#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; require './test.pl'; } use strict; use warnings; eval {my @n = getpwuid 0; setpwent()}; skip_all($1) if $@ && $@ =~ /(The \w+ function is unimplemented)/; eval { require Config; }; sub try_prog { my ($where, $args, @pathnames) = @_; foreach my $prog (@pathnames) { next unless -x $prog; next unless open PW, '-|', "$prog $args 2>/dev/null"; next unless defined ; return $where; } return; } # Try NIS. my $where = try_prog('NIS passwd', 'passwd', qw(/usr/bin/ypcat /bin/ypcat /etc/ypcat)); # Try NetInfo. $where //= try_prog('NetInfo passwd', 'passwd .', '/usr/bin/nidump'); # Try NIS+. $where //= try_prog('NIS+', 'passwd.org_dir', '/bin/niscat'); # Try dscl DSCL: { my @dscl = qw(/usr/bin/dscl); if (!defined $where && $Config::Config{useperlio} && grep { -x } @dscl) { eval { require PerlIO::scalar; }; # Beware miniperl. if ($@) { print "# No PerlIO::scalar, will not try dscl\n"; last DSCL; } # Map dscl items to passwd fields, and provide support for # mucking with the dscl output if we need to (and we do). my %want = do { my $inx = 0; map {$_ => {inx => $inx++, mung => sub {$_[0]}}} qw{RecordName Password UniqueID PrimaryGroupID RealName NFSHomeDirectory UserShell}; }; # The RecordName for a /User record is the username. In some # cases there are synonyms (e.g. _www and www), in which case we # get a blank-delimited list. We prefer the first entry in the # list because getpwnam() does. $want{RecordName}{mung} = sub {(split '\s+', $_[0], 2)[0]}; # The UniqueID and PrimaryGroupID for a /User record are the # user ID and the primary group ID respectively. In cases where # the high bit is set, 'dscl' returns a negative number, whereas # getpwnam() returns its twos complement. This mungs the dscl # output to agree with what getpwnam() produces. Interestingly # enough, getpwuid(-2) returns the right record ('nobody'), even # though it returns the uid as 4294967294. If you track uid_t # on an i386, you find it is an unsigned int, which makes the # unsigned version the right one; but both /etc/passwd and # /etc/master.passwd contain negative numbers. $want{UniqueID}{mung} = $want{PrimaryGroupID}{mung} = sub { unpack 'L', pack 'l', $_[0]}; foreach my $dscl (@dscl) { next unless -x $dscl; next unless open my $fh, '-|', "$dscl . -readall /Users @{[keys %want]} 2>/dev/null"; my @lines; my @rec; while (<$fh>) { chomp; if ($_ eq '-') { if (@rec) { # Some records do not have all items. In particular, # the macports user has no real name. Here it's an undef, # in the password file it becomes an empty string. no warnings 'uninitialized'; push @lines, join (':', @rec) . "\n"; @rec = (); } next; } my ($name, $value) = split ':\s+', $_, 2; unless (defined $value) { s/:$//; $name = $_; $value = <$fh>; chomp $value; $value =~ s/^\s+//; } if (defined (my $info = $want{$name})) { $rec[$info->{inx}] = $info->{mung}->($value); } } if (@rec) { # see above no warnings 'uninitialized'; push @lines, join (':', @rec) . "\n"; } my $data = join '', @lines; if (open PW, '<', \$data) { # Needs PerlIO::scalar. $where = "dscl . -readall /Users"; last; } } } } # DSCL: if (not defined $where) { # Try local. my $no_i_pwd = !$Config::Config{i_pwd} && '$Config{i_pwd} undefined'; my $PW = "/etc/passwd"; if (!-f $PW) { skip_all($no_i_pwd) if $no_i_pwd; skip_all("no $PW file"); } elsif (open PW, '<', $PW) { if(defined ) { $where = $PW; } else { skip_all($no_i_pwd) if $no_i_pwd; die "\$Config{i_pwd} is defined, $PW exists but has no entries, all other approaches failed, giving up"; } } else { die "Can't open $PW: $!"; } } # By now the PW filehandle should be open and full of juicy password entries. plan(tests => 2); # Go through at most this many users. # (note that the first entry has been read away by now) my $max = 25; my $n = 0; my %perfect; my %seen; print "# where $where\n"; setpwent(); while () { chomp; # LIMIT -1 so that users with empty shells don't fall off my @s = split /:/, $_, -1; my ($name_s, $passwd_s, $uid_s, $gid_s, $gcos_s, $home_s, $shell_s); (my $v) = $Config::Config{osvers} =~ /^(\d+)/; if ($^O eq 'darwin' && $v < 9) { ($name_s, $passwd_s, $uid_s, $gid_s, $gcos_s, $home_s, $shell_s) = @s[0,1,2,3,7,8,9]; } else { ($name_s, $passwd_s, $uid_s, $gid_s, $gcos_s, $home_s, $shell_s) = @s; } next if /^\+/; # ignore NIS includes if (@s) { push @{ $seen{$name_s} }, $.; } else { warn "# Your $where line $. is empty.\n"; next; } if ($n == $max) { local $/; my $junk = ; last; } # In principle we could whine if @s != 7 but do we know enough # of passwd file formats everywhere? if (@s == 7 || ($^O eq 'darwin' && @s == 10)) { my @n = getpwuid($uid_s); # 'nobody' et al. next unless @n; my ($name,$passwd,$uid,$gid,$quota,$comment,$gcos,$home,$shell) = @n; # Protect against one-to-many and many-to-one mappings. if ($name_s ne $name) { @n = getpwnam($name_s); ($name,$passwd,$uid,$gid,$quota,$comment,$gcos,$home,$shell) = @n; next if $name_s ne $name; } $perfect{$name_s}++ if $name eq $name_s and $uid eq $uid_s and # Do not compare passwords: think shadow passwords. $gid eq $gid_s and $gcos eq $gcos_s and $home eq $home_s and $shell eq $shell_s; } $n++; } endpwent(); print "# max = $max, n = $n, perfect = ", scalar keys %perfect, "\n"; SKIP: { skip("Found no password entries", 1) unless $n; if (keys %perfect == 0) { $max++; print <', 0, "pwent test satisfactory") or note("(not necessarily serious: run t/op/pwent.t by itself)"); } # Test both the scalar and list contexts. my @pw1; setpwent(); for (1..$max) { my $pw = scalar getpwent(); last unless defined $pw; push @pw1, $pw; } endpwent(); my @pw2; setpwent(); for (1..$max) { my ($pw) = (getpwent()); last unless defined $pw; push @pw2, $pw; } endpwent(); is("@pw1", "@pw2", "getpwent() produced identical results in list and scalar contexts"); close(PW);