#!perl use strict; use warnings; require './test.pl'; plan(tests => 4); { no warnings 'deprecated'; print <<; # Yow! ok 1 # previous line intentionally left blank. my $yow = "ok 2"; print <<; # Yow! $yow # previous line intentionally left blank. } curr_test(3); { my %foo = (aap => "monkey"); my $foo = ''; is("@{[$foo{'aap'}]}", 'monkey', 'interpolation of hash lookup with space between lexical variable and subscript'); is("@{[$foo {'aap'}]}", 'monkey', 'interpolation of hash lookup with space between lexical variable and subscript - test for [perl #70091]'); # Original bug report [perl #70091] # #!perl # use warnings; # my %foo; # my $foo = ''; # (my $tmp = $foo) =~ s/^/$foo {$0}/e; # __END__ # # This program causes a segfault with 5.10.0 and 5.10.1. # # The space between '$foo' and '{' is essential, which is why piping # it through perl -MO=Deparse "fixes" it. # }