#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; require './test.pl'; set_up_inc('../lib'); require Config; } plan 17; # compile time evaluation my $test1_descr = 'compile time evaluation 1.234'; if (int(1.234) == 1) {pass($test1_descr)} else {fail($test1_descr)} my $test2_descr = 'compile time evaluation -1.234'; if (int(-1.234) == -1) {pass($test2_descr)} else {fail($test2_descr)} # run time evaluation $x = 1.234; cmp_ok(int($x), '==', 1, 'run time evaluation 1'); cmp_ok(int(-$x), '==', -1, 'run time evaluation -1'); $x = length("abc") % -10; cmp_ok($x, '==', -7, 'subtract from string length'); { my $fail; use integer; $x = length("abc") % -10; $y = (3/-10)*-10; ok($x+$y == 3, 'x+y equals 3') or ++$fail; ok(abs($x) < 10, 'abs(x) < 10') or ++$fail; if ($fail) { diag("\$x == $x", "\$y == $y"); } } @x = ( 6, 8, 10); cmp_ok($x["1foo"], '==', 8, 'check bad strings still get converted'); # 4,294,967,295 is largest unsigned 32 bit integer $x = 4294967303.15; $y = int ($x); is($y, "4294967303", 'check values > 32 bits work'); $y = int (-$x); is($y, "-4294967303", 'negative value more than maximum unsigned 32 bit value'); $x = 4294967294.2; $y = int ($x); is($y, "4294967294", 'floating point value slightly less than the largest unsigned 32 bit'); $x = 4294967295.7; $y = int ($x); is($y, "4294967295", 'floating point value slightly more than largest unsigned 32 bit'); $x = 4294967296.11312; $y = int ($x); is($y, "4294967296", 'floating point value more than largest unsigned 32 bit'); $y = int(279964589018079/59); cmp_ok($y, '==', 4745162525730, 'compile time division, result of about 42 bits'); $y = 279964589018079; $y = int($y/59); cmp_ok($y, '==', 4745162525730, 'run time divison, result of about 42 bits'); SKIP: { # see #126635 my $large; $large = eval "0xffff_ffff" if $Config::Config{ivsize} == 4; $large = eval "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff" if $Config::Config{ivsize} == 8; $large or skip "Unusual ivsize", 1; for my $x ($large, -1) { cmp_ok($x, "==", int($x), "check $x == int($x)"); } }