#!./perl # Tests sprintf, excluding handling of 64-bit integers or long # doubles (if supported), of machine-specific short and long # integers, machine-specific floating point exceptions (infinity, # not-a-number ...), of the effects of locale, and of features # specific to multi-byte characters (under use utf8 and such). BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; } use warnings; while () { s/^\s*>//; s/<\s*$//; push @tests, [split(/<\s*>/, $_, 4)]; } print '1..', scalar @tests, "\n"; $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { if ($_[0] =~ /^Invalid conversion/) { $w = ' INVALID'; } elsif ($_[0] =~ /^Use of uninitialized value/) { $w = ' UNINIT'; } else { warn @_; } }; for ($i = 1; @tests; $i++) { ($template, $data, $result, $comment) = @{shift @tests}; if ($^O eq 'os390' || $^O eq 's390') { # non-IEEE (s390 is UTS) $data =~ s/([eE])96$/${1}63/; # smaller exponents $result =~ s/([eE]\+)102$/${1}69/; # " " $data =~ s/([eE])\-101$/${1}-56/; # larger exponents $result =~ s/([eE])\-102$/${1}-57/; # " " } $evalData = eval $data; $w = undef; $x = sprintf(">$template<", defined @$evalData ? @$evalData : $evalData); substr($x, -1, 0) = $w if $w; # $x may have 3 exponent digits, not 2 my $y = $x; if ($y =~ s/([Ee][-+])0(\d)/$1$2/) { # if result is left-adjusted, append extra space if ($template =~ /%\+?\-/ and $result =~ / $/) { $y =~ s/<$/ 0/>00/; } # if result is right-adjusted, prepend extra space elsif ($result =~ /^ /) { $y =~ s/^>/> /; } } if ($x eq ">$result<") { print "ok $i\n"; } elsif ($y eq ">$result<") # Some C libraries always give { # three-digit exponent print("ok $i # >$result< $x three-digit exponent accepted\n"); } elsif ($result =~ /[-+]\d{3}$/ && # Suppress tests with modulo of exponent >= 100 on platforms # which can't handle such magnitudes (or where we can't tell). ((!eval {require POSIX}) || # Costly: only do this if we must! (length(&POSIX::DBL_MAX) - rindex(&POSIX::DBL_MAX, '+')) == 3)) { print("ok $i # >$template< >$data< >$result<", " Suppressed: exponent out of range?\n") } else { $y = ($x eq $y ? "" : " => $y"); print("not ok $i >$template< >$data< >$result< $x$y", $comment ? " # $comment\n" : "\n"); } } # In each of the the following lines, there are three required fields: # printf template, data to be formatted (as a Perl expression), and # expected result of formatting. An optional fourth field can contain # a comment. Each field is delimited by a starting '>' and a # finishing '<'; any whitespace outside these start and end marks is # not part of the field. If formatting requires more than one data # item (for example, if variable field widths are used), the Perl data # expression should return a reference to an array having the requisite # number of elements. Even so, subterfuge is sometimes required: see # tests for %n and %p. # # The following tests are not currently run, for the reasons stated: =pod =begin problematic >%.0f< >-0.1< >-0< >C library bug: no minus on VMS, HP-UX< >%.0f< >1.5< >2< >Standard vague: no rounding rules< >%.0f< >2.5< >2< >Standard vague: no rounding rules< >%G< >1234567e96< >1.23457E+102< >exponent too big for OS/390< >%G< >.1234567e-101< >1.23457E-102< >exponent too small for OS/390< >%e< >1234567E96< >1.234567e+102< >exponent too big for OS/390< >%e< >.1234567E-101< >1.234567e-102< >exponent too small for OS/390< >%g< >.1234567E-101< >1.23457e-102< >exponent too small for OS/390< >%g< >1234567E96< >1.23457e+102< >exponent too big for OS/390< =end problematic =cut # template data result __END__ >%6. 6s< >''< >%6. 