#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = qw(. ../lib); } require "test.pl"; plan( tests => 63 ); @foo = (1, 2, 3, 4); cmp_ok($foo[0], '==', 1, 'first elem'); cmp_ok($foo[3], '==', 4, 'last elem'); $_ = join(':',@foo); cmp_ok($_, 'eq', '1:2:3:4', 'join list'); ($a,$b,$c,$d) = (1,2,3,4); cmp_ok("$a;$b;$c;$d", 'eq', '1;2;3;4', 'list assign'); ($c,$b,$a) = split(/ /,"111 222 333"); cmp_ok("$a;$b;$c",'eq','333;222;111','list split on space'); ($a,$b,$c) = ($c,$b,$a); cmp_ok("$a;$b;$c",'eq','111;222;333','trio rotate'); ($a, $b) = ($b, $a); cmp_ok("$a-$b",'eq','222-111','duo swap'); ($a, $b) = ($b, $a) = ($a, $b); cmp_ok("$a-$b",'eq','222-111','duo swap swap'); ($a, $b[1], $c{2}, $d) = (1, 2, 3, 4); cmp_ok($a,'==',1,'assign scalar in list'); cmp_ok($b[1],'==',2,'assign aelem in list'); cmp_ok($c{2},'==',3,'assign helem in list'); cmp_ok($d,'==',4,'assign last scalar in list'); @foo = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8); ($a, $b, $c, $d) = @foo; cmp_ok("$a/$b/$c/$d",'eq','1/2/3/4','long list assign'); @foo = (1,2); ($a, $b, $c, $d) = @foo; cmp_ok($a,'==',1,'short list 1 defined'); cmp_ok($b,'==',2,'short list 2 defined'); ok(!defined($c),'short list 3 undef'); ok(!defined($d),'short list 4 undef'); @foo = @bar = (1); cmp_ok(join(':',@foo,@bar),'eq','1:1','list reassign'); @foo = @bar = (2,3); cmp_ok(join(':',join('+',@foo),join('-',@bar)),'eq','2+3:2-3','long list reassign'); @foo = (); @foo = 1+2+3; cmp_ok(join(':',@foo),'eq','6','scalar assign to array'); { my ($a, $b, $c); for ($x = 0; $x < 3; $x = $x + 1) { ($a, $b, $c) = $x == 0 ? ('a','b','c') : $x == 1 ? ('d','e','f') : ('g','h','i') ; if ($x == 0) { cmp_ok($a,'eq','a','ternary for a 1'); cmp_ok($b,'eq','b','ternary for b 1'); cmp_ok($c,'eq','c','ternary for c 1'); } if ($x == 1) { cmp_ok($a,'eq','d','ternary for a 2'); cmp_ok($b,'eq','e','ternary for b 2'); cmp_ok($c,'eq','f','ternary for c 2'); } if ($x == 2) { cmp_ok($a,'eq','g','ternary for a 3'); cmp_ok($b,'eq','h','ternary for b 3'); cmp_ok($c,'eq','i','ternary for c 3'); } } } { my ($a, $b, $c); for ($x = 0; $x < 3; $x = $x + 1) { ($a, $b, $c) = do { if ($x == 0) { ('a','b','c'); } elsif ($x == 1) { ('d','e','f'); } else { ('g','h','i'); } }; if ($x == 0) { cmp_ok($a,'eq','a','block for a 1'); cmp_ok($b,'eq','b','block for b 1'); cmp_ok($c,'eq','c','block for c 1'); } if ($x == 1) { cmp_ok($a,'eq','d','block for a 2'); cmp_ok($b,'eq','e','block for b 2'); cmp_ok($c,'eq','f','block for c 2'); } if ($x == 2) { cmp_ok($a,'eq','g','block for a 3'); cmp_ok($b,'eq','h','block for b 3'); cmp_ok($c,'eq','i','block for c 3'); } } } $x = 666; @a = ($x == 12345 || (1,2,3)); cmp_ok(join('*',@a),'eq','1*2*3','logical or f'); @a = ($x == $x || (4,5,6)); cmp_ok(join('*',@a),'eq','1','logical or t'); cmp_ok(join('',1,2,(3,4,5)),'eq','12345','list ..(...)'); cmp_ok(join('',(1,2,3,4,5)),'eq','12345','list (.....)'); cmp_ok(join('',(1,2,3,4),5),'eq','12345','list (....).'); cmp_ok(join('',1,(2,3,4),5),'eq','12345','list .(...).'); cmp_ok(join('',1,2,(3,4),5),'eq','12345','list ..(..).'); cmp_ok(join('',1,2,3,(4),5),'eq','12345','list ...(.).'); cmp_ok(join('',(1,2),3,(4,5)),'eq','12345','list (..).(..)'); { my @a = (0, undef, undef, 3); my @b = @a[1,2]; my @c = (0, undef, undef, 3)[1, 2]; cmp_ok(scalar(@b),'==',scalar(@c),'slice and slice'); cmp_ok(scalar(@c),'==',2,'slice len'); @b = (29, scalar @c[()]); cmp_ok(join(':',@b),'eq','29:','slice ary nil'); my %h = (a => 1); @b = (30, scalar @h{()}); cmp_ok(join(':',@b),'eq','30:','slice hash nil'); my $size = scalar(()[1..1]); cmp_ok($size,'==','0','size nil'); } { # perl #39882 sub test_zero_args { my $test_name = shift; is(scalar(@_), 0, $test_name); } test_zero_args("simple list slice", (10,11)[2,3]); test_zero_args("grepped list slice", grep(1, (10,11)[2,3])); test_zero_args("sorted list slice", sort((10,11)[2,3])); test_zero_args("assigned list slice", my @tmp = (10,11)[2,3]); test_zero_args("do-returned list slice", do { (10,11)[2,3]; }); test_zero_args("list literal slice", qw(a b)[2,3]); test_zero_args("empty literal slice", qw()[2,3]); } { # perl #20321 is (join('', @{[('abc'=~/./g)[0,1,2,1,0]]}), "abcba"); } { is(join('', qw(a b c)[2,0,1]), "cab"); my @a = qw(a b c); is(join(":", @a), "a:b:c"); my @b = qw(); is($#b, -1); }