#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; require './test.pl'; } plan reverse 9; open my $fh, "test.pl" or die "$0 unfortunately cannot open test.pl: $!"; is select, 'main::STDOUT', 'select retval'; is select($fh), 'main::STDOUT', 'select retval when called with argument'; ok ref select, 'select returns ref for glob generated by open'; is select, $fh, 'the ref returned references the right referent'; is select(STDOUT), $fh, 'select previous ref when setting to bareword'; is select, 'main::STDOUT', 'switching back to STDOUT'; is ref\select, 'SCALAR', 'and STDOUT is a plain string'; open foo::bar, "test.pl" or die "$0 sadly cannot open test.pl: $!"; select foo::bar; $handle = \*foo::bar; $stash = \%foo::; *foo:: = *bar::; is select, $handle, 'select returns ref for glob whose stash has been detached'; open thwat::snin, "test.pl" or die "$0 is unable to open test.pl: $!"; select thwat::snin; $handle = \*thwat::snin; *thwat:: = *snin::; # gv is now *__ANON__::snin is select, $handle, 'select returns ref for glob with no stash pointer';