6s INVALID< >(See use of $w in code above)< >%6 .6s< >''< >%6 .6s INVALID< >%6.6 s< >''< >%6.6 s INVALID< >%A< >''< >%A INVALID< >%B< >''< >%B INVALID< >%C< >''< >%C INVALID< >%D< >0x7fffffff< >2147483647< >Synonym for %ld< >%E< >123456.789< >1.234568E+05< >Like %e, but using upper-case "E"< >%F< >123456.789< >123456.789000< >Synonym for %f< >%G< >1234567.89< >1.23457E+06< >Like %g, but using upper-case "E"< >%G< >1234567e96< >1.23457E+102< >%G< >.1234567e-101< >1.23457E-102< >%G< >12345.6789< >12345.7< >%H< >''< >%H INVALID< >%I< >''< >%I INVALID< >%J< >''< >%J INVALID< >%K< >''< >%K INVALID< >%L< >''< >%L INVALID< >%M< >''< >%M INVALID< >%N< >''< >%N INVALID< >%O< >2**32-1< >37777777777< >Synonum for %lo< >%P< >''< >%P INVALID< >%Q< >''< >%Q INVALID< >%R< >''< >%R INVALID< >%S< >''< >%S INVALID< >%T< >''< >%T INVALID< >%U< >2**32-1< >4294967295< >Synonum for %lu< >%V< >''< >%V INVALID< >%W< >''< >%W INVALID< >%X< >2**32-1< >FFFFFFFF< >Like %x, but with u/c letters< >%#X< >2**32-1< >0XFFFFFFFF< >%Y< >''< >%Y INVALID< >%Z< >''< >%Z INVALID< >%a< >''< >%a INVALID< >%b< >2**32-1< >11111111111111111111111111111111< >%+b< >2**32-1< >11111111111111111111111111111111< >%#b< >2**32-1< >0b11111111111111111111111111111111< >%34b< >2**32-1< > 11111111111111111111111111111111< >%034b< >2**32-1< >0011111111111111111111111111111111< >%-34b< >2**32-1< >11111111111111111111111111111111 < >%-034b< >2**32-1< >11111111111111111111111111111111 < >%c< >ord('A')< >A< >%10c< >ord('A')< > A< >%#10c< >ord('A')< > A< ># modifier: no effect< >%010c< >ord('A')< >000000000A< >%10lc< >ord('A')< > A< >l modifier: no effect< >%10hc< >ord('A')< > A< >h modifier: no effect< >%10.5c< >ord('A')< > A< >precision: no effect< >%-10c< >ord('A')< >A < >%d< >123456.789< >123456< >%d< >-123456.789< >-123456< >%d< >0< >0< >%+d< >0< >+0< >%0d< >0< >0< >%.0d< >0< >< >%+.0d< >0< >+< >%.0d< >1< >1< >%d< >1< >1< >%+d< >1< >+1< >%#3.2d< >1< > 01< ># modifier: no effect< >%3.2d< >1< > 01< >%03.2d< >1< >001< >%-3.2d< >1< >01 < >%-03.2d< >1< >01 < >zero pad + left just.: no effect< >%d< >-1< >-1< >%+d< >-1< >-1< >%hd< >1< >1< >More extensive testing of< >%ld< >1< >1< >length modifiers would be< >%Vd< >1< >1< >platform-specific< >%vd< >chr(1)< >1< >%+vd< >chr(1)< >+1< >%#vd< >chr(1)< >1< >%vd< >"\01\02\03"< >1.2.3< >%v.3d< >"\01\02\03"< >001.002.003< >%0v3d< >"\01\02\03"< >001.002.003< >%-v3d< >"\01\02\03"< >1 .2 .3 < >%+-v3d< >"\01\02\03"< >+1 .2 .3 < >%v4.3d< >"\01\02\03"< > 001. 002. 003< >%0v4.3d< >"\01\02\03"< >0001.0002.0003< >%0*v2d< >['-', "\0\7\14"]< >00-07-12< >%v.*d< >["\01\02\03", 3]< >001.002.003< >%0v*d< >["\01\02\03", 3]< >001.002.003< >%-v*d< >["\01\02\03", 3]< >1 .2 .3 < >%+-v*d< >["\01\02\03", 3]< >+1 .2 .3 < >%v*.*d< >["\01\02\03", 4, 3]< > 001. 002. 003< >%0v*.*d< >["\01\02\03", 4, 3]< >0001.0002.0003< >%0*v*d< >['-', "\0\7\13", 2]< >00-07-11< >%e< >1234.875< >1.234875e+03< >%e< >0.000012345< >1.234500e-05< >%e< >1234567E96< >1.234567e+102< >%e< >0< >0.000000e+00< >%e< >.1234567E-101< >1.234567e-102< >%+e< >1234.875< >+1.234875e+03< >%#e< >1234.875< >1.234875e+03< >%e< >-1234.875< >-1.234875e+03< >%+e< >-1234.875< >-1.234875e+03< >%#e< >-1234.875< >-1.234875e+03< >%.0e< >1234.875< >1e+03< >%#.0e< >1234.875< >1.e+03< >%.