#!perl use strict; use warnings; BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; require './test.pl'; } plan(tests => 10); my @warns; local $SIG{__WARN__}= sub { push @warns, $_[0] }; my $error; eval "require; 1" or $error = $@; ok(1, "Check that eval 'require' does not segv"); ok(0 == @warns, "We expect the eval to die, without producing warnings"); like($error, qr/Missing or undefined argument to require/, "Make sure we got the error we expect"); @warns= (); $error= undef; sub TIESCALAR{bless[]} sub STORE{} sub FETCH{} tie my $x, ""; $x = "x"; eval 'require $x; 1' or $error = $@; ok(0 == @warns, 'no warnings from require $tied_undef_after_str_assignment'); like($error, qr/^Missing or undefined argument to require/, "Make sure we got the error we expect"); @warns= (); $error= undef; $x = 3; eval 'require $x; 1' or $error = $@; ok(0 == @warns, 'no warnings from require $tied_undef_after_num_assignment'); like($error, qr/^Missing or undefined argument to require/, "Make sure we got the error we expect"); @warns= (); $error= undef; *CORE::GLOBAL::require = *CORE::GLOBAL::require = sub { }; eval "require; 1" or $error = $@; ok(1, "Check that eval 'require' on overloaded require does not segv"); ok(0 == @warns, "We expect the eval to die, without producing warnings"); # NOTE! The following test does NOT represent a commitment or promise that the following logic is # the *right* thing to do. It may well not be. But this is how it works now, and we want to test it. # IOW, do not use this test as the basis to argue that this is how it SHOULD work. Thanks, yves. ok(!defined($error), "We do not expect the overloaded version of require to die from no arguments");