#!./perl BEGIN { $| = 1; chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { die "Dying on warning: ", @_ }; } use warnings; use Config; my $test = 1; sub ok { my($ok, $info, $todo) = @_; # You have to do it this way or VMS will get confused. printf "%s $test%s\n", $ok ? "ok" : "not ok", $todo ? " # TODO $todo" : ''; unless( $ok ) { printf "# Failed test at line %d\n", (caller)[2]; print "# $info\n" if defined $info; } $test++; return $ok; } sub skip { my($reason) = @_; printf "ok $test # skipped%s\n", defined $reason ? ": $reason" : ''; $test++; return 1; } print "1..53\n"; $Is_MSWin32 = $^O eq 'MSWin32'; $Is_NetWare = $^O eq 'NetWare'; $Is_VMS = $^O eq 'VMS'; $Is_Dos = $^O eq 'dos'; $Is_os2 = $^O eq 'os2'; $Is_Cygwin = $^O eq 'cygwin'; $Is_MacOS = $^O eq 'MacOS'; $Is_MPE = $^O eq 'mpeix'; $PERL = ($Is_NetWare ? 'perl' : ($Is_MacOS || $Is_VMS) ? $^X : $Is_MSWin32 ? '.\perl' : './perl'); eval '$ENV{"FOO"} = "hi there";'; # check that ENV is inited inside eval # cmd.exe will echo 'variable=value' but 4nt will echo just the value # -- Nikola Knezevic if ($Is_MSWin32) { ok `set FOO` =~ /^(?:FOO=)?hi there$/; } elsif ($Is_MacOS) { ok "1 # skipped", 1; } elsif ($Is_VMS) { ok `write sys\$output f\$trnlnm("FOO")` eq "hi there\n"; } else { ok `echo \$FOO` eq "hi there\n"; } unlink 'ajslkdfpqjsjfk'; $! = 0; open(FOO,'ajslkdfpqjsjfk'); ok $!, $!; close FOO; # just mention it, squelch used-only-once if ($Is_MSWin32 || $Is_NetWare || $Is_Dos || $Is_MPE || $Is_MacOS) { skip('SIGINT not safe on this platform') for 1..4; } else { # the next tests are done in a subprocess because sh spits out a # newline onto stderr when a child process kills itself with SIGINT. # We use a pipe rather than system() because the VMS command buffer # would overflow with a command that long. open( CMDPIPE, "| $PERL"); print CMDPIPE <<'END'; $| = 1; # command buffering $SIG{"INT"} = "ok3"; kill "INT",$$; sleep 1; $SIG{"INT"} = "IGNORE"; kill "INT",$$; sleep 1; print "ok 4\n"; $SIG{"INT"} = "DEFAULT"; kill "INT",$$; sleep 1; print "not ok 4\n"; sub ok3 { if (($x = pop(@_)) eq "INT") { print "ok 3\n"; } else { print "not ok 3 ($x @_)\n"; } } END close CMDPIPE; open( CMDPIPE, "| $PERL"); print CMDPIPE <<'END'; { package X; sub DESTROY { kill "INT",$$; } } sub x { my $x=bless [], 'X'; return sub { $x }; } $| = 1; # command buffering $SIG{"INT"} = "ok5"; { local $SIG{"INT"}=x(); print ""; # Needed to expose failure in 5.8.0 (why?) } sleep 1; delete $SIG{"INT"}; kill "INT",$$; sleep 1; sub ok5 { print "ok 5\n"; } END close CMDPIPE; $? >>= 8 if $^O eq 'VMS'; # POSIX status hiding in 2nd byte my $todo = ($^O eq 'os2' ? ' # TODO: EMX v0.9d_fix4 bug: wrong nibble? ' : ''); print $? & 0xFF ? "ok 6$todo\n" : "not ok 6$todo\n"; $test += 4; } # can we slice ENV? @val1 = @ENV{keys(%ENV)}; @val2 = values(%ENV); ok join(':',@val1) eq join(':',@val2); ok @val1 > 1; # regex vars 'foobarbaz' =~ /b(a)r/; ok $` eq 'foo', $`; ok $& eq 'bar', $&; ok $' eq 'baz', $'; ok $+ eq 'a', $+; # $" @a = qw(foo bar baz); ok "@a" eq "foo bar baz", "@a"; { local $" = ','; ok "@a" eq "foo,bar,baz", "@a"; } # $; %h = (); $h{'foo', 'bar'} = 1; ok((keys %h)[0] eq "foo\034bar", (keys %h)[0]); { local $; = 'x'; %h = (); $h{'foo', 'bar'} = 1; ok((keys %h)[0] eq 'fooxbar', (keys %h)[0]); } # $?, $@, $$ if ($Is_MacOS) { skip('$? + system are broken on MacPerl') for 1..2; } else { system qq[$PERL "-I../lib" -e "use vmsish qw(hushed); exit(0)"]; ok $? == 0, $?; system qq[$PERL "-I../lib" -e "use vmsish qw(hushed); exit(1)"]; ok $? != 0, $?; } eval { die "foo\n" }; ok $@ eq "foo\n", $@; ok $$ > 0, $$; eval { $$++ }; ok $@ =~ /^Modification of a read-only value attempted/; # $^X and $0 { if ($^O eq 'qnx') { chomp($wd = `/usr/bin/fullpath -t`); } elsif($Is_Cygwin || $Config{'d_procselfexe'}) { # Cygwin turns the symlink into the real file chomp($wd = `pwd`); $wd =~ s#/t$##; } elsif($Is_os2) { $wd = Cwd::sys_cwd(); } elsif($Is_MacOS) { $wd = ':'; } else { $wd = '.'; } my $perl = ($Is_MacOS || $Is_VMS) ? $^X : "$wd/perl"; my $headmaybe = ''; my $tailmaybe = ''; $script = "$wd/show-shebang"; if ($Is_MSWin32) { chomp($wd = `cd`); $wd =~ s|\\|/|g; $perl = "$wd/perl.exe"; $script = "$wd/show-shebang.bat"; $headmaybe = <$script"), $!; ok print(SCRIPT $headmaybe . <= 5.00319, $]; ok $^O; ok $^T > 850000000, $^T; if ($Is_VMS || $Is_Dos || $Is_MacOS) { skip("%ENV manipulations fail or aren't safe on $^O") for 1..4; } else { if ($ENV{PERL_VALGRIND}) { skip("clearing \%ENV is not safe when running under valgrind"); } else { $PATH = $ENV{PATH}; $PDL = $ENV{PERL_DESTRUCT_LEVEL} || 0; $ENV{foo} = "bar"; %ENV = (); $ENV{PATH} = $PATH; $ENV{PERL_DESTRUCT_LEVEL} = $PDL || 0; ok ($Is_MSWin32 ? (`set foo 2>NUL` eq "") : (`echo \$foo` eq "\n") ); } $ENV{__NoNeSuCh} = "foo"; $0 = "bar"; # cmd.exe will echo 'variable=value' but 4nt will echo just the value # -- Nikola Knezevic ok ($Is_MSWin32 ? (`set __NoNeSuCh` =~ /^(?:__NoNeSuCh=)?foo$/) : (`echo \$__NoNeSuCh` eq "foo\n") ); if ($^O =~ /^(linux|freebsd)$/ && open CMDLINE, "/proc/$$/cmdline") { chomp(my $line = scalar ); my $me = (split /\0/, $line)[0]; ok($me eq $0, 'altering $0 is effective (testing with /proc/)'); close CMDLINE; # perlbug #22811 my $mydollarzero = sub { my($arg) = shift; $0 = $arg if defined $arg; # In FreeBSD the ps -o command= will cause # an empty header line, grab only the last line. my $ps = (`ps -o command= -p $$`)[-1]; return if $?; chomp $ps; printf "# 0[%s]ps[%s]\n", $0, $ps; $ps; }; my $ps = $mydollarzero->("x"); ok(!$ps # we allow that something goes wrong with the ps command # In Linux 2.4 we would get an exact match ($ps eq 'x') but # in Linux 2.2 there seems to be something funny going on: # it seems as if the original length of the argv[] would # be stored in the proc struct and then used by ps(1), # no matter what characters we use to pad the argv[]. # (And if we use \0:s, they are shown as spaces.) Sigh. || $ps =~ /^x\s*$/ # FreeBSD cannot get rid of both the leading "perl :" # and the trailing " (perl)": some FreeBSD versions # can get rid of the first one. || ($^O eq 'freebsd' && $ps =~ m/^(?:perl: )?x(?: \(perl\))?$/), 'altering $0 is effective (testing with `ps`)'); } else { skip("\$0 check only on Linux and FreeBSD") for 0, 1; } } { my $ok = 1; my $warn = ''; local $SIG{'__WARN__'} = sub { $ok = 0; $warn = join '', @_; }; $! = undef; ok($ok, $warn, $Is_VMS ? "'\$!=undef' does throw a warning" : ''); } # test case-insignificance of %ENV (these tests must be enabled only # when perl is compiled with -DENV_IS_CASELESS) if ($Is_MSWin32 || $Is_NetWare) { %ENV = (); $ENV{'Foo'} = 'bar'; $ENV{'fOo'} = 'baz'; ok (scalar(keys(%ENV)) == 1); ok exists($ENV{'FOo'}); ok (delete($ENV{'foO'}) eq 'baz'); ok (scalar(keys(%ENV)) == 0); } else { skip('no caseless %ENV support') for 1..4; } { no warnings 'void'; # Make sure Errno hasn't been prematurely autoloaded ok !defined %Errno::; # Test auto-loading of Errno when %! is used ok scalar eval q{ %!; defined %Errno::; }, $@; } # Make sure that Errno loading doesn't clobber $! undef %Errno::; delete $INC{"Errno.pm"}; open(FOO, "nonesuch"); # Generate ENOENT my %errs = %{"!"}; # Cause Errno.pm to be loaded at run-time ok ${"!"}{ENOENT}; ok $^S == 0 && defined $^S; eval { ok $^S == 1 }; eval " BEGIN { ok ! defined \$^S } "; ok $^S == 0 && defined $^S; ok ${^TAINT} == 0; eval { ${^TAINT} = 1 }; ok ${^TAINT} == 0; # 5.6.1 had a bug: @+ and @- were not properly interpolated # into double-quoted strings # 20020414 mjd-perl-patch+@plover.com "I like pie" =~ /(I) (like) (pie)/; ok "@-" eq "0 0 2 7"; ok "@+" eq "10 1 6 10"; # Tests for the magic get of $\ { my $ok = 0; # [perl #19330] { local $\ = undef; $\++; $\++; $ok = $\ eq 2; } ok $ok; $ok = 0; { local $\ = "a\0b"; $ok = "a$\b" eq "aa\0bb"; } ok $ok; }