#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; require './test.pl'; } plan tests => 26; # # This file tries to test builtin override using CORE::GLOBAL # my $dirsep = "/"; BEGIN { package Foo; *main::getlogin = sub { "kilroy"; } } is( getlogin, "kilroy" ); my $t = 42; BEGIN { *CORE::GLOBAL::time = sub () { $t; } } is( 45, time + 3 ); # # require has special behaviour # my $r; BEGIN { *CORE::GLOBAL::require = sub { $r = shift; 1; } } require Foo; is( $r, "Foo.pm" ); require Foo::Bar; is( $r, join($dirsep, "Foo", "Bar.pm") ); require 'Foo'; is( $r, "Foo" ); require 5.006; is( $r, "5.006" ); require v5.6; ok( abs($r - 5.006) < 0.001 && $r eq "\x05\x06" ); eval "use Foo"; is( $r, "Foo.pm" ); eval "use Foo::Bar"; is( $r, join($dirsep, "Foo", "Bar.pm") ); eval "use 5.006"; is( $r, "5.006" ); # localizing *CORE::GLOBAL::foo should revert to finding CORE::foo { local(*CORE::GLOBAL::require); $r = ''; eval "require NoNeXiSt;"; ok( ! ( $r or $@ !~ /^Can't locate NoNeXiSt/i ) ); } # # readline() has special behaviour too # $r = 11; BEGIN { *CORE::GLOBAL::readline = sub (;*) { ++$r }; } is( , 12 ); is( <$fh> , 13 ); my $pad_fh; is( <$pad_fh> , 14 ); # Non-global readline() override BEGIN { *Rgs::readline = sub (;*) { --$r }; } { package Rgs; ::is( , 13 ); ::is( <$fh> , 12 ); ::is( <$pad_fh> , 11 ); } # Global readpipe() override BEGIN { *CORE::GLOBAL::readpipe = sub ($) { "$_[0] " . --$r }; } is( `rm`, "rm 10", '``' ); is( qx/cp/, "cp 9", 'qx' ); # Non-global readpipe() override BEGIN { *Rgs::readpipe = sub ($) { ++$r . " $_[0]" }; } { package Rgs; ::is( `rm`, "10 rm", '``' ); ::is( qx/cp/, "11 cp", 'qx' ); } # Verify that the parsing of overridden keywords isn't messed up # by the indirect object notation { local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { ::like( $_[0], qr/^ok overriden at/ ); }; BEGIN { *OverridenWarn::warn = sub { CORE::warn "@_ overriden"; }; } package OverridenWarn; sub foo { "ok" } warn( OverridenWarn->foo() ); warn OverridenWarn->foo(); } BEGIN { *OverridenPop::pop = sub { ::is( $_[0][0], "ok" ) }; } { package OverridenPop; sub foo { [ "ok" ] } pop( OverridenPop->foo() ); pop OverridenPop->foo(); } { eval { local *CORE::GLOBAL::require = sub { CORE::require($_[0]); }; require 5; require Text::ParseWords; }; is $@, ''; }