#!./perl -w # Tests for the coderef-in-@INC feature use Config; my $can_fork = 0; my $minitest = $ENV{PERL_CORE_MINITEST}; my $has_perlio = $Config{useperlio}; BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = qw(. ../lib); } if (!$minitest) { if ($Config{d_fork} && eval 'require POSIX; 1') { $can_fork = 1; } } use strict; require "test.pl"; plan(tests => 49 + !$minitest * (3 + 14 * $can_fork)); sub get_temp_fh { my $f = tempfile(); open my $fh, ">$f" or die "Can't create $f: $!"; print $fh "package ".substr($_[0],0,-3).";\n1;\n"; print $fh $_[1] if @_ > 1; close $fh or die "Couldn't close: $!"; open $fh, $f or die "Can't open $f: $!"; return $fh; } sub fooinc { my ($self, $filename) = @_; if (substr($filename,0,3) eq 'Foo') { return get_temp_fh($filename); } else { return undef; } } push @INC, \&fooinc; my $evalret = eval { require Bar; 1 }; ok( !$evalret, 'Trying non-magic package' ); $evalret = eval { require Foo; 1 }; die $@ if $@; ok( $evalret, 'require Foo; magic via code ref' ); ok( exists $INC{'Foo.pm'}, ' %INC sees Foo.pm' ); is( ref $INC{'Foo.pm'}, 'CODE', ' val Foo.pm is a coderef in %INC' ); is( $INC{'Foo.pm'}, \&fooinc, ' val Foo.pm is correct in %INC' ); $evalret = eval "use Foo1; 1;"; die $@ if $@; ok( $evalret, 'use Foo1' ); ok( exists $INC{'Foo1.pm'}, ' %INC sees Foo1.pm' ); is( ref $INC{'Foo1.pm'}, 'CODE', ' val Foo1.pm is a coderef in %INC' ); is( $INC{'Foo1.pm'}, \&fooinc, ' val Foo1.pm is correct in %INC' ); $evalret = eval { do 'Foo2.pl'; 1 }; die $@ if $@; ok( $evalret, 'do "Foo2.pl"' ); ok( exists $INC{'Foo2.pl'}, ' %INC sees Foo2.pl' ); is( ref $INC{'Foo2.pl'}, 'CODE', ' val Foo2.pl is a coderef in %INC' ); is( $INC{'Foo2.pl'}, \&fooinc, ' val Foo2.pl is correct in %INC' ); pop @INC; sub fooinc2 { my ($self, $filename) = @_; if (substr($filename, 0, length($self->[1])) eq $self->[1]) { return get_temp_fh($filename); } else { return undef; } } my $arrayref = [ \&fooinc2, 'Bar' ]; push @INC, $arrayref; $evalret = eval { require Foo; 1; }; die $@ if $@; ok( $evalret, 'Originally loaded packages preserved' ); $evalret = eval { require Foo3; 1; }; ok( !$evalret, 'Original magic INC purged' ); $evalret = eval { require Bar; 1 }; die $@ if $@; ok( $evalret, 'require Bar; magic via array ref' ); ok( exists $INC{'Bar.pm'}, ' %INC sees Bar.pm' ); is( ref $INC{'Bar.pm'}, 'ARRAY', ' val Bar.pm is an arrayref in %INC' ); is( $INC{'Bar.pm'}, $arrayref, ' val Bar.pm is correct in %INC' ); ok( eval "use Bar1; 1;", 'use Bar1' ); ok( exists $INC{'Bar1.pm'}, ' %INC sees Bar1.pm' ); is( ref $INC{'Bar1.pm'}, 'ARRAY', ' val Bar1.pm is an arrayref in %INC' ); is( $INC{'Bar1.pm'}, $arrayref, ' val Bar1.pm is correct in %INC' ); ok( eval { do 'Bar2.pl'; 1 }, 'do "Bar2.pl"' ); ok( exists $INC{'Bar2.pl'}, ' %INC sees Bar2.pl' ); is( ref $INC{'Bar2.pl'}, 'ARRAY', ' val Bar2.pl is an arrayref in %INC' ); is( $INC{'Bar2.pl'}, $arrayref, ' val Bar2.pl is correct in %INC' ); pop @INC; sub FooLoader::INC { my ($self, $filename) = @_; if (substr($filename,0,4) eq 'Quux') { return get_temp_fh($filename); } else { return undef; } } my $href = bless( {}, 'FooLoader' ); push @INC, $href; $evalret = eval { require Quux; 1 }; die $@ if $@; ok( $evalret, 'require Quux; magic via hash object' ); ok( exists $INC{'Quux.pm'}, ' %INC sees Quux.pm' ); is( ref $INC{'Quux.pm'}, 'FooLoader', ' val Quux.pm is an object in %INC' ); is( $INC{'Quux.pm'}, $href, ' val Quux.pm is correct in %INC' ); pop @INC; my $aref = bless( [], 'FooLoader' ); push @INC, $aref; $evalret = eval { require Quux1; 1 }; die $@ if $@; ok( $evalret, 'require Quux1; magic via array object' ); ok( exists $INC{'Quux1.pm'}, ' %INC sees Quux1.pm' ); is( ref $INC{'Quux1.pm'}, 'FooLoader', ' val Quux1.pm is an object in %INC' ); is( $INC{'Quux1.pm'}, $aref, ' val Quux1.pm is correct in %INC' ); pop @INC; my $sref = bless( \(my $x = 1), 'FooLoader' ); push @INC, $sref; $evalret = eval { require Quux2; 1 }; die $@ if $@; ok( $evalret, 'require Quux2; magic via scalar object' ); ok( exists $INC{'Quux2.pm'}, ' %INC sees Quux2.pm' ); is( ref $INC{'Quux2.pm'}, 'FooLoader', ' val Quux2.pm is an object in %INC' ); is( $INC{'Quux2.pm'}, $sref, ' val Quux2.pm is correct in %INC' ); pop @INC; push @INC, sub { my ($self, $filename) = @_; if (substr($filename,0,4) eq 'Toto') { $INC{$filename} = 'xyz'; return get_temp_fh($filename); } else { return undef; } }; $evalret = eval { require Toto; 1 }; die $@ if $@; ok( $evalret, 'require Toto; magic via anonymous code ref' ); ok( exists $INC{'Toto.pm'}, ' %INC sees Toto.pm' ); ok( ! ref $INC{'Toto.pm'}, q/ val Toto.pm isn't a ref in %INC/ ); is( $INC{'Toto.pm'}, 'xyz', ' val Toto.pm is correct in %INC' ); pop @INC; push @INC, sub { my ($self, $filename) = @_; if ($filename eq 'abc.pl') { return get_temp_fh($filename, qq(return "abc";\n)); } else { return undef; } }; my $ret = ""; $ret ||= do 'abc.pl'; is( $ret, 'abc', 'do "abc.pl" sees return value' ); { my $filename = './Foo.pm'; #local @INC; # local fails on tied @INC my @old_INC = @INC; # because local doesn't work on tied arrays @INC = sub { $filename = 'seen'; return undef; }; eval { require $filename; }; is( $filename, 'seen', 'the coderef sees fully-qualified pathnames' ); @INC = @old_INC; } # this will segfault if it fails sub PVBM () { 'foo' } { my $dummy = index 'foo', PVBM } # I don't know whether these requires should succeed or fail. 5.8 failed # all of them; 5.10 with an ordinary constant in place of PVBM lets the # latter two succeed. For now I don't care, as long as they don't # segfault :). unshift @INC, sub { PVBM }; eval 'require foo'; ok( 1, 'returning PVBM doesn\'t segfault require' ); eval 'use foo'; ok( 1, 'returning PVBM doesn\'t segfault use' ); shift @INC; unshift @INC, sub { \PVBM }; eval 'require foo'; ok( 1, 'returning PVBM ref doesn\'t segfault require' ); eval 'use foo'; ok( 1, 'returning PVBM ref doesn\'t segfault use' ); shift @INC; exit if $minitest; SKIP: { skip( "No PerlIO available", 3 ) unless $has_perlio; pop @INC; push @INC, sub { my ($cr, $filename) = @_; my $module = $filename; $module =~ s,/,::,g; $module =~ s/\.pm$//; open my $fh, '<', \"package $module; sub complain { warn q() }; \$::file = __FILE__;" or die $!; $INC{$filename} = "/custom/path/to/$filename"; return $fh; }; require Publius::Vergilius::Maro; is( $INC{'Publius/Vergilius/Maro.pm'}, '/custom/path/to/Publius/Vergilius/Maro.pm', '%INC set correctly'); is( our $file, '/custom/path/to/Publius/Vergilius/Maro.pm', '__FILE__ set correctly' ); { my $warning; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warning = shift }; Publius::Vergilius::Maro::complain(); like( $warning, qr{something's wrong at /custom/path/to/Publius/Vergilius/Maro.pm}, 'warn() reports correct file source' ); } } pop @INC; if ($can_fork) { require PerlIO::scalar; # This little bundle of joy generates n more recursive use statements, # with each module chaining the next one down to 0. If it works, then we # can safely nest subprocesses my $use_filter_too; push @INC, sub { return unless $_[1] =~ /^BBBLPLAST(\d+)\.pm/; my $pid = open my $fh, "-|"; if ($pid) { # Parent return $fh unless $use_filter_too; # Try filters and state in addition. return ($fh, sub {s/$_[1]/pass/; return}, "die") } die "Can't fork self: $!" unless defined $pid; # Child my $count = $1; # Lets force some fun with odd sized reads. $| = 1; print 'push @main::bbblplast, '; print "$count;\n"; if ($count--) { print "use BBBLPLAST$count;\n"; } if ($use_filter_too) { print "die('In $_[1]');"; } else { print "pass('In $_[1]');"; } print '"Truth"'; POSIX::_exit(0); die "Can't get here: $!"; }; @::bbblplast = (); require BBBLPLAST5; is ("@::bbblplast", "0 1 2 3 4 5", "All ran"); foreach (keys %INC) { delete $INC{$_} if /^BBBLPLAST/; } @::bbblplast = (); $use_filter_too = 1; require BBBLPLAST5; is ("@::bbblplast", "0 1 2 3 4 5", "All ran with a filter"); }