#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; require './test.pl'; } use strict; use warnings; use vars qw($fh @fh %fh); eval 'opendir(NOSUCH, "no/such/directory");'; skip_all($@) if $@; for my $i (1..2000) { local *OP; opendir(OP, "op") or die "can't opendir: $!"; # should auto-closedir() here } is(opendir(OP, "op"), 1); my @D = grep(/^[^\.].*\.t$/i, readdir(OP)); closedir(OP); my $expect; { open my $man, '<', '../MANIFEST' or die "Can't open ../MANIFEST: $!"; while (<$man>) { ++$expect if m!^t/op/[^/]+\t!; } } my ($min, $max) = ($expect - 10, $expect + 10); within(scalar @D, $expect, 10, 'counting op/*.t'); my @R = sort @D; my @G = sort ; if ($G[0] =~ m#.*\](\w+\.t)#i) { # grep is to convert filespecs returned from glob under VMS to format # identical to that returned by readdir @G = grep(s#.*\](\w+\.t).*#op/$1#i,); } while (@R && @G && $G[0] eq 'op/'.$R[0]) { shift(@R); shift(@G); } is(scalar @R, 0, 'readdir results all accounted for'); is(scalar @G, 0, 'glob results all accounted for'); is(opendir($fh, "op"), 1); is(ref $fh, 'GLOB'); is(opendir($fh[0], "op"), 1); is(ref $fh[0], 'GLOB'); is(opendir($fh{abc}, "op"), 1); is(ref $fh{abc}, 'GLOB'); isnt("$fh", "$fh[0]"); isnt("$fh", "$fh{abc}"); # See that perl does not segfault upon readdir($x="."); # http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=68182 fresh_perl_like(<<'EOP', qr/^no crash/, {}, 'RT #68182'); eval { my $x = "."; my @files = readdir($x); }; print "no crash"; EOP done_testing();