#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = qw(. ../lib); } require 'test.pl'; use strict qw(refs subs); plan(189); # Test glob operations. $bar = "one"; $foo = "two"; { local(*foo) = *bar; is($foo, 'one'); } is ($foo, 'two'); $baz = "three"; $foo = "four"; { local(*foo) = 'baz'; is ($foo, 'three'); } is ($foo, 'four'); $foo = "global"; { local(*foo); is ($foo, undef); $foo = "local"; is ($foo, 'local'); } is ($foo, 'global'); { no strict 'refs'; # Test fake references. $baz = "valid"; $bar = 'baz'; $foo = 'bar'; is ($$$foo, 'valid'); } # Test real references. $FOO = \$BAR; $BAR = \$BAZ; $BAZ = "hit"; is ($$$FOO, 'hit'); # Test references to real arrays. my $test = curr_test(); @ary = ($test,$test+1,$test+2,$test+3); $ref[0] = \@a; $ref[1] = \@b; $ref[2] = \@c; $ref[3] = \@d; for $i (3,1,2,0) { push(@{$ref[$i]}, "ok $ary[$i]\n"); } print @a; print ${$ref[1]}[0]; print @{$ref[2]}[0]; { no strict 'refs'; print @{'d'}; } curr_test($test+4); # Test references to references. $refref = \\$x; $x = "Good"; is ($$$refref, 'Good'); # Test nested anonymous lists. $ref = [[],2,[3,4,5,]]; is (scalar @$ref, 3); is ($$ref[1], 2); is (${$$ref[2]}[2], 5); is (scalar @{$$ref[0]}, 0); is ($ref->[1], 2); is ($ref->[2]->[0], 3); # Test references to hashes of references. $refref = \%whatever; $refref->{"key"} = $ref; is ($refref->{"key"}->[2]->[0], 3); # Test to see if anonymous subarrays spring into existence. $spring[5]->[0] = 123; $spring[5]->[1] = 456; push(@{$spring[5]}, 789); is (join(':',@{$spring[5]}), "123:456:789"); # Test to see if anonymous subhashes spring into existence. @{$spring2{"foo"}} = (1,2,3); $spring2{"foo"}->[3] = 4; is (join(':',@{$spring2{"foo"}}), "1:2:3:4"); # Test references to subroutines. { my $called; sub mysub { $called++; } $subref = \&mysub; &$subref; is ($called, 1); } $subrefref = \\&mysub2; is ($$subrefref->("GOOD"), "good"); sub mysub2 { lc shift } # Test the ref operator. sub PVBM () { 'foo' } { my $dummy = index 'foo', PVBM } my $pviv = 1; "$pviv"; my $pvnv = 1.0; "$pvnv"; my $x; # we don't test # tied lvalue => SCALAR, as we haven't tested tie yet # BIND, 'cos we can't create them yet # REGEXP, 'cos that requires overload or Scalar::Util # LVALUE ref, 'cos I can't work out how to create one :) for ( [ 'undef', SCALAR => \undef ], [ 'constant IV', SCALAR => \1 ], [ 'constant NV', SCALAR => \1.0 ], [ 'constant PV', SCALAR => \'f' ], [ 'scalar', SCALAR => \$x ], [ 'PVIV', SCALAR => \$pviv ], [ 'PVNV', SCALAR => \$pvnv ], [ 'PVMG', SCALAR => \$0 ], [ 'PVBM', SCALAR => \PVBM ], [ 'vstring', VSTRING => \v1 ], [ 'ref', REF => \\1 ], [ 'lvalue', LVALUE => \substr($x, 0, 0) ], [ 'named array', ARRAY => \@ary ], [ 'anon array', ARRAY => [ 1 ] ], [ 'named hash', HASH => \%whatever ], [ 'anon hash', HASH => { a => 1 } ], [ 'named sub', CODE => \&mysub, ], [ 'anon sub', CODE => sub { 1; } ], [ 'glob', GLOB => \*foo ], [ 'format', FORMAT => *STDERR{FORMAT} ], ) { my ($desc, $type, $ref) = @$_; is (ref $ref, $type, "ref() for ref to $desc"); like ("$ref", qr/^$type\(0x[0-9a-f]+\)$/, "stringify for ref to $desc"); } is (ref *STDOUT{IO}, 'IO::Handle', 'IO refs are blessed into IO::Handle'); like (*STDOUT{IO}, qr/^IO::Handle=IO\(0x[0-9a-f]+\)$/, 'stringify for IO refs'); # Test anonymous hash syntax. $anonhash = {}; is (ref $anonhash, 'HASH'); $anonhash2 = {FOO => 'BAR', ABC => 'XYZ',}; is (join('', sort values %$anonhash2), 'BARXYZ'); # Test bless operator. package MYHASH; $object = bless $main'anonhash2; main::is (ref $object, 'MYHASH'); main::is ($object->{ABC}, 'XYZ'); $object2 = bless {}; main::is (ref $object2, 'MYHASH'); # Test ordinary call on object method. &mymethod($object,"argument"); sub mymethod { local($THIS, @ARGS) = @_; die 'Got a "' . ref($THIS). '" instead of a MYHASH' unless ref $THIS