#!./perl print "1..108\n"; #P = start of string Q = start of substr R = end of substr S = end of string $a = 'abcdefxyz'; BEGIN { $^W = 1 }; $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { if ($_[0] =~ /^substr outside of string/) { $w++; } elsif ($_[0] =~ /^Attempt to use reference as lvalue in substr/) { $w += 2; } elsif ($_[0] =~ /^Use of uninitialized value/) { $w += 3; } else { warn $_[0]; } }; sub fail { !defined(shift) && $w-- }; print (substr($a,0,3) eq 'abc' ? "ok 1\n" : "not ok 1\n"); # P=Q R S print (substr($a,3,3) eq 'def' ? "ok 2\n" : "not ok 2\n"); # P Q R S print (substr($a,6,999) eq 'xyz' ? "ok 3\n" : "not ok 3\n"); # P Q S R print (fail(substr($a,999,999)) ? "ok 4\n" : "not ok 4\n"); # P R Q S print (substr($a,0,-6) eq 'abc' ? "ok 5\n" : "not ok 5\n"); # P=Q R S print (substr($a,-3,1) eq 'x' ? "ok 6\n" : "not ok 6\n"); # P Q R S $[ = 1; print (substr($a,1,3) eq 'abc' ? "ok 7\n" : "not ok 7\n"); # P=Q R S print (substr($a,4,3) eq 'def' ? "ok 8\n" : "not ok 8\n"); # P Q R S print (substr($a,7,999) eq 'xyz' ? "ok 9\n" : "not ok 9\n"); # P Q S R print (fail(substr($a,999,999)) ? "ok 10\n" : "not ok 10\n");# P R Q S print (substr($a,1,-6) eq 'abc' ? "ok 11\n" : "not ok 11\n");# P=Q R S print (substr($a,-3,1) eq 'x' ? "ok 12\n" : "not ok 12\n"); # P Q R S $[ = 0; substr($a,3,3) = 'XYZ'; print $a eq 'abcXYZxyz' ? "ok 13\n" : "not ok 13\n"; substr($a,0,2) = ''; print $a eq 'cXYZxyz' ? "ok 14\n" : "not ok 14\n"; substr($a,0,0) = 'ab'; print $a eq 'abcXYZxyz' ? "ok 15\n" : "not ok 15 $a\n"; substr($a,0,0) = '12345678'; print $a eq '12345678abcXYZxyz' ? "ok 16\n" : "not ok 16\n"; substr($a,-3,3) = 'def'; print $a eq '12345678abcXYZdef' ? "ok 17\n" : "not ok 17\n"; substr($a,-3,3) = '<'; print $a eq '12345678abcXYZ<' ? "ok 18\n" : "not ok 18\n"; substr($a,-1,1) = '12345678'; print $a eq '12345678abcXYZ12345678' ? "ok 19\n" : "not ok 19\n"; $a = 'abcdefxyz'; print (substr($a,6) eq 'xyz' ? "ok 20\n" : "not ok 20\n"); # P Q R=S print (substr($a,-3) eq 'xyz' ? "ok 21\n" : "not ok 21\n"); # P Q R=S print (fail(substr($a,999)) ? "ok 22\n" : "not ok 22\n"); # P R=S Q print (substr($a,0) eq 'abcdefxyz' ? "ok 23\n" : "not ok 23\n");# P=Q R=S print (substr($a,9) eq '' ? "ok 24\n" : "not ok 24\n"); # P Q=R=S print (substr($a,-11) eq 'abcdefxyz' ? "ok 25\n" : "not ok 25\n");# Q P R=S print (substr($a,-9) eq 'abcdefxyz' ? "ok 26\n" : "not ok 26\n"); # P=Q R=S $a = '54321'; print (fail(substr($a,-7, 1)) ? "ok 27\n" : "not ok 27\n"); # Q R P S print (fail(substr($a,-7,-6)) ? "ok 28\n" : "not ok 28\n"); # Q R P S print (substr($a,-5,-7) eq '' ? "ok 29\n" : "not ok 29\n"); # R P=Q S print (substr($a, 2,-7) eq '' ? "ok 30\n" : "not ok 30\n"); # R P Q S print (substr($a,-3,-7) eq '' ? "ok 31\n" : "not ok 31\n"); # R P Q S print (substr($a, 2,-5) eq '' ? "ok 32\n" : "not ok 32\n"); # P=R Q S print (substr($a,-3,-5) eq '' ? "ok 33\n" : "not ok 33\n"); # P=R Q S print (substr($a, 