#!./perl -w BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; require './test.pl'; set_up_inc('../lib'); } use strict; plan tests => 40; package aiieee; sub zlopp { (shift =~ m?zlopp?) ? 1 : 0; } sub reset_zlopp { reset; } package CLINK; sub ZZIP { shift =~ m?ZZIP? ? 1 : 0; } sub reset_ZZIP { reset; } package main; is(aiieee::zlopp(""), 0, "mismatch doesn't match"); is(aiieee::zlopp("zlopp"), 1, "match matches first time"); is(aiieee::zlopp(""), 0, "mismatch doesn't match"); is(aiieee::zlopp("zlopp"), 0, "match doesn't match second time"); aiieee::reset_zlopp(); is(aiieee::zlopp("zlopp"), 1, "match matches after reset"); is(aiieee::zlopp(""), 0, "mismatch doesn't match"); aiieee::reset_zlopp(); is(aiieee::zlopp(""), 0, "mismatch doesn't match"); is(aiieee::zlopp("zlopp"), 1, "match matches first time"); is(CLINK::ZZIP(""), 0, "mismatch doesn't match"); is(CLINK::ZZIP("ZZIP"), 1, "match matches first time"); is(CLINK::ZZIP(""), 0, "mismatch doesn't match"); is(CLINK::ZZIP("ZZIP"), 0, "match doesn't match second time"); is(aiieee::zlopp(""), 0, "mismatch doesn't match"); is(aiieee::zlopp("zlopp"), 0, "match doesn't match second time"); aiieee::reset_zlopp(); is(aiieee::zlopp("zlopp"), 1, "match matches after reset"); is(aiieee::zlopp(""), 0, "mismatch doesn't match"); is(CLINK::ZZIP(""), 0, "mismatch doesn't match"); is(CLINK::ZZIP("ZZIP"), 0, "match doesn't match third time"); CLINK::reset_ZZIP(); is(CLINK::ZZIP("ZZIP"), 1, "match matches after reset"); is(CLINK::ZZIP(""), 0, "mismatch doesn't match"); sub match_foo{ "foo" =~ m?foo?; } match_foo(); reset ""; ok !match_foo(), 'reset "" leaves patterns alone [perl #97958]'; $scratch::a = "foo"; $scratch::a2 = "bar"; $scratch::b = "baz"; package scratch { reset "a" } is join("-", $scratch::a//'u', $scratch::a2//'u', $scratch::b//'u'), "u-u-baz", 'reset "char"'; $scratch::a = "foo"; $scratch::a2 = "bar"; $scratch::b = "baz"; $scratch::c = "sea"; package scratch { reset "bc" } is join("-", $scratch::a//'u', $scratch::a2//'u', $scratch::b//'u', $scratch::c//'u'), "foo-bar-u-u", 'reset "chars"'; $scratch::a = "foo"; $scratch::a2 = "bar"; $scratch::b = "baz"; $scratch::c = "sea"; package scratch { reset "a-b" } is join("-", $scratch::a//'u', $scratch::a2//'u', $scratch::b//'u', $scratch::c//'u'), "u-u-u-sea", 'reset "range"'; { no strict; ${"scratch::\0foo"} = "bar" } $scratch::a = "foo"; package scratch { reset "\0a" } is join("-", $scratch::a//'u', do { no strict; ${"scratch::\0foo"} }//'u'), "u-u", 'reset "\0char"'; $scratch::cow = __PACKAGE__; $scratch::qr = ${qr//}; $scratch::v = v6; $scratch::glob = *is; *scratch::ro = \1; package scratch { reset 'cqgvr' } is join ("-", map $_//'u', $scratch::cow, $scratch::qr, $scratch::v, $scratch::glob,$scratch::ro), 'u-u-u-u-1', 'cow, qr, vstring, glob, ro test'; @scratch::an_array = 1..3; %scratch::a_hash = 1..4; package scratch { reset 'a' } is @scratch::an_array, 0, 'resetting an array'; is %scratch::a_hash, 0, 'resetting a hash'; @scratch::an_array = 1..3; %scratch::an_array = 1..4; *scratch::an_array = \1; package scratch { reset 'a' } is @scratch::an_array, 0, 'resetting array in the same gv as a ro scalar'; is @scratch::an_array, 0, 'resetting a hash in the same gv as a ro scalar'; is $scratch::an_array, 1, 'reset skips ro scalars in the same gv as av/hv'; for our $z (*_) { { local *_; reset "z"; $z = 3; () = *_{SCALAR}; no warnings; () = "$_"; # used to crash } is ref\$z, "GLOB", 'reset leaves real-globs-as-scalars as GLOBs'; is $z, "*main::_", 'And the glob still has the right value'; } package _128106 { # Crash on non-globs in the stash. sub u; # stub without proto sub v($); # proto stub sub w{}; # as of 5.22, $::{w} == \&w $::{x} = undef; reset 'u-x'; ::ok (1, "no crash on non-globs in the stash"); } # This used to crash under threaded builds, because pmops were remembering # their stashes by name, rather than by pointer. fresh_perl_is( # it crashes more reliably with a smaller script 'package bar; sub foo { m??; BEGIN { *baz:: = *bar::; *bar:: = *foo:: } # The name "bar" no langer refers to the same package } undef &foo; # so freeing the op does not remove it from the stash\'s list $_ = ""; push @_, ($_) x 10000; # and its memory is scribbled over reset; # so reset on the original package tries to reset an invalid op print "ok\n";', "ok\n", {}, "no crash if package is effectively renamed before op is freed"); sub _117941 { package _117941; reset } delete $::{"_117941::"}; _117941(); pass("no crash when current package is freed"); undef $/; my $prog = ; SKIP: { eval {require threads; 1} or skip "No threads", 4; foreach my $eight ('/', '?') { foreach my $nine ('/', '?') { my $copy = $prog; $copy =~ s/8/$eight/gm; $copy =~ s/9/$nine/gm; fresh_perl_is($copy, "pass", {}, "first pattern $eight$eight, second $nine$nine"); } } } __DATA__ #!perl use warnings; use strict; # Note that there are no digits in this program, other than the placeholders sub a { m8one8; } sub b { m9two9; } use threads; use threads::shared; sub wipe { eval 'no warnings; sub b {}; 1' or die $@; } sub lock_then_wipe { my $l_r = shift; lock $$l_r; cond_wait($$l_r) until $$l_r eq "B"; wipe; $$l_r = "C"; cond_signal $$l_r; } my $lock : shared = "A"; my $r = \$lock; my $t; { lock $$r; $t = threads->new(\&lock_then_wipe, $r); wipe; $lock = "B"; cond_signal $lock; } { lock $lock; cond_wait($lock) until $lock eq "C"; reset; } $t->join; print "pass\n";