#!./perl print "1..22\n"; @x = (1, 2, 3); if (join(':',@x) eq '1:2:3') {print "ok 1\n";} else {print "not ok 1\n";} if (join('',1,2,3) eq '123') {print "ok 2\n";} else {print "not ok 2\n";} if (join(':',split(/ /,"1 2 3")) eq '1:2:3') {print "ok 3\n";} else {print "not ok 3\n";} my $f = 'a'; $f = join ',', 'b', $f, 'e'; if ($f eq 'b,a,e') {print "ok 4\n";} else {print "# '$f'\nnot ok 4\n";} $f = 'a'; $f = join ',', $f, 'b', 'e'; if ($f eq 'a,b,e') {print "ok 5\n";} else {print "not ok 5\n";} $f = 'a'; $f = join $f, 'b', 'e', 'k'; if ($f eq 'baeak') {print "ok 6\n";} else {print "# '$f'\nnot ok 6\n";} # 7,8 check for multiple read of tied objects { package X; sub TIESCALAR { my $x = 7; bless \$x }; sub FETCH { my $y = shift; $$y += 5 }; tie my $t, 'X'; my $r = join ':', $t, 99, $t, 99; print "# expected '12:99:17:99' got '$r'\nnot " if $r ne '12:99:17:99'; print "ok 7\n"; $r = join '', $t, 99, $t, 99; print "# expected '22992799' got '$r'\nnot " if $r ne '22992799'; print "ok 8\n"; }; # 9,10 and for multiple read of undef { my $s = 5; local ($^W, $SIG{__WARN__}) = ( 1, sub { $s+=4 } ); my $r = join ':', 'a', undef, $s, 'b', undef, $s, 'c'; print "# expected 'a::9:b::13:c' got '$r'\nnot " if $r ne 'a::9:b::13:c'; print "ok 9\n"; my $r = join '', 'a', undef, $s, 'b', undef, $s, 'c'; print "# expected 'a17b21c' got '$r'\nnot " if $r ne 'a17b21c'; print "ok 10\n"; }; { my $s = join("", chr(0x1234), chr(0xff)); print "not " unless length($s) == 2 && $s eq "\x{1234}\x{ff}"; print "ok 11\n"; } { my $s = join(chr(0xff), chr(0x1234), ""); print "not " unless length($s) == 2 && $s eq "\x{1234}\x{ff}"; print "ok 12\n"; } { my $s = join(chr(0x1234), chr(0xff), chr(0x2345)); print "not " unless length($s) == 3 && $s eq "\x{ff}\x{1234}\x{2345}"; print "ok 13\n"; } { my $s = join(chr(0xff), chr(0x1234), chr(0xfe)); print "not " unless length($s) == 3 && $s eq "\x{1234}\x{ff}\x{fe}"; print "ok 14\n"; } { # [perl #24846] $jb2 should be in bytes, not in utf8. my $b = "abc\304"; my $u = "abc\x{0100}"; sub join_into_my_variable { my $r = join("", @_); return $r; } my $jb1 = join_into_my_variable("", $b); my $ju1 = join_into_my_variable("", $u); my $jb2 = join_into_my_variable("", $b); my $ju2 = join_into_my_variable("", $u); { use bytes; print "not " unless $jb1 eq $b; print "ok 15\n"; } print "not " unless $jb1 eq $b; print "ok 16\n"; { use bytes; print "not " unless $ju1 eq $u; print "ok 17\n"; } print "not " unless $ju1 eq $u; print "ok 18\n"; { use bytes; print "not " unless $jb2 eq $b; print "ok 19\n"; } print "not " unless $jb2 eq $b; print "ok 20\n"; { use bytes; print "not " unless $ju2 eq $u; print "ok 21\n"; } print "not " unless $ju2 eq $u; print "ok 22\n"; }