2,-4) eq '' ? "ok 34\n" : "not ok 34\n"); # P R Q S print (substr($a,-3,-4) eq '' ? "ok 35\n" : "not ok 35\n"); # P R Q S print (substr($a, 5,-6) eq '' ? "ok 36\n" : "not ok 36\n"); # R P Q=S print (substr($a, 5,-5) eq '' ? "ok 37\n" : "not ok 37\n"); # P=R Q S print (substr($a, 5,-3) eq '' ? "ok 38\n" : "not ok 38\n"); # P R Q=S print (fail(substr($a, 7,-7)) ? "ok 39\n" : "not ok 39\n"); # R P S Q print (fail(substr($a, 7,-5)) ? "ok 40\n" : "not ok 40\n"); # P=R S Q print (fail(substr($a, 7,-3)) ? "ok 41\n" : "not ok 41\n"); # P R S Q print (fail(substr($a, 7, 0)) ? "ok 42\n" : "not ok 42\n"); # P S Q=R print (substr($a,-7,2) eq '' ? "ok 43\n" : "not ok 43\n"); # Q P=R S print (substr($a,-7,4) eq '54' ? "ok 44\n" : "not ok 44\n"); # Q P R S print (substr($a,-7,7) eq '54321' ? "ok 45\n" : "not ok 45\n");# Q P R=S print (substr($a,-7,9) eq '54321' ? "ok 46\n" : "not ok 46\n");# Q P S R print (substr($a,-5,0) eq '' ? "ok 47\n" : "not ok 47\n"); # P=Q=R S print (substr($a,-5,3) eq '543' ? "ok 48\n" : "not ok 48\n");# P=Q R S print (substr($a,-5,5) eq '54321' ? "ok 49\n" : "not ok 49\n");# P=Q R=S print (substr($a,-5,7) eq '54321' ? "ok 50\n" : "not ok 50\n");# P=Q S R print (substr($a,-3,0) eq '' ? "ok 51\n" : "not ok 51\n"); # P Q=R S print (substr($a,-3,3) eq '321' ? "ok 52\n" : "not ok 52\n");# P Q R=S print (substr($a,-2,3) eq '21' ? "ok 53\n" : "not ok 53\n"); # P Q S R print (substr($a,0,-5) eq '' ? "ok 54\n" : "not ok 54\n"); # P=Q=R S print (substr($a,2,-3) eq '' ? "ok 55\n" : "not ok 55\n"); # P Q=R S print (substr($a,0,0) eq '' ? "ok 56\n" : "not ok 56\n"); # P=Q=R S print (substr($a,0,5) eq '54321' ? "ok 57\n" : "not ok 57\n");# P=Q R=S print (substr($a,0,7) eq '54321' ? "ok 58\n" : "not ok 58\n");# P=Q S R print (substr($a,2,0) eq '' ? "ok 59\n" : "not ok 59\n"); # P Q=R S print (substr($a,2,3) eq '321' ? "ok 60\n" : "not ok 60\n"); # P Q R=S print (substr($a,5,0) eq '' ? "ok 61\n" : "not ok 61\n"); # P Q=R=S print (substr($a,5,2) eq '' ? "ok 62\n" : "not ok 62\n"); # P Q=S R print (substr($a,-7,-5) eq '' ? "ok 63\n" : "not ok 63\n"); # Q P=R S print (substr($a,-7,-2) eq '543' ? "ok 64\n" : "not ok 64\n");# Q P R S print (substr($a,-5,-5) eq '' ? "ok 65\n" : "not ok 65\n"); # P=Q=R S print (substr($a,-5,-2) eq '543' ? "ok 66\n" : "not ok 66\n");# P=Q R S print (substr($a,-3,-3) eq '' ? "ok 67\n" : "not ok 67\n"); # P Q=R S print (substr($a,-3,-1) eq '32' ? "ok 68\n" : "not ok 68\n");# P Q R S $a = ''; print (substr($a,-2,2) eq '' ? "ok 69\n" : "not ok 69\n"); # Q P=R=S print (substr($a,0,0) eq '' ? "ok 70\n" : "not ok 70\n"); # P=Q=R=S print (substr($a,0,1) eq '' ? "ok 71\n" : "not ok 71\n"); # P=Q=S R print (substr($a,-2,3) eq '' ? "ok 72\n" : "not ok 72\n"); # Q P=S R print (substr($a,-2) eq '' ? "ok 73\n" : "not ok 73\n"); # Q P=R=S print (substr($a,0) eq '' ? "ok 74\n" : "not ok 74\n"); # P=Q=R=S print (substr($a,0,-1) eq '' ? "ok 75\n" : "not ok 75\n"); # R P=Q=S