eq 'MYHASH'; main::is ($ARGS[0], "argument"); main::is ($THIS->{FOO}, 'BAR'); } # Test automatic destructor call. $string = "bad"; $object = "foo"; $string = "good"; $main'anonhash2 = "foo"; $string = ""; DESTROY { return unless $string; main::is ($string, 'good'); # Test that the object has not already been "cursed". main::isnt (ref shift, 'HASH'); } # Now test inheritance of methods. package OBJ; @ISA = ('BASEOBJ'); $main'object = bless {FOO => 'foo', BAR => 'bar'}; package main; # Test arrow-style method invocation. is ($object->doit("BAR"), 'bar'); # Test indirect-object-style method invocation. $foo = doit $object "FOO"; main::is ($foo, 'foo'); sub BASEOBJ'doit { local $ref = shift; die "Not an OBJ" unless ref $ref eq 'OBJ'; $ref->{shift()}; } package UNIVERSAL; @ISA = 'LASTCHANCE'; package LASTCHANCE; sub foo { main::is ($_[1], 'works') } package WHATEVER; foo WHATEVER "works"; # # test the \(@foo) construct # package main; @foo = \(1..3); @bar = \(@foo); @baz = \(1,@foo,@bar); is (scalar (@bar), 3); is (scalar grep(ref($_), @bar), 3); is (scalar (@baz), 3); my(@fuu) = \(1..2,3); my(@baa) = \(@fuu); my(@bzz) = \(1,@fuu,@baa); is (scalar (@baa), 3); is (scalar grep(ref($_), @baa), 3); is (scalar (@bzz), 3); # also, it can't be an lvalue eval '\\($x, $y) = (1, 2);'; like ($@, qr/Can\'t modify.*ref.*in.*assignment/); # test for proper destruction of lexical objects $test = curr_test(); sub larry::DESTROY { print "# larry\nok $test\n"; } sub curly::DESTROY { print "# curly\nok ", $test + 1, "\n"; } sub moe::DESTROY { print "# moe\nok ", $test + 2, "\n"; } { my ($joe, @curly, %larry); my $moe = bless \$joe, 'moe'; my $curly = bless \@curly, 'curly'; my $larry = bless \%larry, 'larry'; print "# leaving block\n"; } print "# left block\n"; curr_test($test + 3); # another glob test $foo = "garbage"; { local(*bar) = "foo" } $bar = "glob 3"; local(*bar) = *bar; is ($bar, "glob 3"); $var = "glob 4"; $_ = \$var; is ($$_, 'glob 4'); # test if reblessing during destruction results in more destruction $test = curr_test(); { package A; sub new { bless {}, shift } DESTROY { print "# destroying 'A'\nok ", $test + 1, "\n" } package _B; sub new { bless {}, shift } DESTROY { print "# destroying '_B'\nok $test\n"; bless shift, 'A' } package main; my $b = _B->new; } curr_test($test + 2); # test if $_[0] is properly protected in DESTROY() { my $test = curr_test(); my $i = 0; local $SIG{'__DIE__'} = sub { my $m = shift; if ($i++ > 4) { print "# infinite recursion, bailing\nnot ok $test\n"; exit 1; } like ($m, qr/^Modification of a read-only/); }; package C; sub new { bless {}, shift } DESTROY { $_[0] = 'foo' } { print "# should generate an error...\n"; my $c = C->new; } print "# good, didn't recurse\n"; } # test if refgen behaves with autoviv magic { my @a; $a[1] = "good"; my $got; for (@a) { $got .= ${\$_}; $got .= ';'; } is ($got, ";good;"); } # This test is the reason for postponed destruction in sv_unref $a = [1,2,3]; $a = $a->[1]; is ($a, 2); # This test used to coredump. The BEGIN block is important as it causes the # op that created the constant reference to be freed. Hence the only # reference to the constant string "pass" is in $a. The hack that made # sure $a = $a->[1] would work didn't work with references to constants. foreach my $lexical ('', 'my $a; ') { my $expect = "pass\n"; my $result = runperl (switches => ['-wl'], stderr => 1, prog => $lexical . 