_preserves_uv_bits is $Config{nv_preserves_uv_bits} not 53", 26; } } # [perl #128919] limited exponent range in hex fp literal with long double SKIP: { skip("non-80-bit-long-double", 4) unless ($Config{uselongdouble} && ($Config{nvsize} == 16 || $Config{nvsize} == 12) && ($Config{long_double_style_ieee_extended})); is(0x1p-1074, 4.94065645841246544e-324); is(0x1p-1075, 2.47032822920623272e-324, '[perl #128919]'); is(0x1p-1076, 1.23516411460311636e-324); is(0x1p-16445, 3.6451995318824746e-4951); } # sprintf %a/%A testing is done in sprintf2.t, # trickier than necessary because of long doubles, # and because looseness of the spec.