#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; require './test.pl'; } use strict; use warnings; our @tests = ( # /p Pattern PRE MATCH POST [ 'p', "456", "123-", "456", "-789"], [ '', "(456)", "123-", "456", "-789"], [ '', "456", undef, undef, undef ], ); plan tests => 4 * @tests + 2; my $W = ""; $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $W.=join("",@_); }; sub _u($$) { "$_[0] is ".(defined $_[1] ? "'$_[1]'" : "undef") } $_ = '123-456-789'; foreach my $test (@tests) { my ($p, $pat,$l,$m,$r) = @$test; my $test_name = "/$pat/$p"; my $ok = ok($p ? /$pat/p : /$pat/, $test_name); SKIP: { skip "/$pat/$p failed to match", 3 unless $ok; is(${^PREMATCH}, $l,_u "$test_name: ^PREMATCH",$l); is(${^MATCH}, $m,_u "$test_name: ^MATCH",$m ); is(${^POSTMATCH}, $r,_u "$test_name: ^POSTMATCH",$r ); } } is($W,"","No warnings should be produced"); ok(!defined ${^MATCH}, "No /p in scope so ^MATCH is undef");