'BEGIN {$a = \q{pass}}; $a = $$a; print $a'); is ($?, 0); is ($result, $expect); } $test = curr_test(); sub x::DESTROY {print "ok ", $test + shift->[0], "\n"} { my $a1 = bless [3],"x"; my $a2 = bless [2],"x"; { my $a3 = bless [1],"x"; my $a4 = bless [0],"x"; 567; } } curr_test($test+4); is (runperl (switches=>['-l'], prog=> 'print 1; print qq-*$\*-;print 1;'), "1\n*\n*\n1\n"); # bug #21347 runperl(prog => 'sub UNIVERSAL::AUTOLOAD { qr// } a->p' ); is ($?, 0, 'UNIVERSAL::AUTOLOAD called when freeing qr//'); runperl(prog => 'sub UNIVERSAL::DESTROY { warn } bless \$a, A', stderr => 1); is ($?, 0, 'warn called inside UNIVERSAL::DESTROY'); # bug #22719 runperl(prog => 'sub f { my $x = shift; *z = $x; } f({}); f();'); is ($?, 0, 'coredump on typeglob = (SvRV && !SvROK)'); # bug #27268: freeing self-referential typeglobs could trigger # "Attempt to free unreferenced scalar" warnings is (runperl( prog => 'use Symbol;my $x=bless \gensym,"t"; print;*$$x=$x', stderr => 1 ), '', 'freeing self-referential typeglob'); # using a regex in the destructor for STDOUT segfaulted because the # REGEX pad had already been freed (ithreads build only). The # object is required to trigger the early freeing of GV refs to to STDOUT like (runperl( prog => '$x=bless[]; sub IO::Handle::DESTROY{$_="bad";s/bad/ok/;print}', stderr => 1 ), qr/^(ok)+$/, 'STDOUT destructor'); TODO: { no strict 'refs'; $name8 = chr 163; $name_utf8 = $name8 . chr 256; chop $name_utf8; is ($$name8, undef, 'Nothing before we start'); is ($$name_utf8, undef, 'Nothing before we start'); $$name8 = "Pound"; is ($$name8, "Pound", 'Accessing via 8 bit symref works'); local $TODO = "UTF8 mangled in symrefs"; is ($$name_utf8, "Pound", 'Accessing via UTF8 symref works'); } TODO: { no strict 'refs'; $name_utf8 = $name = chr 9787; utf8::encode $name_utf8; is (length $name, 1, "Name is 1 char"); is (length $name_utf8, 3, "UTF8 representation is 3 chars"); is ($$name, undef, 'Nothing before we start'); is ($$name_utf8, undef, 'Nothing before we start'); $$name = "Face"; is ($$name, "Face", 'Accessing via Unicode symref works'); local $TODO = "UTF8 mangled in symrefs"; is ($$name_utf8, undef, 'Accessing via the UTF8 byte sequence gives nothing'); } { no strict 'refs'; $name1 = "\0Chalk"; $name2 = "\0Cheese"; isnt ($name1, $name2, "They differ"); is ($$name1, undef, 'Nothing before we start (scalars)'); is ($$name2, undef, 'Nothing before we start'); $$name1 = "Yummy"; is ($$name1, "Yummy", 'Accessing via the correct name works'); is ($$name2, undef, 'Accessing via a different NUL-containing name gives nothing'); # defined uses a different code path ok (defined $$name1, 'defined via the correct name works'); ok (!defined $$name2, 'defined via a different NUL-containing name gives nothing'); is ($name1->[0], undef, 'Nothing before we start (arrays)'); is ($name2->[0], undef, 'Nothing before we start'); $name1->[0] = "Yummy"; is ($name1->[0], "Yummy", 'Accessing via the correct name works'); is ($name2->[0], undef, 'Accessing via a different NUL-containing name gives nothing'); ok (defined $name1->[0], 'defined via the correct name works'); ok (!defined$name2->[0], 'defined via a different NUL-containing name gives nothing'); my (undef, $one) = @{$name1}[2,3]; my (undef, $two) = @{$name2}[2,3]; is ($one, undef, 'Nothing before we start (array slices)'); is ($two, undef, 'Nothing before we start'); @{$name1}[2,3] = ("Very", "Yummy"); (undef, $one) = @{$name1}[2,3]; (undef, $two) = @{$name2}[2,3]; is ($one, "Yummy", 'Accessing via the correct name works'); is ($two, undef, 'Accessing via a different NUL-containing name gives nothing'); ok (defined $one, 'defined via the correct name works'); ok (!defined $two, 'defined via a different NUL-containing name gives nothing'); is ($name1->{PWOF}, undef, 'Nothing before we start (hashes)'); is ($name2->{PWOF}, undef, 'Nothing before we start'); $name1->{PWOF} = "Yummy"; is ($name1->{PWOF}, "Yummy", 'Accessing via the correct name works'); is ($name2->{PWOF}, undef, 'Accessing via a different NUL-containing name gives nothing'); ok (defined $name1->{PWOF}, 'defined via the correct name works'); ok (!defined $name2->{PWOF}, 