*e< >[0, 1234.875]< >1e+03< >%.1e< >1234.875< >1.2e+03< >%-12.4e< >1234.875< >1.2349e+03 < >%12.4e< >1234.875< > 1.2349e+03< >%+-12.4e< >1234.875< >+1.2349e+03 < >%+12.4e< >1234.875< > +1.2349e+03< >%+-12.4e< >-1234.875< >-1.2349e+03 < >%+12.4e< >-1234.875< > -1.2349e+03< >%f< >1234.875< >1234.875000< >%+f< >1234.875< >+1234.875000< >%#f< >1234.875< >1234.875000< >%f< >-1234.875< >-1234.875000< >%+f< >-1234.875< >-1234.875000< >%#f< >-1234.875< >-1234.875000< >%6f< >1234.875< >1234.875000< >%*f< >[6, 1234.875]< >1234.875000< >%.0f< >1234.875< >1235< >%.1f< >1234.875< >1234.9< >%-8.1f< >1234.875< >1234.9 < >%8.1f< >1234.875< > 1234.9< >%+-8.1f< >1234.875< >+1234.9 < >%+8.1f< >1234.875< > +1234.9< >%+-8.1f< >-1234.875< >-1234.9 < >%+8.1f< >-1234.875< > -1234.9< >%*.*f< >[5, 2, 12.3456]< >12.35< >%f< >0< >0.000000< >%.0f< >0< >0< >%.0f< >2**38< >274877906944< >Should have exact int'l rep'n< >%.0f< >0.1< >0< >%.0f< >0.6< >1< >Known to fail with sfio and (irix|nonstop-ux|powerux)< >%.0f< >-0.6< >-1< >Known to fail with sfio and (irix|nonstop-ux|powerux)< >%.0f< >1< >1< >%#.0f< >1< >1.< >%g< >12345.6789< >12345.7< >%+g< >12345.6789< >+12345.7< >%#g< >12345.6789< >12345.7< >%.0g< >12345.6789< >1e+04< >%#.0g< >12345.6789< >1.e+04< >%.2g< >12345.6789< >1.2e+04< >%.*g< >[2, 12345.6789]< >1.2e+04< >%.9g< >12345.6789< >12345.6789< >%12.9g< >12345.6789< > 12345.6789< >%012.9g< >12345.6789< >0012345.6789< >%-12.9g< >12345.6789< >12345.6789 < >%*.*g< >[-12, 9, 12345.6789]< >12345.6789 < >%-012.9g< >12345.6789< >12345.6789 < >%g< >-12345.6789< >-12345.7< >%+g< >-12345.6789< >-12345.7< >%g< >1234567.89< >1.23457e+06< >%+g< >1234567.89< >+1.23457e+06< >%#g< >1234567.89< >1.23457e+06< >%g< >-1234567.89< >-1.23457e+06< >%+g< >-1234567.89< >-1.23457e+06< >%#g< >-1234567.89< >-1.23457e+06< >%g< >0.00012345< >0.00012345< >%g< >0.000012345< >1.2345e-05< >%g< >1234567E96< >1.23457e+102< >%g< >.1234567E-101< >1.23457e-102< >%g< >0< >0< >%13g< >1234567.89< > 1.23457e+06< >%+13g< >1234567.89< > +1.23457e+06< >%013g< >1234567.89< >001.23457e+06< >%-13g< >1234567.89< >1.23457e+06 < >%h< >''< >%h INVALID< >%i< >123456.789< >123456< >Synonym for %d< >%j< >''< >%j INVALID< >%k< >''< >%k INVALID< >%l< >''< >%l INVALID< >%m< >''< >%m INVALID< >%s< >sprintf('%%n%n %d', $n, $n)< >%n 2< >Slight sneakiness to test %n< >%o< >2**32-1< >37777777777< >%+o< >2**32-1< >37777777777< >%#o< >2**32-1< >037777777777< >%d< >$p=sprintf('%p',$p);$p=~/^[0-9a-f]+$/< >1< >Coarse hack: hex from %p?< >%#p< >''< >%#p INVALID< >%q< >''< >%q INVALID< >%r< >''< >%r INVALID< >%s< >'string'< >string< >%10s< >'string'< > string< >%+10s< >'string'< > string< >%#10s< >'string'< > string< >%010s< >'string'< >0000string< >%0*s< >[10, 'string']< >0000string< >%-10s< >'string'< >string < >%3s< >'string'< >string< >%.3s< >'string'< >str< >%.*s< >[3, 'string']< >str< >%t< >''< >%t INVALID< >%u< >2**32-1< >4294967295< >%+u< >2**32-1< >4294967295< >%#u< >2**32-1< >4294967295< >%12u< >2**32-1< > 4294967295< >%012u< >2**32-1< >004294967295< >%-12u< >2**32-1< >4294967295 < >%-012u< >2**32-1< >4294967295 < >%v< >''< >%v INVALID< >%w< >''< >%w INVALID< >%x< >2**32-1< >ffffffff< >%+x< >2**32-1< >ffffffff< >%#x< >2**32-1< >0xffffffff< >%10x< >2**32-1< > ffffffff< >%010x< >2**32-1< >00ffffffff< >%-10x< >2**32-1< >ffffffff < >%-010x< >2**32-1< >ffffffff < >%0-10x< >2**32-1< >ffffffff < >%0*x< >[-10, ,2**32-1]< >ffffffff < >%y< >''< >%y INVALID< >%z< >''< >%z INVALID< >%2$d %1$d< >[12, 34]< >34 12< >%*2$d< >[12, 3]< > 12< >%2$d %d< >[12, 34]< >34 12< >%2$d %d %d< >[12, 34]< >34 12 34< >%3$d %d %d< >[12, 34, 56]< >56 12 34< >%2$*3$d %d< >[12, 34, 3]< > 34 12< >%*3$2$d %d< >[12, 34, 3]< >%*3$2$d 34 INVALID< >%2$d< >12< >0 UNINIT< >%0$d< >12< >%0$d INVALID< >%1$$d< >12< >%1$$d INVALID< >%1$1$d< >12< >%1$1$d INVALID< >%*2$*2$d< >[12, 3]< >%*2$*2$d INVALID< >%*2*2$d< >[12, 3]< >%*2*2$d INVALID< >%0v2.2d< >''< ><