#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; } require './test.pl'; plan(tests => 43); # compile time is('-' x 5, '-----', 'compile time x'); is('-' x 3.1, '---', 'compile time 3.1'); is('-' x 3.9, '---', 'compile time 3.9'); is('-' x 1, '-', ' x 1'); is('-' x 0, '', ' x 0'); is('-' x -1, '', ' x -1'); is('-' x undef, '', ' x undef'); is('-' x "foo", '', ' x "foo"'); is('-' x "3rd", '---', ' x "3rd"'); is('ab' x 3, 'ababab', ' more than one char'); # run time $a = '-'; is($a x 5, '-----', 'run time x'); is($a x 3.1, '---', ' x 3.1'); is($a x 3.9, '---', ' x 3.9'); is($a x 1, '-', ' x 1'); is($a x 0, '', ' x 0'); is($a x -3, '', ' x -3'); is($a x undef, '', ' x undef'); is($a x "foo", '', ' x "foo"'); is($a x "3rd", '---', ' x "3rd"'); $a = 'ab'; is($a x 3, 'ababab', ' more than one char'); $a = 'ab'; is($a x 0, '', ' more than one char'); $a = 'ab'; is($a x -12, '', ' more than one char'); $a = 'xyz'; $a x= 2; is($a, 'xyzxyz', 'x=2'); $a x= 1; is($a, 'xyzxyz', 'x=1'); $a x= 0; is($a, '', 'x=0'); @x = (1,2,3); is(join('', @x x 4), '3333', '@x x Y'); is(join('', (@x) x 4), '123123123123', '(@x) x Y'); is(join('', (@x,()) x 4), '123123123123', '(@x,()) x Y'); is(join('', (@x,1) x 4), '1231123112311231', '(@x,1) x Y'); is(join(':', () x 4), '', '() x Y'); is(join(':', (9) x 4), '9:9:9:9', '(X) x Y'); is(join(':', (9,9) x 4), '9:9:9:9:9:9:9:9', '(X,X) x Y'); is(join('', (split(//,"123")) x 2), '123123', 'split and x'); is(join('', @x x -12), '', '@x x -12'); is(join('', (@x) x -14), '', '(@x) x -14'); # This test is actually testing for Digital C compiler optimizer bug, # present in Dec C versions 5.* and 6.0 (used in Digital UNIX and VMS), # found in December 1998. The bug was reported to Digital^WCompaq as # DECC 2745 (21-Dec-1998) # GEM_BUGS 7619 (23-Dec-1998) # As of April 1999 the bug has been fixed in Tru64 UNIX 5.0 and is planned # to be fixed also in 4.0G. # # The bug was as follows: broken code was produced for util.c:repeatcpy() # (a utility function for the 'x' operator) in the case *all* these # four conditions held: # # (1) len == 1 # (2) "from" had the 8th bit on in its single character # (3) count > 7 (the 'x' count > 16) # (4) the highest optimization level was used in compilation # (which is the default when compiling Perl) # # The bug looked like this (. being the eight-bit character and ? being \xff): # # 16 ................ # 17 .........???????. # 18 .........???????.. # 19 .........???????... # 20 .........???????.... # 21 .........???????..... # 22 .........???????...... # 23 .........???????....... # 24 .........???????.??????? # 25 .........???????.???????. # # The bug was triggered in the "if (len == 1)" branch. The fix # was to introduce a new temporary variable. In diff -u format: # # register char *frombase = from; # # if (len == 1) { #- todo = *from; #+ register char c = *from; # while (count-- > 0) #- *to++ = todo; #+ *to++ = c; # return; # } # # The bug could also be (obscurely) avoided by changing "from" to # be an unsigned char pointer. # # This obscure bug was not found by the then test suite but instead # by Mark.Martinec@nsc.ijs.si while trying to install Digest-MD5-2.00. # # jhi@iki.fi # is("\xdd" x 24, "\xdd\xdd\xdd\xdd\xdd\xdd\xdd\xdd\xdd\xdd\xdd\xdd\xdd\xdd\xdd\xdd\xdd\xdd\xdd\xdd\xdd\xdd\xdd\xdd", 'Dec C bug'); # When we use a list repeat in a scalar context, it behaves like # a scalar repeat. Make sure that works properly, and doesn't leave # extraneous values on the stack. # -- robin@kitsite.com my ($x, $y) = scalar ((1,2)x2); is($x, "22", 'list repeat in scalar context'); is($y, undef, ' no extra values on stack'); # Make sure the stack doesn't get truncated too much - the left # operand of the eq binop needs to remain! is(77, scalar ((1,7)x2), 'stack truncation'); # perlbug 20011113.110 works in 5.6.1, broken in 5.7.2 { my $x= [("foo") x 2]; is( join('', @$x), 'foofoo', 'list repeat in anon array ref broken [ID 20011113.110]' ); } # [ID 20010809.028] x operator not copying elements in 'for' list? { local $TODO = "x operator not copying elements in 'for' list? [ID 20010809.028]"; my $x = 'abcd'; my $y = ''; for (($x =~ /./g) x 2) { $y .= chop; } is($y, 'abcdabcd'); } # [perl #35885] is( (join ',', (qw(a b c) x 3)), 'a,b,c,a,b,c,a,b,c', 'x on qw produces list' ); # [perl #78194] x aliasing op return values sub { is(\$_[0], \$_[1], '[perl #78194] \$_[0] == \$_[1] when @_ aliases elems repeated by x') } ->(("${\''}")x2);