'defined via a different NUL-containing name gives nothing'); my (undef, $one) = @{$name1}{'SNIF', 'BEEYOOP'}; my (undef, $two) = @{$name2}{'SNIF', 'BEEYOOP'}; is ($one, undef, 'Nothing before we start (hash slices)'); is ($two, undef, 'Nothing before we start'); @{$name1}{'SNIF', 'BEEYOOP'} = ("Very", "Yummy"); (undef, $one) = @{$name1}{'SNIF', 'BEEYOOP'}; (undef, $two) = @{$name2}{'SNIF', 'BEEYOOP'}; is ($one, "Yummy", 'Accessing via the correct name works'); is ($two, undef, 'Accessing via a different NUL-containing name gives nothing'); ok (defined $one, 'defined via the correct name works'); ok (!defined $two, 'defined via a different NUL-containing name gives nothing'); $name1 = "Left"; $name2 = "Left\0Right"; my $glob2 = *{$name2}; is ($glob1, undef, "We get different typeglobs. In fact, undef"); *{$name1} = sub {"One"}; *{$name2} = sub {"Two"}; is (&{$name1}, "One"); is (&{$name2}, "Two"); } # test derefs after list slice is ( ({foo => "bar"})[0]{foo}, "bar", 'hash deref from list slice w/o ->' ); is ( ({foo => "bar"})[0]->{foo}, "bar", 'hash deref from list slice w/ ->' ); is ( ([qw/foo bar/])[0][1], "bar", 'array deref from list slice w/o ->' ); is ( ([qw/foo bar/])[0]->[1], "bar", 'array deref from list slice w/ ->' ); is ( (sub {"bar"})[0](), "bar", 'code deref from list slice w/o ->' ); is ( (sub {"bar"})[0]->(), "bar", 'code deref from list slice w/ ->' ); # deref on empty list shouldn't autovivify { local $@; eval { ()[0]{foo} }; like ( "$@", "Can't use an undefined value as a HASH reference", "deref of undef from list slice fails" ); } # test dereferencing errors { format STDERR = . my $ref; foreach $ref (*STDOUT{IO}, *STDERR{FORMAT}) { eval q/ $$ref /; like($@, qr/Not a SCALAR reference/, "Scalar dereference"); eval q/ @$ref /; like($@, qr/Not an ARRAY reference/, "Array dereference"); eval q/ %$ref /; like($@, qr/Not a HASH reference/, "Hash dereference"); eval q/ &$ref /; like($@, qr/Not a CODE reference/, "Code dereference"); } $ref = *STDERR{FORMAT}; eval q/ *$ref /; like($@, qr/Not a GLOB reference/, "Glob dereference"); $ref = *STDOUT{IO}; eval q/ *$ref /; is($@, '', "Glob dereference of PVIO is acceptable"); is($ref, *{$ref}{IO}, "IO slot of the temporary glob is set correctly"); } # these will segfault if they fail my $pvbm = PVBM; my $rpvbm = \$pvbm; ok (!eval { *$rpvbm }, 'PVBM ref is not a GLOB ref'); ok (!eval { *$pvbm }, 'PVBM is not a GLOB ref'); ok (!eval { $$pvbm }, 'PVBM is not a SCALAR ref'); ok (!eval { @$pvbm }, 'PVBM is not an ARRAY ref'); ok (!eval { %$pvbm }, 'PVBM is not a HASH ref'); ok (!eval { $pvbm->() }, 'PVBM is not a CODE ref'); ok (!eval { $rpvbm->foo }, 'PVBM is not an object'); # bug 24254 is( runperl(stderr => 1, prog => 'map eval qq(exit),1 for 1'), ""); is( runperl(stderr => 1, prog => 'eval { for (1) { map { die } 2 } };'), ""); is( runperl(stderr => 1, prog => 'for (125) { map { exit } (213)}'), ""); my $hushed = $^O eq 'VMS' ? 'use vmsish qw(hushed);' : ''; is( runperl(stderr => 1, prog => $hushed . 'map die,4 for 3'), "Died at -e line 1.\n"); is( runperl(stderr => 1, prog => $hushed . 'grep die,4 for 3'), "Died at -e line 1.\n"); is( runperl(stderr => 1, prog => $hushed . 'for $a (3) {@b=sort {die} 4,5}'), "Died at -e line 1.\n"); # bug 57564 is( runperl(stderr => 1, prog => 'my $i;for $i (1) { for $i (2) { } }'), ""); # Bit of a hack to make test.pl happy. There are 3 more tests after it leaves. $test = curr_test(); curr_test($test + 3); # test global destruction my $test1 = $test + 1; my $test2 = $test + 2; package FINALE; { $ref3 = bless ["ok $test2\n"]; # package destruction my $ref2 = bless ["ok $test1\n"]; # lexical destruction local $ref1 = bless ["ok $test\n"]; # dynamic destruction 1; # flush any temp values on stack } DESTROY { print $_[0][0]; }