print (fail(substr($a,-2,0)) ? "ok 76\n" : "not ok 76\n"); # Q=R P=S print (fail(substr($a,-2,1)) ? "ok 77\n" : "not ok 77\n"); # Q R P=S print (fail(substr($a,-2,-1)) ? "ok 78\n" : "not ok 78\n"); # Q R P=S print (fail(substr($a,-2,-2)) ? "ok 79\n" : "not ok 79\n"); # Q=R P=S print (fail(substr($a,1,-2)) ? "ok 80\n" : "not ok 81\n"); # R P=S Q print (fail(substr($a,1,1)) ? "ok 81\n" : "not ok 81\n"); # P=S Q R print (fail(substr($a,1,0)) ? "ok 82\n" : "not ok 82\n"); # P=S Q=R print (fail(substr($a,1)) ? "ok 83\n" : "not ok 83\n"); # P=R=S Q my $a = 'zxcvbnm'; substr($a,2,0) = ''; print $a eq 'zxcvbnm' ? "ok 84\n" : "not ok 84\n"; substr($a,7,0) = ''; print $a eq 'zxcvbnm' ? "ok 85\n" : "not ok 85\n"; substr($a,5,0) = ''; print $a eq 'zxcvbnm' ? "ok 86\n" : "not ok 86\n"; substr($a,0,2) = 'pq'; print $a eq 'pqcvbnm' ? "ok 87\n" : "not ok 87\n"; substr($a,2,0) = 'r'; print $a eq 'pqrcvbnm' ? "ok 88\n" : "not ok 88\n"; substr($a,8,0) = 'asd'; print $a eq 'pqrcvbnmasd' ? "ok 89\n" : "not ok 89\n"; substr($a,0,2) = 'iop'; print $a eq 'ioprcvbnmasd' ? "ok 90\n" : "not ok 90\n"; substr($a,0,5) = 'fgh'; print $a eq 'fghvbnmasd' ? "ok 91\n" : "not ok 91\n"; substr($a,3,5) = 'jkl'; print $a eq 'fghjklsd' ? "ok 92\n" : "not ok 92\n"; substr($a,3,2) = '1234'; print $a eq 'fgh1234lsd' ? "ok 93\n" : "not ok 93\n"; # with lexicals (and in re-entered scopes) for (0,1) { my $txt; unless ($_) { $txt = "Foo"; substr($txt, -1) = "X"; print $txt eq "FoX" ? "ok 94\n" : "not ok 94\n"; } else { local $^W = 0; # because of (spurious?) "uninitialised value" substr($txt, 0, 1) = "X"; print $txt eq "X" ? "ok 95\n" : "not ok 95\n"; } } # coercion of references { my $s = []; substr($s, 0, 1) = 'Foo'; print substr($s,0,7) eq "FooRRAY" && !($w-=2) ? "ok 96\n" : "not ok 96\n"; } # check no spurious warnings print $w ? "not ok 97\n" : "ok 97\n"; # check new 4 arg replacement syntax $a = "abcxyz"; $w = 0; print "not " unless substr($a, 0, 3, "") eq "abc" && $a eq "xyz"; print "ok 98\n"; print "not " unless substr($a, 0, 0, "abc") eq "" && $a eq "abcxyz"; print "ok 99\n"; print "not " unless substr($a, 3, -1, "") eq "xy" && $a eq "abcz"; print "ok 100\n"; print "not " unless substr($a, 3, undef, "xy") eq "" && $a eq "abcxyz" && $w == 3; print "ok 101\n"; $w = 0; print "not " unless substr($a, 3, 9999999, "") eq "xyz" && $a eq "abc"; print "ok 102\n"; print "not " unless fail(substr($a, -99, 0, "")); print "ok 103\n"; print "not " unless fail(substr($a, 99, 3, "")); print "ok 104\n"; substr($a, 0, length($a), "foo"); print "not " unless $a eq "foo" && !$w; print "ok 105\n"; # using 4 arg substr as lvalue is a compile time error eval 'substr($a,0,0,"") = "abc"'; print "not " unless $@ && $@ =~ /Can't modify substr/ && $a eq "foo"; print "ok 106\n"; $a = "abcdefgh"; print "not " unless sub { shift }->(substr($a, 0, 4, "xxxx")) eq 'abcd'; print "ok 107\n"; print "not " unless $a eq 'xxxxefgh'; print "ok 108\n";